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An active TrPs causes pain at rest, while a latent TrPs does   Treatment modalities that have been used to inactivate of
          not cause spontaneous pain, but may restrict movement   MTrPs include: interrupting the pain cycle by penetrating
          or cause muscle weakness. [8]                       the MTrPs with a needle; injecting local anesthetic or
                                                              saline; and applying a cooled spray to the skin, followed
          Thus, a typical TrPs is characterized by the presence of              [11]
          discrete  focal tenderness within a palpable taut band   by muscle stretching.
          of skeletal muscle, which generates both referred   Low-level laser therapy  (LLLT), ultrasound and electro
          regional pain and a local twitch response  (LTR). TrPs   galvanic stimulation  can also  be  useful  in  managing
          are associated with referred pain in MPDS,  while tender   MTrPs. [14,15]
          points in comparison are associated with pain at the site   Modern dental practice encompasses low-level lasers
          of palpation  only and occur in  the  insertion  zones  of   therapy to accelerate tissue healing, alleviate pain, reduce
          muscles, not in the taut bands in the muscle belly. [9]
                                                              inflammation  and physiotherapy in the orofacial region.
          Several histopathologic mechanisms  have been  proposed   Low-level laser application  plays an important role in
          to account for the development of TrPs and subsequent   the  treatment  of most  musculofacial disorders and facial
          pain patterns. Many researchers concur that acute trauma   pain. [16-19]
          or repeated microtrauma may lead to the development of   Laser light  is  energy  that results  from  stimulated
          a TrPs. [10]
                                                              emission  of radiation. The laser light biostimulation
          In the head and neck regions, MPDS presents as tension   of structural tissue  can be  increased  to an energy  level
          headaches, tinnitus, temporomandibular joint pain, and in   that creates  chemical reactions. It stimulates  protein
          rare cases visual symptoms. [11]                    synthesis,  phagocytic activities  and aerobic energy  to
                                                              induce  anti-inflammatory,  analgesic,  and tissue  repair
          Palpation of a hypersensitive bundle or nodule of muscle   effects.  The laser type is determined by the wavelength
          fiber  of harder than normal consistency  is  the  physical   of the  light  based on the  solid state  aggregation  of the
          finding most often associated with a TrPs. Localization of   energized material. Many types of lasers have been used,
          a TrPs is  based on the  physician’s  sense  of feel,  assisted   e.g.,  helium:  neon, gallium-aluminum-arsenide  (Ga-Al-As),
          by patient expressions of pain and by visual and palpable   neodymium-doped yttrium  aluminum  garnet,  and carbon
          observations of LTR. [7]
                                                              dioxide. [21]
          The  diagnosis  of temporomandibular joint  dysfunction   Gallium-aluminum-arsenide  is a diode laser with a
          (TMJD) requires a skilled clinician  with training  and   wavelength  of 780  nm.  Some  studies  have shown that
          experience  in  recording a patient’s  histories,  conducting   Ga-Al-As lasers have positive effects, [22,23]  including
          thorough examinations,  and identifying  MTrPs.  Diagnosis   acceleration of wound healing  and pain reduction, [24,25]
          confirmed by the occurrence, at least of a taut band, and   although many studies have shown no positive effect. [26,27]
          pain felt by the patient when pressure is applied  to a
          tender nodule. [12]                                 Laser photobiomodulation is a low-cost, noninvasive
                                                              treatment that has been widely used for treating a diverse
          Most treatment methods for myofascial pain are empirical   range of conditions, including muscle/joint conditions.
          and aim  to identify painful TrPs for the purpose of   It has been  used frequently  in physical therapy practice
          ablating  muscle  spasm  and restoring  normal  muscle   for pain relief and tissue regeneration, and  has been
          length, function and strength.
                                                              proven as beneficial in treating TMJD. Various studies
          Both psychological and physical treatments are necessary   have confirmed therapeutic effects including are
          to overcome MPDS.  Conservative treatments are      anti-inflammatory, analgesic and cell activity modulating
          generally  useful  for alleviating  pain  and preventing   actions. [28-30]
          dysfunction. Dentists  use different therapies such as   Dry needling has been found to be as effective as drug
          pharmacologic treatments,  which include analgesics,   injection for the relief of pain in muscles and connective
          muscle  relaxants,  antidepressants,  neuroleptics,  or   tissue. In the treatment of TrPs for persons with myofascial
          nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. [13]
                                                              pain syndrome, in which an acupuncture needle is inserted
          Alternative treatment  modalities include acupuncture,   into the skin and muscle directly into a MTrPs. [31]
          massage,  acupressure,  ultrasonography,  application  A MTrPs consists of multiple contraction knots, which
          of heat or ice,  diathermy, transcutaneous electrical   are related to the production and maintenance of the
          nerve stimulation, ethyl chloride  spray, and stretching   pain cycle. Accurate  dry  needling  of a MTrPs  elicits  a
                                                              LTR, which is an involuntary spinal cord reflex in which
          Other  methods  of  treatment  include: dry  needling;  TrPs   the  muscle fibers  in  a taut  band of skeletal muscle
          injections with local anesthetic, saline, or steroid; occlusal   contraction. An LTR indicates the proper placement of the
          splints; biofeedback; and physiotherapy. [2]        needle in a TrPs. Research has shown that dry needling

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