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Zhu et al.                                                                                                                                                                              Modified Robertson vs. Wise pattern

                                                              Table 4: Change over time
             Modified robertson reduction  Wise pattern reduction
                                                                            ROB (range)    WISE (range)  P value
             A          B           E           F             SNtoNIP (cm)  1.31 (0.60-2.31)  0.44 (-0.52-2.10)  0.00*
                                                              NIPtoIMF (cm)  0.88 (-1.25-3.26)  0.27 (-0.76-1.82)  0.05*
                                                              NIPtoNIP (cm)  1.20 (-1.21-6.98)  -0.26 (-1.66-0.87)  0.09
             C          D           G          H
                                                              NipProj (cm)  0.69 (-0.80-2.00)  -0.26 (-2.15-1.81)  0.00*
                                                              MaxProj (cm)  -0.02 (-1.85-1.43)  -0.15 (-2.24-2.01)  0.67
                                                              AreolaSA (cm ) 3.08 (-7.13-9.81)  2.59 (-3.86-10.14)  0.77
             61.2%      62.6%       64.1%      63.1%
             38.8%      37.4%       35.9%      36.9%          BreastSA (cm ) 4.00 (-31.83-50.46) -2.89 (-29.50-36.55)  0.28
                                                              TotVol (mL)  46.7 (-112.7-170.5) -20.1 (-168.1-216.5)  0.04*
            Early postoperative  Late postoperative  Early postoperative  Late postoperative
                period     period      period      period     SupPole%    3.36 (-4.06-7.82)  1.42 (-11.16-22.05)  0.28
           Figure 3: Example images. Patient photographs and 3D   MedPole%  2.57 (-8.16-12.39)  1.36 (-17.94-17.96)  0.60
           reconstruction images showing volumetric analysis. Images   *Statistically significant
           A-D are from the same ROB patient (age: 31 years) and images
           E-H are from the same WISE patient (age: 26 years). (A) AP
           photograph of ROB breasts at early postoperative time period; (B)   aesthetically preferred over the 50:50 ratio. It is possible
           AP photograph of ROB breasts at late postoperative time period;   that the superior breast apron of the modified Robertson
           (C) 3D reconstruction lateral view of left breast of ROB patient at   technique supports the inferior pedicle and maintains
           early postoperative period showing 61.2% superior pole volume; (D)
           3D reconstruction lateral view of left breast of ROB patient at late   superior pole volume without the presence of a vertical
           postoperative period showing superior pole volume of 62.6%; (E) AP   incision in the Wise pattern technique.
           photograph of WISE breasts at early postoperative time period; (F)
           AP photograph of WISE breasts at late postoperative time period;
           (G) 3D reconstruction lateral view of left breast of WISE patient at   In addition, the Wise technique demonstrated greater
           early postoperative period showing 64.1% superior pole volume; (H)   medial pole volume by approximately 17% and greater
           3D reconstruction lateral view of left breast of WISE patient at late   maximum breast projection by 1 cm. The presence of a
           postoperative period with superior pole volume of 63.1%
                                                              vertical scar may distribute the inferior pedicle medially
                                                              and narrow the width of the breast, leading to improved
           Robertson  and Wise patterns for inferior pedicle   breast projection. The vertical incision may also prevent
           reduction mammoplasty. Movassaghi et al.  directly   lateral migration of the nipple position as demonstrated
           compared the two skin patterns in breast reduction;   by the smaller internipple distance in the Wise pattern
           however, their analysis focused on complication rates   cohort (21.3 cm WISE vs. 24.8 cm ROB, P < 0.01).
           of  hematoma,  minor wound dehiscence, and scar
           hypertrophy. They found a reduced complication rate   The total breast volume of the modified Robertson cohort
           in the modified Robertson technique with decreased   increased over time (+47 mL), whereas the Wise cohort
           skin breakdown, since this skin pattern does not have   decreased (-20 mL). It is possible that these changes
           an intersecting triple point. Chalekson et al.  evaluated   reflect  systemic  changes  in  the  patient  with  weight
           morphologic outcomes of modified Robertson patients;   and/or menstrual cycle.  This change in total volume
           however,  they compared the results to  aesthetically   is consistent with an increase in notch to nipple and
           optimal breasts, instead of  other reduction patients.   nipple to IMF measurements in the modified Robertson
           Their recorded outcomes included patient satisfaction,   cohort. An increase in overall volume of the breast may
           symptom reduction,  scarring, nipple  position,  ptosis,   also explain the increase in nipple projection found in
           pseudoptosis, shape, and  overall appearance       the  modified  Robertson  cohort.  In  contrast,  the  Wise
           several years following surgery. They found excellent   cohort had a decrease in total volume over time, which
           satisfaction among patients and no difference between   is also consistent with the decrease in nipple projection
           their reduction patients and aesthetically ideal patients   and maximum breast projection.
           with regards to pseudoptosis.
                                                              The    modified   Robertson   cohort   consistently
           Using  3D  analysis  to  compare  the  late  postoperative   demonstrated longer nipple to IMF distances compared
           result  of  the  modified  Robertson  to  the  Wise  pattern   to the Wise pattern, and this can be explained by the
           breast  reduction,  the  modified  Robertson  technique   surgeon preference to widen the skin bridge of the
           demonstrated greater superior pole volume by       breast apron below the areola to minimize ischemic
           approximately 5%. This difference was both statistically   complications.
           and  clinically  significant.  Previous  research  by
           Mallucci et al.  analyzed breast photographs with 5%   The areola surface area was consistently larger in
           differences in superior to inferior pole ratio to determine   the modified Robertson cohort compared to the Wise
           ideal  breast  shape,  finding  that  the  45:55  ratio  was   pattern cohort at  all time  points. Both  surgeons
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