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= 0.005), with better overall survival (P = 0.007) and disease-  clinical outcomes regardless of p16 or HPV positivity. They
         free survival (P = 0.008). They conclude that chemotherapy   also indicated that p16 does not predicted response to
         followed by chemo-radiation therapy is an effective treatment   cetuximab.
         especially in patients with HPV + OPSCC.
                                                             Unlike cervical cancer, regarding OSCC there is not much
         In 2010, Ang et al.  conducted a retrospective study of the   literature on the use of HPV vaccines to treat these tumours.
         association between tumor HPV status and survival among   The effectiveness of the HPV vaccine against OSCC is not yet
         743 patients with stage III or IV OPSCC who were enrolled   proven.
         in a randomized trial comparing treatment with accelerated-
         fractionation RT+ cisplatin  vs. standard-fractionation RT+   In conclusion, there is much controversy about the
         cisplatin. Among 323 OPSCC, 63.8% were HPV+, which   carcinogenic potential of HPV. Its mechanism  usually
         presented better 3-year rates  of overall survival (82.4%  vs.   involves the pE7 and pE6 proteins, which can delete p53,
         57.1% among patients with HPV- negative tumours; P < 0.001   p21 and pRb routes.
         by the log-rank test) and they also had a 58% reduction in the
         risk of death (HR, 0.42; 95% CI, 0.27 to 0.66). They concluded   HPV+ patients are usually diagnosed at a younger age, mainly
         that among patients with OPSCC, tumor HPV status is a strong   those with oropharyngeal tumours, presenting positivity first
         and independent prognostic factor for survival.     of all for HPV16 > HPV18, although it varies depending on the
                                                             population and the test used to detect the infection.
         Some authors have studied the prognostic influence of some
         biomarkers related to HPV infection in OSCC. One of the   For more diagnostic performance, the most advisable is to use
         most studied biomarkers is p16, being observed that p16+   the combination of several techniques. P16 positivity needs
         and HPV+ patients have a better overall survival compared   to be mentioned in special attention as a predictor of HPV
         with HPV- or HPV+ but p16-.  This was corroborated in the   infection in the OPSCC for their prognostic and therapeutic
         prospective  phase  III  study  of  concomitant  chemotherapy   considerations.
         published in 2011 by Rischin et al.  In a sample of 465 patients
         with OPSCC stage III or IV, 172 were analysed with evaluable   HPV can appear in normal mucosa, benign and precancerous
         HPV and p 16INK4A  status, and 185 with eligible p16 status. They   lesions.
         randomized RT+ cisplatin with or without tirapazamine,
         concomitantly. They found that p16+ tumours compared to   The most commonly accepted is that the presence of HPV
         p16- presented: (1) higher rates of overall survival at 2 years   divides OSCC, mainly oropharyngeal, in two types of tumours
         (91% vs. 74%; HR, 0.36; 95% CI, 0.17-0.74; P = 0.004); (2) higher   with different prognostic and therapeutic implications.
         rates of relapse-free survival (87% vs. 72%; HR, 0.39; 95% CI,
         0.20-0.74; P = 0.003); and (3) lower loco-regional recurrence   Despite the great controversy in prognosis, most studies tend
         and death rates from other causes. They also observed a trend   to indicate that HPV+ OSCC have an increased survival, better
         in favour of tirapazamine group in terms of improved loco-  treatment response rates, lower risk of death and lower risk
         regional control disease in p16- patients (HR, 0.33; 95% CI,   of recurrence [Figure 3].
         0.09-1.24; P = 0.13). They concluded that OPSCC HPV+ have
         a favourable prognosis when treated with cisplatin-based   The oropharyngeal region should be analysed separately.
         chemotherapy, compared to HPV-.                     OPSCC HPV+ tend to respond better to radio-chemotherapy
                                                             treatments, considering the HPV positivity as a strong and
         In 2014, Lassen  et al.  published a retrospective study   independent survival prognostic factor. In addition, if p16+,
         among 1,294 Danish patients with advanced stage OPSCC.   these tumours tend to have better survival and loco-regional
         They observed that p16 positivity was significantly higher   disease-control.
         in oropharyngeal than non-oropharyngeal SCC (P < 0.0001).
         OPSCC p16+ presented a statistically significant improvement   Future research should evaluate the possibility of new
         in loco-regional disease control with primary RT [HR (95%   treatments.
         CI), 0.38 (0.29-0.49)], free survival events [HR (95% CI), 0.44   Financial support and sponsorship
         (0.35-0.56)] and overall survival [HR (95% CI), 0.38 (0.29-0.49)],
         unlike in non-OP.                                   Nil.

         Future therapeutic lines                            Conflicts of interest
         HPV+  OSCC  response  to  RT,  chemotherapy  and  the   There are no conflicts of interest.
         combination of  both  are  topics  widely  approached  in
         the  literature  and  specialized  forums.  However,  little  or   REFERENCES
         nothing is known about  immunotherapy  techniques  and
         their effectiveness. In 2015, Rosenthal et al. [120]  published a   1.   Scully C, Field JK, Tanzawa H. Genetic aberrations in oral or head and
                                                                 neck squamous cell carcinoma (SCCHN): 1. Carcinogen metabolism, DNA
         retrospective assessment of the IMCL-9815 study, trying to   repair and cell cycle control. Oral Oncol 2000;36:256-63.
         find if there were any differences in treatment patients with   2.   Syrjänen S, Lodi G, von Bültzingslöwen I, Aliko A, Arduino P, Campisi G,
         RT alone vs. RT+ cetuximab, in a series of 182 OSCC patients,   Challacombe S, Ficarra G, Flaitz C, Zhou HM, Maeda H, Miller C, Jontell
         in relation to the presence or absence of HPV and p16. They   M. Human papillomavirus in oral carcinoma and oral potentially malignant
                                                                 disorders: a systematic review. Oral Dis 2011;17 Suppl 1:58-72.
         concluded that the addition of cetuximab to RT improved   3.   Pande P, Soni S, Kaur J,  Agarwal S, Mathur M, Shukla NK, Ralhan R.
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