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Sharma et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                      Hard palate cysts


           Cysts in the oral cavity can either be of soft tissue origin
           or from within the bone. Non-odontogenic hard palate
           cysts arise from the tissues which do not participate in
           tooth formation. There are many palatal cysts and their
           variants are encountered during the course of embryonic
           palate development. One of the cysts is globulomaxillary
           cyst and this terminology had a lot of dispute to be used.
           It was earlier thought to be of embryonic origin because
           of entrapment of the ectoderm but now this hypothesis is
           no longer considered. These have been considered as
           fissural entrapment of epithelium rather than embryonic
           ectoderm.  There are many other cysts reported in the
           palate region and have been categorized as per the
           origin and anatomical location.
           CASE REPORT                                        Figure 1: A 29-year-old male with hard palate swelling which is
                                                              slightly pink in coloration (white vertical arrow)
           A 29-year-old male reported to otolaryngology out-
           patient department with the swelling in the hard palate   tomography (CT) scanning of the face and neck region.
           of one year duration [Figure 1].                   The findings revealed a radiolucent pear shaped non
                                                              enhancing unilocular, inverted pear shaped cystic lesion
           This was asymptomatic  in the beginning  but       2.5 cm × 3.5 cm in size between the lateral incisor and
           subsequently  developed  some  roughness  along  with   canine on right side [Figure 2].
           slight local tenderness. There was no history of trauma
           or fever. On examination there was slight protuberance   There was also thinning out of the bony outline [Figure 3].
           over the right side of the hard palate. This was of slight dull
           pink in coloration. There was no ulceration seen locally   Patient was also subjected to magnetic resonance
           over the swelling. There was no divergence of roots of   imaging (MRI) scanning of face and neck region. The
           central incisors. The adjoining teeth reacted normally   mass  was  of  fluid  density  which  was  hypointense  in
           to the electric vitalometer test and to temperature   T1W and hyperintense in T2W images. There were no
           stimulation.  All  the  biochemical  parameters  were   associated findings [Figure 4].
           within normal limits. The further detailed initial work up
           confirmed the swelling as that of the non odontogenic   Fine  needle  aspiration  cytology  has  shown
           origin.  The patient was referred for evaluation of the   some  seropurulent  secretion  and  confirmed  as
           tumor. The oral occlusal film had confirmed the swelling   non odontogenic cyst coming in the category of
           of non odontogenic origin. The patient was subjected   globulomaxillary cyst.  The histo-pathological images
           to  plain  as  well  as  contrast  enhanced  computerized   were not available. The patient has been planned for

            A                                B                                C

           Figure 2: Contrast enhanced computerized tomography of face and neck region. (A) Axial section shows a radiolucent non enhancing
           lesion (white star) present on right side of the hard palate; (B) reformatted sagittal section shows the same as pear shaped lesion (horizontal
           white arrow) abutting the right nasal cavity; (C) reformatted coronal section shows the lesion is encroaching upon the right maxillary sinus
           (white star) without invading the same
                           Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 3 ¦ September 20, 2016                 303
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