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found in the upper outer quadrant of the thigh, as opposed   segments 4 and 5 arising from the TBLCFA and in segment
           to the study of Kim  et al.,  which showed perforators   5 for perforators arising from the DBLCFA. Our study
           primarily in the lower outer quadrant of the thigh.  showed an overall kappa value of 1 (very good agreement)
                                                               for MDCTA in demonstrating the source of perforators,
           Sensitivity,  specificity,  accuracy  of  Doppler   similar to the study by Garvey et al.,  The Doppler was
           versus MDCTA in localization                        unable to provide any information regarding source
           Yu et al.,  in 2006, evaluated the accuracy of handheld   vessel, course, and size of perforators.
           Doppler and found it to be overly sensitive, poorly specific,
           and inaccurate in locating perforators. The current study   Surgeons’ stress levels
           showed  an  overall  sensitivity  of  74%  and  specificity  of   This study attempted to objectively classify the stress level
           80.86% for Doppler in the demonstration of the presence   of a surgeon during flap harvest and perforator dissection.
           of a perforator. Lin et al.  conducted another study in   Taylor et al. [3,14]  used the retrograde VAS to assess the surgeons’
           2011 in which MDCTA demonstrated a sensitivity of 74%   stress levels during deep inferior epigastric artery perforator
           and specificity of 90% in 16 patients. The current study   (DIEP) dissection. This was subjectable to recall bias and
           showed a sensitivity and specificity for MDCTA of 85.71%   hence unreliable. In our study, the surgeon’s operative stress
           and 97.22% in demonstrating the presence of a perforator   score  was  analyzed  prospectively.  The  difference  in  mean
           [Table 3], while that for Doppler alone was 80% and 87.91%,   scores of the surgeon’s stress level during flap harvest was not
           respectively in Group 1 [Table 4]. MDCTA was superior   statistically significant, likely secondary to the small number
           to Doppler in accurate localization of the perforators in   of cases. However, the mean flap harvest time for Surgeon
           segments 3, 4, and 6. However, no difference was seen   A was significantly less in Group 1 (P = 0.046). No similar
           in segment 5. Doppler showed less accuracy in localizing   studies have been reported in literature.
           perforators when the BMI increased.
           Perforator source                                   This study found no significant differences in flap
           The sensitivity of MDCTA in the detection of the source of   survival or donor site complications in patients who
           the perforators decreased from proximal to distal while   underwent MDCTA versus those who did not (P =
           the specificity remained high in all segments, similar to   0.26). This is in contrast to other studies of the DIEP
           a study by Garvey  et al.  Perforators appeared to be   flap, where preoperative MDCTA significantly decreased
           better visualized when surrounded by subcutaneous fat,   the  incidence  of  marginal  necrosis  and  donor  site
           which decreases from proximal to distal in the thigh.   morbidity.  However, it would probably be incorrect to
           MDCTA had 100% sensitivity, 91.66% specificity, and 100%   extrapolate data obtained from an abdominal donor site
           accuracy in demonstrating the source of perforators in   and compare it to a thigh donor site. In the current study,
           Table 2: Segmental distribution of perforators
                                        Intraoperative                   Preoperative            P
            Perforator          Group 1               Group 2         MDCTA     Doppler   MDCTA    Doppler
            segment        n       Percentage    n      Percentage      n         n
            3              1          7.14       2         13.33        1         0
            4              5         35.71       4         26.66        6         2
            5              7         50.00       8         53.33        4         22       0.666    0.034
            6              1          7.14       1         6.33         0         4
            7              0         0.00        0         0.00         0         1
           MDCTA: multi-detector row computed tomography angiography

           Table 3: Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of MDCTA to demonstrate the presence of a perforator in Group 1
           Segment      Sensitivity %     95% CI        Specificity %    95% CI       Accuracy %      κ
           3               100           5.46-100          100          71.65-100        100         NA
           4               100           46.29-100         88.89        50.67-99.4       92.8        0.85
           5               57.14        20.23-88.19        100          56.09-100        78.5        0.78
           6               NA              NA              100          71.66-100        92.8        NA
           Overall         85.71                           97.22
           CI: confidence interval; NA: not applicable; MDCTA: multi-detector row computed tomography angiography

           Table 4: Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of handheld Doppler to demonstrate the presence of a perforator in
           Group 1
           Segment     Sensitivity %    95% CI       Specificity %     95% CI        Accuracy        κ
           4               40          7.26-82.96        100          62.88-100        78.87        0.46
           5              100          56.01-100        71.43        30.25-94.89       85.71        0.71
           6              100          54.6-100         92.31        62.08-99.60       92.85        0.63
           Overall         80                           87.91
           CI: confidence interval
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