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Hwang et al.                                                                                                                                                                         Medially based de-epithelialized flap


                                 sn             sbal     al
                   sbal                                         A

           Figure 3: Four anthropometric  distances  were measured:  nostril
           floor width (Sbal-Sn), alar distance (Sn-Al), alar curvature distance
           (Sn-Ac),  and  nostril  length  (Sbal-C’).  al:  alare;  ac:  alar  curvature
           point; sn: subnasale; sbal: subalare; c’: highest point of the columella

           columellar  base,  fresh  epithelium  was  shaved  on  the
           medial side of the incision line. The widened scar on
           the upper lip was excised. The raw (denuded and de-
           epithelialized) tip of the columellar base was pulled
           under the medial tip of the alar base flap and sutured
           tightly.  The  nasal  base  was  then  narrowed  and  the
           nostril sill was augmented [Figure 2].               B

           Anthropometric measurements                        Figure 4: A 7-year-old girl with a cleft lip nasal deformity. The
                                                              nostril sill was reduced using a medially based de-epithelialized
           Four anthropometric distances were measured        flap. A: Preoperative worm’s eye view; B: postoperative view
           preoperatively and postoperatively using  Adobe
           Photoshop CS2 version 9 (Adobe Systems Inc., San   RESULTS
           Jose, CA, USA). All values were obtained in pixels. In
           order to avoid personal bias and random systematic   Anthropometric results
           error, all measurements and statistical analyses were   Although not to a statistically significant extent (P > 0.05,
           performed by a single researcher.                  independent two samples t-test) the nostril floor width
                                                              (Sbal-Sn),  alar  distance  (Sn-Al),  and  alar  curvature
           Four  distances  were  measured  on  the  cleft  side  and   distance (Sn-Ac) decreased on the cleft side after the
           non-cleft  side  preoperatively  and  postoperatively   operation.  The  RR  of  the  nostril  floor  was  7.72%  ±
           [Figure 3]: [4,5]  the nostril floor width (Sbal-Sn), the alar   3.62%. The RRs of the alar distance and alar curvature
           distance (Sn-Al), the alar curvature distance (Sn-Ac),   distance  were  7.09%  ±  3.72%  and  6.46%  ±  6.24%,
           and nostril length (Sbal-C’). These were transferred along   respectively [Table 1]. On the non-cleft side, the nostril
           the relative length to the intercanthal distance and the   floor  width  (Sbal-Sn),  alar  distance  (Sn-Al),  and  alar
           reduction rate (RR) was calculated [RR = (preoperative   curvature  distance (Sn-Ac) did not change  after the
           measurement - postoperative measurement)/preoperative   operation (P > 0.05, independent two samples t-test).
           measurement].  Statistical  significance  was  evaluated   The  RR  of  the  nostril  floor  was  0.17%  ±  7.45%. The
           using the independent two-sample t-test.           RRs  of  the  alar  distance  and  alar  curvature  distance
                                                              were 1.58% ± 6.37% and 1.71% ± 4.42%, respectively
           Patients                                           [Table 1]. The nostril length (Sbal-C’) increased on the
           Nine patients (3 males and 6 females) were operated on   non-cleft side (6.17% ± 15.60%; P = 0.04, independent
           using the medially based de-epithelialized flap technique.   two samples t-test). The nostril length decreased on the
           Among these 9 patients, 6 patients underwent follow-  cleft  side  (2.95  ±  30.81%),  although  this  change  was
           up for more than 12 months and their preoperative and   not statistically significant (P > 0.05, independent two
           postoperative worm’s eye views were compared.      samples t-test) [Tables 1 and 2].
                           Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 3 ¦ September 20, 2016                 293
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