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closer to the mean in the MDCTA-intraoperative plot,   between the mean VAS of Group 1 (2.1) and Group 2 (2.5)
           indicating a good agreement in the locations of the   was not statistically significant (P = 0.63). The difference
           perforators as compared to the Doppler-intraoperative   between mean flap harvest time of Group 1 (87.5 min)
           plot which was dispersed away from the mean.        and Group 2 (117.5 min) was not statistically significant
                                                               (P = 0.28). However, operator bias cannot be ruled out.
           Surgeons’ stress levels                             Surgeon A (chief surgeon) performed an equal number of
           A VAS was used to record the level of stress experienced   surgeries (five) in each group, of which two cases in each
           by the surgeon during flap harvest. The difference   group required an intramuscular perforator dissection
                                                               for perforators  arising from  the  DLBCFA.  The  difference
                                                               between mean flap harvest time for Surgeon A in Group 1

                                                               Figure 2: (a-c) Case 9: MDCTA coronal, sagittal, and axial section showing
           Figure 1: Bland-Altman plot for determining agreement between   TBLCFAP-s 18 cm from ASIS. MDCTA: multi-detector row computed
           multi-detector row computed tomography angiography, Doppler, and   tomography angiography; ASIS: anterior superior iliac spine; TBLCFAP-s:
           intraoperative perforator location. IO: intraoperative; SD: standard   septocutaneous perforator from transverse branch of lateral circumflex
           deviation                                           femoral artery through spectrum
           Table 1: Perioperative details
           Patient Diagnosis               Group       Perforator       Concordance  Sizable    VAS   Time
                                                                                     Perforator       (min)
                                                Type CTA  Type IO    Doppler  MDCTA
           1     Grade 3B fracture lower one-third leg  1  No perforator No perforator  No  Yes  VL muscle  4  115
           2     Carcinoma buccal mucosa     1  MC        MC, SC, SC  Yes, yes  Yes  TBLCFAP-vl  3     80
           3     Carcinoma buccal mucosa     1  SC        SC, SC     Yes, yes  Yes   DBLCFAP-s   1     60
           4     Type 3A maxillectomy defect   1  SC, SC  SC         No, no  Yes, yes  DBLCFAP-s  3   100
                 (invasive aspergillosis)
           5     Carcinoma buccal mucosa     1  MC        MC         Yes     Yes     DBLCFAP-vl  1     75
           6     Traumatic sole defect       1  SC        SSC        Yes     Yes     OBLCFAP-vl  2    115
           7     Forearm electrical burns    1  MC, SC    MC, SSC    No      Yes     DBLCFAP-vl  2    100
           8     Heel unstable scar          1  SC        SC         No      Yes     TBLCFAP-s   2     55
           9     Traumatic heel defect       1  SC        SC         No      Yes     TBLCFAP-s   2    110
           10    Traumatic heel defect       1            SSC        No      Yes     DBLCFAP-vl  1     65
           11    Carcinoma buccal mucosa     2  NA        MC         No      NA      DBLCFAP-vl  1     85
           12    Traumatic elbow defect      2  NA        SSC, SC    No, yes  NA     TBLCFAP-vl  4     95
           13    Grade 3B fracture lower 1/3 leg  2  NA   MC, MC     No      NA      DBLCFAP-s   3     85
           14    Type 4 maxillectomy defect   2  NA       MC         Yes     NA      DBLCFAP-vl+   4  125
                 (carcinoma maxillary sinus)                                         AMTP
           15    Grade 3B fracture lower 1/3 leg  2  NA   MC, SC     No      NA      DBLCFAP-vl  1    105
           16    Hand degloving              2  NA        MC, SC (AMT) Yes   NA      DBLCFAP-s   4    180
           17    Open wrist joint and hand defect  2  NA  SC         Yes, no  NA     TBLCFAP-vl  4    215
           18    Grade 3 B fracture mid 1/3 leg  2  NA    SC         Yes     NA      DBLCFAP-s   2     95
           19    Carcinoma buccal mucosa     2  NA        SC         Yes     NA      DBLCFAP-s   1     85
           20    Forearm contour correction  2  NA        SC         Yes     NA      DBLCFAP-s   1    105
           AMTP: anteromedial thigh perforator; MDCTA: multi-detector row computed tomography angiography; DBLCFAP-s: descending branch lateral
           circumflex femoral artery perforator through septum; DBLCFAP-vl: descending branch lateral circumflex femoral artery perforator through vastus
           lateralis; IO: intraoperative; MC: musculocutaneous; NA: not applicable; OBLCFAP-vl: oblique branch lateral circumflex femoral artery perforator
           through vastus lateralis; SC: septocutaneous; SSC: semi-septocutaneous; TBLCFAP-vl: transverse branch lateral circumflex femoral artery perforator
           through vastus lateralis; TBLCFAP-s: transverse branch lateral circumflex femoral artery perforator through septum; VAS: visual analog scale; VL: vastus
           lateralis; AMT: anteromedial thigh
           Plast Aesthet Res || Vol 3 || Issue 2 || Feb 29, 2016                                               55
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