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Table 3: Cellular skin substitutes for diabetic chronic ulcers (costs at the time of writing should be treated
          as a guide and have been converted into € currency where necessary; the name of the scaffold is present if the
          product has no commercial name)
           Study         Cells     Scaffold        Product      Sheet      Cost €   Follow-   n   Outcome  Time
                                                                                      up   cases    %    healing
                                                                                   (weeks)               (days)
           Vamos et al. [2]  Neonatal   Collagen seeded   Apligraf  7.5 cm   763.26   12    82     51.5    84
                         allogeneic   with neonatal           diameter disc                       healing
                         keratinocytes allogeneic fibroblasts
           Veves et al. [18]  Neonatal   Collagen seeded   Apligraf  7.5 cm   763.26  12    112    56      65
                         allogeneic   with neonatal           diameter disc                       healing
                         keratinocytes allogeneic fibroblasts
           Harvima et al. [19]  Allogeneic   Nylon  Tegapore      Not       Not       11    18     100     64
                         keratinocytes                        commercially  commercially          wound
                                                                available  available             reduction
           Bayram et al. [20]  Allogeneic   Polyethylene and   Cytoline 1  Not   Not   4    20   92 wound   30
                         keratinocytes silica                 commercially  commercially         reduction
                                                                available  available
           Sams et al. [21]  Neonatal   Collagen seeded   Apligraf  7.5 cm  763.26    24     9     56      84
                         allogeneic   with neonatal             diameter                          healing
                         keratinocytes allogeneic fibroblasts    disc
           Marston et al. [22]  Neonatal   Polyglycolic acid   Dermagraft  5 cm × 7.5 cm  326.52  12  130  30   84
                         allogeneic   (Dexon™) or                                                 healing
                         fibroblasts  polyglactin-910
           Caravaggi et al. [23]  Autologous   Benzyl ester of   Hyalograft-3D  8 cm × 8 cm  1200.00  11  43  65.3   57
                         fibroblasts  hyaluronic acid                                             healing
           You et al. [24]  Allogeneic   -         Kaloderm     Available   Not yet   12    27     100     35
                         keratinocytes                         sizes: 9-16.   licensed            wound
                                                              25 and 56 cm 2                     reduction
           Lobmann et al. [25]  Autologous   Benzyl ester of  Laserskin  10 cm × 10 cm  1200.00  12  14  78   41
                         keratinocytes hyaluronic acid                                            healing
           Vaienti et al. [7]  Allogeneic   Benzyl ester of  HYAFF11  10 cm × 10 cm  1000.00  11  16  70 wound   42
                         keratinocytes hyaluronic acid                                           reduction

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