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Kanevsky et al.                                                                                                                                                                              Stretch device for scar therapy

           time (total of 20 min per day) used in our study are   humans. This study evaluated end-points correlating
           both less when compared to other studies where     to the early remodeling phase of wound healing,
           skin was stretched continuously for long periods of   offering assessment of fibrosis but not long-term scar
           time under higher tension. [22-24,37]  In these studies   remodeling. Despite these differences, there still
           prolonged tissue stretch under high tension caused   remain substantial similarities between the underlying
           release of inflammatory mediators that promoted    wound healing physiology, providing promise for the
           scar formation. [24,38]  Although such previous studies   utility of this device. However, future experiments are
           have demonstrated tissue stretch can induce scar   still planned to measure the effects of the device long
           formation,  the  discussion  on  timing,  force  and   term on scarring. These studies, also proposed in
           duration of stretch required to induce a scar remains   mice, will also allow for more extensive biochemical
           unclear. [22-24,38]  The results from the 2× stretch group   assessment of the device by measuring parameters
           in the present study provides some support for the   associated with mechanotransduction, including
           detrimental effects of high-tension tissue stretch,   focal adhesion kinase levels to better describe the
           where  scars  in  this  group  were  comparable  to   underlying mechanism of the observed reduction
           controls (non-stretched scars). In addition to worse   in fibrosis. Additionally, further quantitative analysis
           appearing scars, the 2× group also had more collagen   of the number of fibroblasts in numerous sections,
           deposition in the dermis, and higher levels of TGF-β1.   thickness of the scars and the epidermal thickness
           Compared to the favorable scar results in the 0.5×   would have added to the analysis of scar reduction.
           and 1× groups, the latter data suggests that there
           is a threshold of tension, above which tissue stretch   To further elaborate the elegant mechanisms at
           promotes scar formation and below which tissue     work in the modulation of scar formation the authors
           stretch may decrease scar formation.               plan to evaluate the device in a skin scarring animal
                                                              model more indicative of human scar biology, such
           Substantial evidence describes the role of mechano-  as the red Duroc pig. [33]  While this study provides
           transduction in scar formation. Our study builds   substantial promise for the device presented here,
           on preliminary findings that controlling tension in a   subsequent studies will establish more precisely the
           proliferating scar modulates production of extracellular   optimal vector, force, and duration of tissue stretch
           matrix proteins. Langevin et al. [26-28,35]  described   needed to effectively and consistently reduce scar
           several cellular and extracellular matrix changes   formation. Optimizing such parameters may permit
           that take place once skin is stretched that promote   the development of a novel scar treatment device that
           decreased scar formation. Tissue stretch causes    could be used to treat a wide variety of scars.
           fibroblast cell spreading, cytoskeletal and nuclear
           remodeling, decreased type 1 collagen production and   Scar formation has detrimental effects on social,
           decreased production of TGF-β1. A recent paper by   psychological, and physical function. [1-5]  Current scar
           Suarez et al. [37]  describes the role of tension in keloid   therapies are poorly understood and insufficient to
           pathology, specifically tension dependent proteins:   insure optimal scar formation. In one promising study,
           Hsp27, α2β1-Integrin, and PAI-2. Furthermore, the   Lim et al. [39]  showed in a randomized clinical trial that
           clinical correlation of reduced fibrosis associated with   their Embrace device, which differs significantly from
           intermittent parallel longitudinal tension and significant   the device used in this study, managed to achieve
           improvements in scar appearance using parallel scar   statistically significant results. The Embrace device
           massage offers further support for the clinical utility of   reduces perpendicular tension by direct opposition
           the device presented herein. This suggests that tissue   rather than by application of parallel stretch described
           stretch induces mechanical signals that may regulate   in this study. The device presented herein, applied
           gene expression and overall function of fibroblasts.   only intermittently rather than continuously as is the
                                                              Embrace device, appears to function similarly in that
           It is important to note that this study is not without   it ultimately opposes the wound edges. The present
           limitations. A murine model was used as a preliminary   device is only in its infancy, and further investigations
           means to evaluate the efficacy of this novel device   of the optimal time interval of use, vector of stretch,
           in modulating scar formation during the proliferative   and magnitude of stretch provide hope for an effective
           phase of wound healing. The cost and previous use   treatment strategy for the reduction of scar formation.
           of a murine model to study wound healing made
           mice a logical first choice of animal model for this   In conclusion, in this study we designed and manufactured
           investigation. Mouse skin is significantly different   a device that may provide parallel tissue stretch to a
           from human skin in elasticity and healing potential,   wound in order to improve scar formation. Our results
           limiting the direct translation of these findings to   show that the 1× strength device is overall superior
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