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This case‑series study was performed to determine wound   for application. Keratinocytes are cultivated through
          reduction  and healing  following  use  of a  new  cultured   Rheinwald  and Green’s  described method.   Cells  are
          allogeneic keratinocyte  sheet  in  the  management  of   incubated with a specific medium at 37°C for 20–30 min
          chronic ulcers in  diabetic  patients.  Cultured  allogeneic   to  inactivate  Trypsin‑EDTA,  and then  centrifugated  and
          keratinocytes  on a hyaluronic acid scaffold have recently   suspended in a medium  without epidermal growth
          been demonstrated to be effective in the treatment   factor  (EGF). The cellular pellet is located on a feeder
          of chronic ulcers, but specific studies on a diabetic   layer of mouse‑derived fibroblasts  (3t3) inactivated by
          group have not yet  been  described.  We reviewed 16   irradiation,  and  incubated  at  37°C with  5% CO .  The
          chronic  ulcers  in  diabetic  patients  treated  with  these   feeder layer secretes proteins of extracellular  matrix and
          novel epidermal substitutes,  and discussed the  potential   growth factors, promoting  adhesion, and proliferation
          benefits, scientific evidence, and safety in the management   of keratinocytes.  Irradiation  of 3t3 serves  blocks the
          of this complication. The review board of University of Milan  replication of these  cells. EGF is  added to  the  culture
          approved this study.                                medium 72 h following seeding on the feeder layers. The
                                                              medium is changed every 2 days until semi‑confluence is
          METHODS                                             achieved. The sheets can be used fresh, within 21 days of
          From donor cadavers  (brain‑dead), without infectious   production, or can be cryopreserved in dimethyl sulfoxide
          microorganisms  (hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus,   and  stored  at  −80°C,  thus  guaranteeing  viability  for
          human immunodeficiency virus, human T‑lymphotropic   2 years.
          virus, cytomegalovirus, and negative to the treponema   Patient  anamnestic  data and outcomes  were  reviewed
          pallidum hemagglutination  test), autoimmune,  genetic,   through a case series study of 11  patients with
          or infective  skin pathologies, a 2  cm ×  2  cm biopsy is   well‑controlled diabetes type  2, with 16 legs and ankle
          performed from a sample of glabrous skin. The transfer of   chronic ulcers, unresponsive to previous conventional
          the biopsy is performed with a temperature of 4°C, in a   therapies (i.e. repeated use of advanced modern dressing
          sterile container with gentamicin and amphotericin B, to   for many  cycles with  a  mean  duration of 18  months),
          Niguarda Ca’  Granda Hospital, the  Regional  Tissue  Bank   treated with the new skin substitutes from 2011.
          of Lombardia, Italy. The Skin Bank  qualifies, collects,   All patients  followed the same  surgical protocol:  chronic
          processes, validates, cryopreserves, and distributes   wounds incurable with other reconstructive options,
          skin taken from donor subjects. The biopsy is  then   such as wound dressings,  acellular skin substitutes,  and
          sterilized  and placed in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s   split‑thickness autografts,  underwent  the  application of
          medium  (DMEM) containing Dispase II  (bacterial enzyme)   the  novel allogeneic  skin  substitutes  in  the  operating
          for 18  h at 4°C or 37°C for about 4  h, in order to split   room by the same  surgical team.  Before the application
          the epidermis from the dermis. The biopsy is then treated   of sheets,  all the  wounds were  debrided surgically  to
          with Trypsin‑Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid  (EDTA) in   achieve wound bed preparation, and accurate hemostasis
          DMEM to isolate keratinocytes. The isolated cells can be   was performed. The skin substitutes  were applied  once
          cultivated in a specific culture medium.            directly to the wound bed without sutures.

          HYAFF11  (Fidia Advanced Biopolymer S.r.l., Abano   Patients were observed weekly for a follow‑up period
          Terme, Italy) is the biomaterial, composed of hyaluronic   of  at  least  40–70  days.  The  follow‑up  was  performed
          acid totally esterified with benzyl ester. Due to its chemical   by the physician team at the outpatient wound healing
          properties, HYAFF11 releases benzyl alcohol and hyaluronic   clinic of the Wound Care Unit (Monza, Italy). The wound
          acid to the wound microenvironment because of hydrolysis   dressing was the same for the postoperative period
          of the ester bonds caused by the water in the wound   and for every control visits: a multicomponent  bandage
          exudate. The scaffold is a porous structure, composed of   with  nonadherent  gauze,  and  polyurethane  foam
          macropores and micropores, constituting the geometrical   with silver (Biatain  Ag,  Coloplast) to prevent  bacterial
          mesh  of  the  matrix.  Macropores  (diameter  of  0.5  mm)   superinfection.
          allow cellular distribution on the scaffold and the drainage
          of  exudate when the  sheet  is  put  on the  wound  bed.   At  the  entry  of the  study,  anamnestic  data collected
          Micropores (diameter of 40  µm, 6250 poers/cm ) allow   included age,  sex,  smoking  status,  and the  presence  of
          neovascularization of the construct after the application,   hypertension,  end‑stage  renal disease,  vascular diseases,
          and cellular migration from the superior to the inferior   autoimmune  disorders,  neurologic  or  cardiologic
          face of the sheet, that is, the face in contact with a wound   problems, or burns. Every chronic wound  was classified
          bed.  HYAFF11 forms a two‑dimensional matrix, 20‑mm   at the  entry of the study for dimension,  location, the
                                                              presence of local infection (absent, mild, moderate,
          thick, for epidermal substitutes, and a three‑dimensional   severe), and wound characteristics such as wound bed,
          scaffold for dermal constructs.
                                                              perilesional skin disorders, borders, and exudate, to
          Skin substitute preparation is divided into two phases: the   calculate  the wound  bed score  (WBS),  as defined by
          first  phase  consists  of the  primary  culture  of allogeneic   Falanga  et  al.  Diagnosis of infection was based on
          cells in a specific culture medium, and the second consists   culture obtained with a sterile rongeur. The results of this
          of the  seeding  of cells on a hyaluronic acid scaffold for   culture guided the appropriate use of systemic antibiotics.
          cell expansion with adhesion. The sheets are then ready   Multiple ulcers were considered different chronic wounds.

          Plast Aesthet Res || Vol 1 || Issue 2 ||  Sep 2014                                                75
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