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Sabhalok et al.                                                                                                                                                                   Epidermoid and dermoid cyst removal

           Table 1: Characteristics of patients and the cysts
           No. of patients  Age (years)  Gender       Site        Size (cm × cm)   Surgery   Follow-up (months)
           1                 21        Male      Intraoral (upper lip)  2 × 2      Excision         13
           2                 35        Male        Anterior scalp     1.5 × 2      Excision         12
           3                 23       Female       Anterior scalp     3.2 × 2      Excision         18
           4                 35       Female      Posterior scalp     12 × 7       Excision         17
           5                 57        Male       Posterior scalp     5.5 × 4      Excision         14
           6                 17       Female     Lat orbital margin   2.5 × 2      Excision         36
           7                 16       Female     Lat orbital margin   2 × 1.5      Excision         25
           8                 22       Female     Lat orbital margin   2.2 × 2      Excision         22
           9                 25       Female     Lat orbital margin  2.4 × 2.2     Excision         30
           10                24        Male      Lat orbital margin  2.5 × 2.5     Excision         16
           11                32       Female     Lat orbital margin   3 × 2.8      Excision         14
           12                36        Male        Anterior scalp    3.2 × 2.8     Excision         19
           13                23       Female     Lat orbital margin   2.2 × 2      Excision         18
           14                78        Male        Frontal bone       8 × 5        Excision         20
           15                62       Female       Frontal bone      3.8 × 3.5     Excision         13
           16                48       Female       Frontal bone       3.2 × 3      Excision         15
           17                42        Male        Anterior scalp     4 × 5        Excision         12
           18                40        Male       Posterior scalp     5.5 × 4      Excision         14
           19                37        Male        Anterior scalp     3.5 × 3      Excision         14
           20                32       Female     Lat orbital margin   2.5 × 2      Excision         12
           21                22       Female     Lat orbital margin  2.6 × 2.2     Excision         18

           and heterotypic gastrointestinal cyst. When lesions   cyst. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) shows fluid
           occur in the tongue, a differential diagnosis of tumor of   signal due to high protein content, and the areas of
           granular cells, schwanoma, lipoma and neurofibroma,   fat component will show low signal on fat suppressed
           should be considered. When lesions occur in the    images. MRI facilitates visualization of the exact location
           orbital region, the differential diagnosis of orbital cysts   and extent of cystic lesions in the floor of the mouth
           are lipodermoid teratoma, plexiform neurofibroma,   and is useful for determining their relationship to the
           encephalocoele,  orbital  cellulitis,  and  orbital   surrounding muscles. [3]
           pseudotumor deep dermoid. [9,10]  Thus besides clinical
           examination, other complementary tests are necessary   Pathological features of epidermoid cysts are oily or
           to achieve a diagnosis and eliminate other diseases.    cheesy, tan, yellow, white material and the cyst wall is
           Giant epidermoid cysts are common in females and are   a fibrous capsule usually 2-6 mm in thickness.  Total
           usually found on the scalp, in people working outdoors   excision is the main treatment for intraoral epidermal
           and who have had significant sunlight exposure. On the   cystic lesions since needle aspiration or fenestration
           scalp, it occurs in an area located in a line drawn along   might lead to infection, pain, and complaints after
           the hairline passing through the upper border of the ear   treatment. Marsupialisation is another alternative
           lobule and joining these two lines at the occipital area.    for management of large cysts.  Lesions above
           This is a retention type of cyst and is usually unilocular   the mylohyoid muscles are operated on intraorally,
           and contains keratin. Size varies from a few millimetres   whereas those below the muscle are removed via
           to a few centimetres but when the size exceeds 5 cm,   an incision in the neck, [1,13]  however, if there is a very
           it is referred to as a giant sebaceous cyst. [11,12]  In our   large sublingual cyst above the mylohyoid muscle,
           case series, giant cysts on the anterior scalp were   an extraoral approach may be preferred. An intraoral
           present in 5 patients and posterior scalp in 3 patients.   approach avoids a conspicuous scar, and the recovery
                                                              time is shorter.
           Imaging has an important role in confirming the diagnosis
           and classifying cysts according to their relation to muscle.   In a study of 103 patients with diagnosis of epidermoid
           Ultrasound is the initial imaging modality. Epidermoid   and dermoid cyst of the head and neck, 46.6% of
           cysts are seen as well-defined cysts with multiple well-  these were orbital, 23.3% buccal and submental,
           defined dependent echogenic nodules within the cyst.   12.3% nasal, 10.7% cervical and 2.9% labial. Various
           Computed tomography scan shows a unilocular cyst   publications also report epidermoid cysts of the oral
           with homogenous, hypo-attenuating (0-18 HU) fluid   cavity in the soft palate, the uvula and the sublingual
           material that contains multiple hypo-attenuating fat   area. However, epidermoid cysts in tonsils are
           density nodules giving a “sack of marbles” appearance;   rarely reported. [14]  Our case series did not find any
           this is a feature virtually pathognomonic for a dermoid   epidermoid or dermoid cyst in the tonsillar area.
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