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Zhu et al.                                                                                                                                                                              Modified Robertson vs. Wise pattern

                        Late postop period (P < 0.05)                      Change over time (P < 0.05)
             70.0                                               8.00
             60.0                                               6.00
             50.0                                               4.00
             40.0                                               2.00
             30.0                                                    SNtoNIP (cm)  NIPtoIMF (cm)  TotVol (10 mL)
              0.0  NIPtoIMF (cm) NIPtoNIP (cm) MaxProj (cm) AreolaSA (cm ) SupPole%  MedPole%  ROB WISE
                                 ROB  WISE
                                                              Figure 2: Change over time significant findings (all P < 0.05).
                                                              Statistically significant differences from the early postoperative
           Figure 1: Late postoperative period significant findings (all P < 0.05).   period to the late postoperative period between the modified
           Statistically significant differences during the late postoperative   Robertson and Wise pattern cohorts. Y-axis displays units in cm
           period between the modified Robertson and Wise pattern cohorts.   and 10 mL, depending on the variable. X-axis displays the name
           Y-axis displays units in cm, cm , and %, depending on the variable.   of the variable presented with the units in parenthesis. ROB cohort
           X-axis displays the name of the variable presented with the units   is represented by blue bars and WISE cohort is represented by
           in parenthesis. ROB cohort is represented by blue bars and WISE   red bars. Error bars show standard error. The change in sternal
           cohort is represented by red bars. Error bars show standard error.   notch to nipple distance (SNtoNIP) was greater in the ROB cohort
           Nipple to inframammary fold distance (NIPtoIMF) was greater in the   than the WISE cohort. The change in nipple to inframammary fold
           ROB cohort than the WISE cohort. Internipple distance (NIPtoNIP)   distance (NIPtoIMF) was greater in the ROB cohort than the WISE
           was greater in the ROB cohort than the WISE cohort. Maximum   cohort. The change in total volume (TotVol) increased in the ROB
           breast projection (MaxProj) was greater in the WISE cohort than   cohort but decreased in the WISE cohort
           the ROB cohort. Areola surface area (AreolaSA) was greater in the
           ROB cohort than the WISE cohort. % volume in the superior pole
           (SupPole%) was greater in the ROB cohort than the WISE cohort.   (1.31 cm ROB vs. 0.44 cm WISE, P < 0.01) and the
           % volume in the medial pole (MedPole%) was greater in the WISE
           cohort than the ROB cohort                         nipple to IMF distance (0.88 cm ROB  vs. 0.27 cm
                                                              WISE, P = 0.05). While internipple distance increased
           significantly  greater  in  the  modified  Robertson   1.20 cm in the modified Robertson cohort and decreased
           cohort (13.2 cm ROB vs. 10.8 cm WISE, P < 0.01).   0.26 cm in the Wise cohort, this difference did not reach
           Interestingly, internipple distance became significantly   statistical  significance  (P = 0.09). Nipple  projection
           different during the late postoperative period (24.8 cm   increased significantly more in the modified Robertson
           ROB vs. 21.3 cm WISE, P < 0.01). Nipple projection   cohort than the Wise cohort (0.69 cm ROB vs. -0.26 cm
           was not significantly different between the 2 cohorts   WISE, P < 0.01); however, there was no difference in
           (6.59 cm ROB vs. 6.70 cm WISE, P = 0.83); however,   the change  in maximum breast projection  between
           maximum  breast projection  remained  greater in the   the two cohorts (-0.02 cm ROB vs. -0.15 cm WISE,
           Wise cohort (5.52 cm ROB  vs. 6.54 cm WISE,  P =   P = 0.67). Areola size increased in both the modified
           0.01).  Areola surface area remained  greater in the   Robertson and Wise cohorts, but this increase was not
           modified Robertson cohort (26.9 cm  ROB vs. 21.6 cm    significantly different between the two cohorts (3.08 cm
           WISE, P < 0.01).                                   ROB vs. 2.59 cm WISE, P = 0.77).
           Total  breast  volume  was  not  significantly  different   Interestingly,  total  volume  increased  in  the  modified
           between the 2 cohorts (856 mL ROB  vs. 709 mL      Robertson cohort but decreased in the Wise cohort;
           WISE, P = 0.06). Interestingly, the percent volume in   this difference was statistically significant (46.7 mL ROB
           the superior pole was greater in the Robertson cohort   vs. -20.1 mL WISE, P = 0.04). The change in percent
           (62.9% ROB vs. 58.3% WISE, P = 0.05), while percent   superior  pole  volume  was  greater  in  the  modified
           volume in the medial pole remained greater in the WISE   Robertson  cohort  (3.36%)  than  the  Wise  cohort
           cohort (29.6% ROB vs. 46.9% WISE, P < 0.01).       (1.42%); however, this difference did not reach statistical
                                                              significance (P = 0.28). The change in percent medial
           Comparing changes over time between                pole volume (2.57% ROB vs. 1.36% WISE, P = 0.60)
           modified Robertson vs. Wise cohorts                was not significantly different between the two cohorts.
           Analyzing the change over time (late postoperative
           measurement minus early postoperative measurement)   DISCUSSION
           between the two cohorts  [Table 4, Figures 2 and 3],
           modified Robertson cohort patients experienced greater   This  study  is  the  first  to  use  3D  mammometrics  to
           lengthening of both the sternal notch to nipple distance   provide quantitative analysis comparing the modified
                           Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 3 ¦ September 20, 2016                 287
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