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Figure 3: Case 9: (a) Sensate ALT flap, LCFN included; (b) intraoperative
         sizable septocutaneous perforator (TBLCFAP-s) was 18 cm from ASIS as
         determined preoperatively by MDCTA; (c) 8 weeks postoperative showing
         well settled sensate ALT flap; (d) posttraumatic heel defect with exposed
         calcaneus. ALT: anterolateral thigh; LCFN: lateral cutaneous femoral nerve;
         ASIS: anterior superior iliac spine; MDCTA: multi-detector row computed
         tomography angiography; TBLCFAP-s: septocutaneous perforator from
         transverse branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery through spectrum
                                                             Figure 4: Case 4: (a) "X" denotes Doppler signal, "•" denotes MDCTA
                                                             preoperative perforator localization; (b) plastic buttons at segments of thigh
         (71 min) and Group 2 (95 min) was statistically significant   along AP line. Doppler signal at 3.5 cm and 5.5 cm above midpoint of AP line;
         (P = 0.046). Perioperative details are shown in Table 1.   (c) MDCTA axial section showing TBLCFAP; (d) sizable semi-septocutaneous
         Figures 2 and 3 are representative of case 9, and Figure 4 is   perforator (TBLCFAP-ssc) 15 cm from ASIS and two other septocutaneous
                                                             perforators DBLCFAP-s which correlated with preoperative MDCTA; (e) and (f)
         representative of case 4.                           same TBLCFAP seen in coronal and sagittal sections. MDCTA: multi-detector
                                                             row computed tomography angiography; TBLCFAP-ssc: semi-septocutaneous
         DISCUSSION                                          perforator arising from transverse branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery;
                                                             DBLCFAP-s: septocutaneous perforator arising from descending branch of
                                                             lateral circumflex femoral artery
         The vascular basis of the ALT flap has been extensively studied
         since its introduction by Song et al.  30 years ago. Although   perforator arising from an OBLCFA (a branch of DBLCFA),
         anatomy of the lateral circumflex femoral source vessel is   which on MDCTA was thought to be an intramuscular
         quite consistent, the perforators to the skin territory can have   perforator arising from the DBLCFA. This was similar to
         multiple variations.  Various imaging modalities have been   the study by Wong et al.,  in which the oblique branch
         used to predict the course and location of the perforators,   predominantly arises from the DBLCFA.
         of which MDCTA has been found to be the most consistent. [9]
                                                             Segmental distribution of perforators
         Perforator(s) number and type                       Most of the perforators in this study were concentrated
         In the current study, MDCTA did not affect the choice of limb   in segments 4 and 5 (24/29) [Table 2], which differed
         (whether right or left side) for flap harvest as compared to   from the study by Kim  et al.,  in which perforators
         a study by Rozen et al.  The current study demonstrated   were concentrated in segments 5 and 6. There was no
         an average of 1.45  perforators per limb, with 51.75%   difference in the segmental distribution of perforators
         (15/29) SC and 48.25% (14/29) MC perforators. There were   when comparison was made between MDCTA and
         no perforators in 5% (one) of the patients. These findings   intraoperative  findings.  However,  the  difference  was
         differed from those published by Kimata et al.,  in which   statistically significant when compared to findings with
         81.9%  of the perforators were MC, 18.9%  were SC, and   Doppler localization (P = 0.034) [Table 2]. When the
         there was no perforator in 5% of the patients. In the current   intraoperative  segmental  distributions  of  perforator
         study, SSC comprised 37.1% (5/14) of the total number of   types were analyzed, it was noted that both SC (n = 8)
         MC perforators, which differs from the study of Kim et al.,    and MC (n = 7) perforators were concentrated in segment
         which showed SSC  in  4.6% of patients.  However,  MDCTA   5. However, SSC perforators were localized in proximal
         failed to accurately label the SSC perforator in 2 patients   segments 3 (n = 2) and segment 4 (n = 2). This differed
         and instead identified them as SC. This is consistent with   from the study by Lin et al.,  in which the SC perforators
         the observation that more careful evaluation is required for   were located in more proximal segments than the MC
         identification of SSC perforators. [9]              perforators. When the perforator quadrant was mapped
                                                             in consistent with similar study by Yu et al.  MDCTA was
         Perforator source                                   independent of body mass index (BMI).
         There was no difference between MDCTA and
         intraoperative findings for the source of perforators,   Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy of MDCTA in segments 4
         indicating  the  efficacy  of  MDCTA.  One  patient  had  a   and 5 on the right and left thighs, most of perforators were
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