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INTRODUCTION                                        author.  The study included patients  that had previously
                                                              received at least four consecutive treatments of aboBTX‑A
          Neurotoxin  injection  accounted  for more  than  a  third of   at  4‑month  intervals at  a  stable  dose,  achieving  85‑90%
          all nonsurgical cosmetic  procedures  performed in  the   elimination  of dynamic glabellar frown lines,  and who
          United States in 2012.  Abobotulinumtoxin A (aboBTX‑A,   had expressed satisfaction with at least four consecutive
          dysport) and onabotulinumtoxin A  (onaBTX‑A, Botox)   aboBTX‑A  treatments.  Patient  satisfaction with  aboBTX‑A
          are currently the most commonly used preparations   treatment was defined by the patient’s decision not to
          of Clostridium  botulinum  toxin  in  the  treatment  of   return for re‑treatments before the planned  redosing
          glabellar frown lines. Composed of high‑molecular weight   interval of 4‑month. The study was approved by the review
          protein complexes unique to the various formulations,   board of University of Chicago Medical Center.
          each of  these  neuromodulators has  a  slightly  different   Primary  outcomes  of this  pilot study were  patient
          pharmacokinetic profile.  The protein complex is also   perceived clinical effectiveness at 2  weeks  (defined as
          thought to play a role in the immunogenicity  of these   an 85‑90% decrease in muscle activity) and percentage of
          therapeutic agents,  influencing tolerance to drug effect   muscle activity at 3 months per surgeon assessment. The
          and clinical response over time. [3]                planned conversion  rate was 2:1  (aboBTX‑A: incoBTX‑A)
                                                              using the established aboBTX‑A dosage for each patient
          Abobotulinumtoxin  A   (aboBTX‑A,  dysport)  is  a
          type  A botulinum toxin approved  for the temporary   to  determine  an  initial  incoBTX‑A  dose.  However,  we
                                                              permitted dose adjustment per the physician’s assessment
          improvement  in the  appearance of moderate to severe   at the time  of incoBTX‑A injection.  The incoBTX‑A dose
          glabellar lines associated with procerus and corrugator   was dispersed into the corrugator  and procerus muscles
          muscle activity.  The toxin exists in a protein complex   for each patient;  injection  patterns  were  based  on
          approximately  500  kDa in  size.  Incobotulinumtoxin   diagrams reviewed in the electronic medical record,
          A  (incoBTX‑A,  xeomin),  a  recently  approved form   documenting the injection  points used during prior
          of botulinum  toxin type  A, is also indicated for the   aboBTX‑A treatments.
          temporary improvement  in the appearance of moderate
          to severe glabellar lines associated with corrugator  and/  Secondary outcomes were examined via patient
          or procerus muscle activity in adult patients.  IncoBTX‑A   questionnaires  that  asked subjects  to  report on  the
          differs  from  the  other  neuromodulators, including   onset of effect after incoBTX‑A injection, the pain of
          onaBTX‑A and aboBTX‑A,  in  its formulation as a purified   injection  versus  their  recollection  of pain on aboBTX‑A
          toxin‑free  of complexing  proteins.  This formulation, in   injections,  the perceived duration of effect, and their
          theory,  renders  incoBTX‑A  less  immunogenic  than  the   overall satisfaction with the treatment  session. Patients
          other  forms  of  botulinum  toxin  A  currently  available,   who were not satisfied with their initial treatment dosage
          permitting reproducible effects on repeat injections.  were asked to return for re‑treatment at 2  weeks. All
                                                              patients were seen in follow‑up at 10‑12  weeks. At this
          Although a calculated unit conversion between alternative   time,  glabellar and procerus activity were assessed by
          neurotoxin preparations cannot be directly derived due to   the treating surgeon, and the patient’s perception of the
          differing  manufacturing  processes,  the  separate  bacterial   treatment was recorded.
          strains involved, and the variations in size of the associated
          complexing proteins, [2,6,7]  a published clinical study as well   Demographic and clinical characteristics were summarized
          as the senior author’s clinical experience has shown that a   using frequency counts and percentages for categorical
          reliable conversion rate between aboBTX‑A  (dysport)  and   variables and median and range for continuous variables.
          onaBTX‑A  (Botox) is 2.5:1.  In addition, several studies   Residual muscle activity at 4‑month following at least four
          have  concluded that  a  1:1 equivalency  exists  between   abobotulinumtoxin A treatment sessions was compared to
          onaBTX‑A (Botox) and incoBTX‑A (xeomin). [9,10]     muscle activity with one incobotulinumtoxin A treatment
                                                              session at 10‑12 weeks using a paired t‑test.
          In  our practice since  2010, the  majority  of patients
          treated with  neuromodulators receive  aboBTX‑A.  Given   RESULTS
          the potentially promising  immunogenic  profile of
          incoBTX‑A,  we were interested in determining  the   A  total of 32 subjects  were  included. The  majority  of
          correct dosage of this neuromodulator among our patient   patients were female  (40‑71  years old) and most  had
          population. Due to the uncertainty  regarding conjectural   received aboBTX‑A consistently for over 2 years [Table 1].
          conversion between the three neurotoxin preparations, we   The mean  dose of incoBTX‑A  administered was 17.1
          sought  to establish  effectiveness  and dosing  equivalency   units (± 6.1, median dose 20 units). The mean treatment
          of incoBTX‑A versus aboBTX‑A within a consecutive series   dose of aboBTX‑A administered was 27.6 (± 11.7, median
          of 32  patients previously treated with aboBTX‑A for   dose  27.5  units).  The  mean  difference  in  treatment  units
          temporary reduction in glabellar dynamic wrinkles.  was ‑10.5 (95% confidence interval, P < 0.001) [Table 2].
                                                              Among 30 patients who reported effect onset of the one
          METHODS                                             incoBTX‑A  treatment,  the  median  result  was  8.5  days,
                                                              with a range of 1‑14 days [Table 1].
          We  conducted a  prospective  pilot study  at  a  single   Twenty‑nine out of 32 patients (91%) reported satisfactory
          surgeon center, with all injections performed by the senior   treatment effect at 2  weeks, 3  patients  (9%)  requested

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