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that elicits LTRs improves treatment outcomes. It has been   •  Pain  associated  with  two  or  more  movements
          suggested  that  A-delta  nerve  fibers  are  activated,  as  the   (severe disorder)
          needle pierces the skin, resulting in inhibition of muscular   •  Sensitivity to posterior pressure (severe disorder).
          C-nerve fibers that transmit pain from the TrPs. [32]
          Injection of a local anesthetic is one of the most effective
          treatment  options  available and is  cited repeatedly as   The patients were divided randomly into four groups with
                                                              each comprising 18 patients.
          a way of achieving optimal results.  The use of a local
          anesthetic  is  more  comfortable for many  patients  and   Treatments
          results in a longer lasting reduction in MTrP pain. [10]  Group I (low‑level laser)
          Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) stimulation is a form   After locating of MTrP LLLT (wavelength 980 nm, power 0.2
          of alternative therapy that claims to treat disease by   W, total energy 12 J) was applied using a fiber probe over
          applying electromagnetic energy to the body.  Among   the  TrPs  in  a  circular  movement  for  50  s.  In  this  group,
          the reported therapeutic methods, the use of biophysical   each patient received LLLT 3 times per week for 4 weeks.
          interventions, such as PEMF therapy, has attracted the   Group II (dry needling)
          attention  of clinicians in  recent  years,  because of their   Each TrPs was marked clearly and the skin prepared and
          noninvasive characteristics. [34,35]  It was observed that   cleansed. The overlying skin was held between the thumb
          PEMF  may  affect tissue  healing  through a primary  effect   and index finger. It was then punctured with a dry needle.
          on vascular growth therefore has a role in stimulation of   In this group, each patient received three sessions  per
          the healing process. [36-38]                        week for 4 weeks, each session lasting 50 s.
          Although MTrPs are a widely recognized phenomenon   Group III (anesthesia)
          in clinical practice, much remains  to be  elucidated with   Each TrPs  was injected  with  0.5  ml  mepivacaine  3% local
          regarding their pathophysiology, mechanisms  of pain   anesthetic solution. In this group, the injections were
          referral, and treatment of choice. Hence, this study aimed   given  3  times  per week for 4  weeks, using  a standard
          to examine the effect of the four most common treatment   dental syringe and 27-gauge needle.
          modalities used to treat pain associated with MPDS
          through their direct effect on MTrPs.               Group IV: (pulsed electromagnetic field)
                                                              Each TrPs was exposed to  (PEMF) stimulation.  In this
          PATIENTS AND METHODS                                group, each patient received three sessions per week for
                                                              4 weeks, each session lasting 50 min.
          Patients                                            Clinical examination
          We enrolled 72  patients, from the outpatient clinic of   The masseter muscle was located  by a flat palpation
          the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Faculty of   technique, using one index finger. The masseter muscle
          Oral and Dental Medicine,  Cairo University, Egypt.  They   was examined by means of palpation to determine:
          were 57 females and 15 males aged 18–42 years (average   •  A palpable taut band
          30 years), all with active MTrPs of the masseter muscle. The  •  A hypersensitive area within the taut band
          review board of Cario University approved this study.   •  Pain felt by the patient when pressure was applied to the
          General inclusion criteria were:                       sensitive area (identifying an active TrPs)
          •  Diagnosis of temporomandibular disorder          •  Repetition of a referred pain sensation upon stimulation
          •  Aged >18 years                                      of the area
          •  Musculoskeletal dysfunction                      •  The occurrence of a LTR upon sharp palpation of the taut
          •  Pain impairment                                     band.
          •  The presence of a TrPs characterized by spontaneous pain
             of the right or left masseter muscle             Each patient pointed to the exact location of the pain and
          •  Restricted range of mouth opening                rated the  pain  (on a visual  analog scale  [VAS]) from  0 to
          •  No previous surgery in the temporomandibular region  10 with 0 corresponding to no pain and 10 correspond
          •  No other morbid conditions in the temporomandibular   to the worst pain. This information was recorded on the
             region as rheumatic diseases, or neurological diseases.  patient’s chart. The pain was evaluated preoperatively and
                                                              after 1 month, 2 months, and 3 months respectively from
          In  addition,  each patient  had to  fulfill the  following
          criteria (according to the Helkimo index) [39]      the start of treatment.
          •  Slightly impairment of movement (index DiI)      Assessment  of painless maximum  mouth opening  (MMO)
          •  Moderate dysfunction = DiII                      was performed by measuring the distance  (in mm)
          •  Muscle pain sensitivity to pressure in four places (severe   between the edges of the upper and lower central incisors
             disorder)                                        using a Vernier graduated caliper.

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