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Kanevsky et al.                                                                                                                                                                              Stretch device for scar therapy

                                               Control (1)                     Control scar (2)                      Sham (3)

                                                 0.5× (4)                                 1× (5)                                 2× (6)
           Figure 2: Representative mice from 5 stretch strength groups, with the incision and stretch guidelines. Control mouse and each stretch
           strength group are shown

           Review Board. All mice were female, Balb/C weighing   treatment with device under isoflurane anesthesia. Five
           19-21 g. Thirty mice were divided equally into 5 groups   days after the last stretch treatment, at 20 days post-
           (control scar, sham, 0.5×, 1×, 2×), with 1 mouse not   incision, all mice were euthanized. The wounds were
           making it into the control group [Figure 2]. After anesthesia   harvested and bisected with one piece fixed in formalin
           was induced with isoflurane, mice were shaved and a 3-cm   for histology and the other snap frozen in liquid nitrogen
           incision was made with a scalpel in the middle of the back   for biochemical analysis.
           at the level of the scapula as per the procedure described
           by Bouffard et al.  Incisions were closed primarily with   Morphologic scar assessment
           Steri-strips  and were carefully observed to maintain   Photos of scars 15 days after beginning tissue stretch
           close primary approximation. Steri-strips remained in   (20 days post incision) were qualitatively analyzed by
           place for five days until the device adhesive was applied.   two blinded reviewers using the Vancouver Scar Scale.
           Mice were observed daily to confirm continuous primary
           closure of the wounds.                             Histologic analysis
                                                              Following formalin fixation, tissues were embedded
           In vivo tissue stretch method                      in paraffin and sectioned at 7 μm. Samples were
           On day 5 post-incision in all mice, 2 U-lock mechanisms   mounted and stained with Masson-Trichrome to
           were adhered cranial and caudal to the incision, without   demonstrate collagen and examined using light
           coming into contact with the wound. The device was   microscopy. Two independent blinded histology trained
           aligned in parallel over the scar by attaching the ends of   observers evaluated stained sections qualitatively.
           the device to the U-lock mechanism for a 20-min stretch
           period. Following the 20-min stretch period, the device   Cutaneous TGF-β1 assay
           was removed while the U-lock mechanism remained    Skin samples were harvested as above. Samples
           adhered on the dorsum of the mice. All mice underwent   were then homogenized and immediately assayed for
           stretching of the trunk for 20 min once per day for 10   TGF-β1 protein using a human TGF-β1 ELISA assay
           days, and mice in groups 2, 3, 4, 5 underwent stretch   as per manufacturer protocol to adjust for standard

                           Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 3 ¦ November 15, 2016                  353
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