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INTRODUCTION                                        who  presented  with  soft  tissue  necrosis  were  subjected
                                                             to  surgical  debridement  prior  to  6  sessions  of  HBO
         Snakebite   injuries   of   the   extremities   are   common   in   therapy. The patients were followed up for the effects and
         India,   among   those   involved   in   farming   and   outdoor   complications of the treatment.
         activities.  There  are  approximately  400  poisonous  species
         among  2,000  species  of  snakes  known  worldwide.  These   RESULTS
         species   belong   to   the   families   of    Elapidae,   Viperidae,
                                                             Of  a  total  395  patients,  174  patients  treated  with  ASV
         Hydrophiidae,  and  Colubridae.   Viper  bites  are  the  most   with  a  mortality  of  17  posttreatment.  Forty-four  out  of
         common poisonous bites sustained by humans. [2,3]  Russell’s   the 174 patients were in the pediatric age group [Table 1]. Of
         viper   (Viperarusselli)   is   the   most   common   species   in   the patients referred to our department, 23 presented with
         South  Asia  and  considered  as  an  occupational  hazard  in   cellulitis,  7  with  compartment  syndrome,  and  17  for
         the farming community. The World Health Organization has   the management of soft tissue cover over the extremities.
         estimated  that  approximately  125,000  deaths  occur  from   Of  the  47  patients,  30  involved  the  lower  extremity
         250,000 poisonous snake bites worldwide every year. India   and  rest  involved  the  upper  extremity.  All  patients  were
         alone  accounts  for  10,000  deaths. [4,5]   These  snake  bites   subjected  to  HBO  therapy  as  an  adjunct.  Six  patients
         involve predominantly young, healthy, and the able-bodied   required flap cover: cross finger flap (n = 2), anterolateral
         working population in rural areas. Children and the elderly   thigh  free  tissue  transfer  (n  =  1),  lateral  supramalleolar
         are most susceptible to mortality. [5,6]  Most of these injuries   flap  (n  =  1),  groin  flap  (n  =  1),  and  dorsal  metacarpal
         involve  the  extremities.  This  results  in  pain  and  swelling   artery  flap  (n  =  1)  [Tables  2  and  3].  There  was  no  need
         of the bitten region, leading to cellulitis and compartment   for  fasciotomy  among  patients  who  suffered  impending
         syndrome,   in   addition   to   systemic   toxicity.   The   main   compartment syndrome.
         cause  of  mortality  is  the  lack  of  a  systematic  approach  or
         protocol for the management of such injuries. The purpose   Case 1
         of the study is to share our experience of multidisciplinary   A  5-year-old  boy  was  admitted  with  a  snakebite  injury
         approach  in  the  management  of  snakebite  injuries  of  the   to  the  lower  third  of  his  right  leg.  He  presented  with
         extremities  with  various  treatment  modalities  including   compartment   syndrome   of   the   right   leg   and   foot
         hyperbaric  oxygen  (HBO)  therapy,  surgical  debridement,   [Figure   1a   and   b].   HBO   therapy   was   administered
         and  skin  grafting,  local  or  distant  flaps  to  provide  a   for    six    sessions    following    admission.    The    patient
         treatment  for  effective  management  of  such  injuries    recovered   from   the   syndrome   without   any   surgical
         from a plastic surgeon’s perspective.               intervention [Figure 1c].

         METHODS                                             Case 2
                                                             An  8-year-old  boy  was  admitted  with  a  snakebite  injury
         All  patients  who  were  treated  for  snakebite  injuries  in   to  the  dorsum  of  his  right  foot.  He  presented  with
         our department between October 2012 and October 2013   compartment  syndrome  and  discoloration  at  the  bite
         were  included  in  the  study.  All  patients  received  tetanus   site  [Figure  2a].  HBO  therapy  was  administered  for  six
         toxoid.  The  snakebites  were  assessed  by  an  emergency   sessions  following  admission,  and  sequential  evaluation
         physician   who   classified   them   into   poisonous   and   was  performed  [Figure  2b-d].  After  demarcation  of  the
         nonpoisonous snakebites clinically. Anti-snake venom (ASV)   nonviable  tissue,  debridement,  and  skin  grafting  was
         was  administered  accordingly.  Antibiotics,  diuretics,  and   done [Figure 2e].
         blood  products  were  administered  as  indicated.  Patients
         were  initially  admitted  to  the  Departments  of  Medicine   Case 3
         or  Pediatrics.  They  were  only  subsequently  referred  to   A   45-year-old   male   presented   with   soft   tissue   loss
         the  plastic  surgery  department  if  cellulitis,  compartment   measuring  8  cm  ×  7  cm  ×  2  cm  over  the  lower  third
         syndrome or soft tissue loss was suspected. The treatment   of his right leg and lateral aspect of his ankle [Figure 3a].
         of  soft  tissue  complications  was  done  only  after  critical   Wound  debridement  was  performed,  and  the  resultant
         stabilization  of  the  patient.  Patients  with  cellulitis  and   soft  tissue  defect  was  covered  with  a  left  anterolateral
         compartment  syndrome  were  subjected  to  HBO  therapy.   thigh  flap  [Figure  3b].  Six  sessions  of  HBO  therapy  was
         Administration  of  HBO  therapy  was  done  in  a  monoplace   performed postoperatively.
         chamber  where  a  single  patient  is  placed  in  a  chamber
         that  is  then  pressurized  to  1.8-2.4  atmospheres  with   DISCUSSION
         100%  oxygen.  HBO  therapy  was  administered  in  6  daily
         sessions,  with  each  session  lasting  90  min.  The  sessions   Snake envenomations have the highest incidence in Asian
         were  extended  according  to  the  clinical  progress  of  the   countries   resulting   in   gross   morbidity   and   mortality.
         disease   judged   by   the   clinician.   The   daily   treatment   Males  are  more  commonly  affected  than  females,  as  they
         sessions   were   extended   another   week   if   insufficient   are  mostly  involved  in  farming  and  outdoor  activities.
         softness  of  the  tissue  was  attained.  The  regimen  for   The  predominant  age  group  affected  is  those  between 20
         pediatric  patients  was  identical,  although  parents  were   and  40  years.   The  most  common  symptoms  are  pain
         allowed  to  accompany  the  child  in  the  chamber.  Patients   and  swelling  of  the  bitten  region.  Systemic  signs  include
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