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re‑treatment at 2 weeks with aboBTX‑A due to perceived perceived with the aboBTX‑A dose, whereas 22% had
lack of effective treatment with incoBTX‑A. During a less than expected response. Six percent of patients
follow‑up with the treating surgeon at 10‑12 weeks, had a lesser response while receiving a relatively lower
muscle paralysis was assessed to be 69.2% (± 27.3), dose (ratio of 2.5‑3:1) [Figure 1].
vs. 90.3% (± 1.8) in an equivalent time period with
aboBTX‑A (P < 0.001) [Table 2]. With regard to perceived DISCUSSION
pain on injection, 62% of patients reported equivalent
pain between the two treatments, 22% of patients Injection of botulinum toxin type A was the most commonly
reported more pain with the incoBTX‑A injection, 9% had performed cosmetic procedure in the Unites States in
less pain with incoBTX‑A, and 6% were unable to reliably 2012, with over 4 million treatments reported for the
recall. Overall satisfaction with incoBTX‑A treatment was year. Together with other injectable products, treatment
confirmed by 22 out of 32 patients among the study with botulinum toxin type A accounted for approximately
group (68%) at 2 weeks; this increased to 25/32 (78%) 2 billion dollars of Unites States spending in 2012. The
at 3 months. The most commonly cited reasons for rising number of minimally‑invasive cosmetic procedures
dissatisfaction were related to the longevity and being performed, with a 10% increase in such procedures
magnitude of incoBTX‑A’s effect. noted from 2011 to 2012, signals the long‑term impact that
At 10‑12 weeks following incoBTX‑A treatment, the injection of botulinum toxin type A and other nonsurgical
percentage of muscle activity was recorded by the procedures will have on the future of aesthetic practices.
senior surgeon in light of the dose ratio of aboBTX‑A: Reported overall patient satisfaction rates with botulinum
incoBTX‑A administered. Of the subjects that received toxin type A treatments are high [7,12] and are largely related
an incoBTX‑A dose at a ratio of 1.5‑2.5:1, only 40% had to the onset, duration, and efficacy of treatment. Given
a clinical result that was considered equivalent to the the tremendous impact of neuromodulator therapy and
original four aboBTX‑A treatment dose results. A total of the importance of patient satisfaction as a key outcome,
16% of patients had effects that were less than expected it is essential for practitioners to understand the optimal
for the hypothesized ratio. Some patients (38%) received treatment dose, re‑treatment interval, and expected
relatively more incoBTX‑A (ratio of 0.5‑1.5:1), due to outcomes associated with the various botulinum toxin A
clinical evaluation that the dose should be higher than 2:1 preparations available today.
of the original aboBTX‑A dose. Among this study group,
16% resulted in muscle attenuation that was greater than Multiple clinical studies have demonstrated the safety,
efficacy and tolerability of aboBTX‑A since its Food and
Table 1: Patient demographics Drug Administration (FDA) approval in 2009 for the
Total patients 32 treatment of glabellar frown lines. [13‑16] A prospective,
Median age in years (range) 56 (40-71) randomized control split‑face trial comparing aboBTX‑A
Number female (%) 29 (91) with onaBTX‑A found no significant differences
Length of abobotulinumtoxin A use (years), n (%) between treatment effects on muscle activity or wrinkle
< 2 6 (19) appearance, onset and duration of treatment effect,
> 2 26 (81) or diffusion characteristics of the two neurotoxins.
Median abobotulinumtoxin A dose in glabella (SD) 27.6 (± 11.7) Although one clinical trial is comparing onaBTX‑A with
Median incobotulinumtoxin A dose in glabella (SD) 17.1 (± 6.1) aboBTX‑A indicated lower rates of patient satisfaction
Average conversion rate 1.6:1 among patients treated with aboBTX‑A, satisfaction
Glabella re-treatment, n (%) (patient request) rates with aboBTX‑A treatments were high among our
No 29 (91) patient population. All our patients had previously
Yes 3 (9) received at least four consecutive treatments of aboBTX‑A
Pain versus abobotulinumtoxin A, n (%) at 4‑month intervals at a stable dose and had continued
(patient recall of abobotulinumtoxin A: questionnaire
following incobotulinumtoxin A treatment) to achieve 85‑90% elimination of dynamic glabellar frown
Equal 20 (63) lines at this dose with a reported high patient satisfaction
Greater 7 (22) rate.
Less 3 (9) Free of complexing proteins, incoBTX‑A is unique among
Can’t remember 2 (6) the botulinum toxin preparations currently available.
SD: Standard deviation The subtraction of these inactive or denatured protein
Table 2: Dose comparisons
Incobotulinumtoxin A Abobotulinumtoxin A Mean difference (SD) (95% CI) P*
Dose in the glabella 17.1 (6.1) 27.6 (11.7) -10.5 (8.6) < 0.001
20 27.5 (-13.6, -7.4)
Percentage of activity in glabella at 69.2 (27.3) 90.3 (1.8) -21.1 (27.0) < 0.001
10-12 weeks (per surgeon evaluation) 70 90 (-30.8, -11.4)
*Numbers in table are mean (SD) and median unless otherwise specified, difference calculated as incobotulinumtoxin A: abobotulinumtoxin A, P value
from paired t‑test. SD: Standard deviation, CI: Confidence interval
14 Plast Aesthet Res || Vol 2 || Issue 1 || Jan 15, 2015