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Table 1: Nine highlighted publications
         Author             Year    Study             Objective        Number              Results
         Miller and Johnstone [33]  2001  Meta-analysis  To determine the significance of   4,680  HPV is detected with increased frequency
                                               the relationship of HPV in the    in oral dysplastic and carcinomatous
                                              progressive development of oral   epithelium in comparison with normal oral
                                                       cancer                               mucosa
         Kreimer et al. [14]  2005  Meta-analysis To describe the prevalence and type  5,046  Tumor site-specific HPV prevalence was
                                               distribution of HPV by anatomic   higher among studies from North America
                                                      cancer site                  compared with Europe and Asia
         Ragin and Taioli [35]  2007  Meta-analysis  To study the overall relationship   3,151  The improved OS and DFS for HPV+
                                             between HPV infection and OS and      HNSCC patients is specific to the
                                                    DFS in HNSCC                oropharynx; these tumours may have a
                                                                               distinct etiology from those tumours in non-
                                                                                       oropharyngeal sites
         Jayaprakash et al. [34]  2011  Meta-analysis To provide a prevalence estimate for   458  HPV-16/18 were 3 times more common in
                                                   HPV-16/18 in OPD            dysplastic lesions (OR, 3.29; 95% CI, 1.95-
                                                                                5.53%) and invasive cancers (OR, 3.43;
                                                                                95% CI, 2.07-5.69%), when compared to
                                                                                         normal biopsie
         Rosenquist et al. [32]  2007  Prospective  To evaluate the influence of different   128  High-risk HPV cases have a higher risk of
                                              risk factors for recurrence or the   recurrence/second primary tumours, but
                                             appearance of new second primary   lower risk of death in intercurrent disease,
                                                     in the OSCC                       compared with HPV-
         Fakhry et al. [36]  2008  Prospective  To evaluate the association between   96  HPV+ HNSCC respond better to QT and
                                                tumour HPV status with the       RT-QT, with better overall survival rate
                                              therapeutic response and survival  at two years and reduced risk of disease
                                                                                      progression than HPV-
         Rischin et al. [37]  2011  Prospective  To determine the prognostic   185  HPV+ OPC is a distinct entity with a
                                               significance of p16 and HPV in   favorable prognosis (when compared with
                                                   patients with OPC            HPV-). When it is treated with cisplatin-
                                                                                       based chemotherapy
         Ang et al. [38]    2010  Retrospective  To study the association between   743  Among patients with OPC, tumor HPV
                                              tumor HPV status and survival in    status is a strong and independent
                                                  stage III and IV OPD              prognostic factor for survival
         Lassen et al. [39]  2014  Retrospective  To test the hypothesis that the   1,294  The prognostic impact of HPV- associated
                                             impact of HPV/p16 also extends to   p16-expression may be restricted to OPC
                                                    non-OP tumours                           only
         Nine highlighted publications are summarized because of their high number of patients, recent date of publication, good study design and highly cited in the literature,
         including 4 meta-analysis, [14,33-35]  3 prospective studies, [32,36,37]  and 2 retrospective studies. [38,39]  HPV: human papillomavirus; OPD: oropharyngeal dysplasias; OP:
         oropharyngeal; OPC: oropharyngeal cancer; HNSCC: head and neck squamous cell carcinoma; OS: overall survival; DFS: disease free survival; QT: chemotherapy; RT:
         radiotherapy; OSCC: oral squamous cell carcinoma; OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval

         studies are summarized in Table 1.                  the level of their differentiation. [44]

         DISCUSSION                                          There are different routes of infection, mainly sexual, vertical
                                                             and self-inoculation; they all share the need for close contact
         There is much written literature about the relationship of HPV   to occur. [45,46]  Transmission from non-primates to humans is
         virus and OSCC. Due to the great disparity of published data,   unknown to occur. [47,48]
         it is very difficult to establish rightly the role HPV plays and its
         etiopathological, clinical and prognostic considerations. This   To active the infection, the virus must reach the epithelial basal
         can be related to differences in study populations (genetic,   layer, where the specific integrin alpha 6 receptor is present.
         social and cultural factors) and the methodology of study and   Once the infection becomes productive, cytopathic effects
         detection of virus.                                 can appear, first of all koilocytosis.  To make this happen, the
                                                             patient's immune response plays an important role. During
         There are many HPV genotypes identified, within which,   infection, viral antigen presentation is minimal and thus the
         over 130 are related to skin and mucosal lesions.  The first   infection can persist until years.  In immunocompetent
         to propose the pathogenic relationship of this type of virus   patients  lesions usually  regress  spontaneously, while in
         with OSCC was Syrjänen et al.  in 1983. And the first type   immunodeficient the incidence and  persistence of  them  is
         identified in head and neck was HPV16 in palatine tonsil   usually higher. [49]
         carcinomas.  Since then, there have been many published
         studies on detection and about its role in OSCC.    Regarding the oncological potential of the virus, there is much
                                                             controversy about the true role played by the integration of
         HPV molecular biology                               viral DNA into human epithelial cells. Several authors have
         HPV belongs to a heterogeneous group corresponding to the   investigated its pathogenesis in OSCC. According to its role
         "Papillomaviridae" family.  It is characterized as a DNA-double   in the development of cervical cancer, HPV is classified into
         stranded virus. It has a diameter of 50 μm and it is covered by   a high risk for malignant lesions subtype (HPV 16, 18, 31,
         an icosahedral capsid consisting of 72 capsomeres, without   33, 35, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68, 73 and 82) and low-grade
         casing [42,43]  and presents a particular tropism by keratinocytes,   malignant lesions subtype but related to benign lesions (HPV
         being the synthesis and expression of their genes linked to   6, 11, 13, 32, 42, 43, 44). [33,50]
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