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Figure 1: The case of a 70-year-old and ex-smoker female patient with a human papillomavirus+ head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. We can see an
           exophytic lesion three years of evolution on the left floor of the mouth, surpassing the midline, with a progressive growth. The patient has no dysphagia
           or dyspnea. We decide to take biopsies, obtaining the diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma
           squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) throughout the world. [14]  METHODS

           The appearance of this kind of tumours has changed among   A  review  of articles  published  in  the  last  ten  years  (since
           the last decades. Some genotypes have been suggested as the   February 29, 2016  until January 1, 2005)  in the database
           most likely causative agents of human papillomavirus, whose   of  medical literature  MEDLINE  via  PubMed  search engine
           carcinogenic effect in  oropharynx  was first  proposed by   was performed. The following descriptors obtained  from
           Syrjänen et al.  in 1983 according to common morphological   “DeCS” were used as keywords: "Papillomavirus Infections",
           characteristics of HPV and immunohistochemistry. Later, this   "Carcinoma,  Squamous  Cell"  and "Mouth".  All  possible
           was confirmed by using new techniques such as "Southern   associations between them were used.
           Blot Hybridization". [16,17]  HPV has been proposed as a major
           risk factor for oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma   The main objective was to study the role of HPV in the
           (OPSCC), [7,18]   with  a  strong  association  in  subjects  with  or   development,  molecular biology,  prognosis  and treatment
           without the established risks of smoking and alcohol. [7]  of OSCC. We also provided special attention to detection
                                                               and sampling techniques,  risk factors, epidemiology,
           The oncogenic potential of certain high-risk HPV genotypes   relationship with other non-malignant lesions and history
           is related to its ability of integrating DNA fragments (E5, E6   of the virus.
           and E7) in the host cell, annulling the function of tumour   Inclusion criteria were: (1) studies published between the
           suppressor  factors such as p21, p53 and pRb  routes.    dates indicated; (2) English language; (3) both observational
           However, there are many ethno-geographical differences   and experimental studies; (4) reviews and meta-analyses; and
           between the examined groups, with detection ranges from   (5) items that although published at an earlier date than the
           0 to 100%. [18,20-24]  Virus  detection is  also affected by  the   cut-off, are cited in the main revised. Exclusion criteria were:
           sensitivity  of the  diagnostic  test  and the  location of the   (1)  publications that do  not appear  in the set date range
           lesion, which difficult the clarification of the role of HPV and   and which are not mentioned in any of the included; (2) any
           its carcinogenic potential. [7,25]                  type of non-English language; (3) studies lacking internal or
                                                               external validity; (4) editorials and case reports; (5) studies
           Some authors not only involve the virus in the pathogenesis   with a sample size lower than 30, or if it is not mentioned
           of OSCC, but also believe that it can determine the prognosis   by any of the included; and (6) articles that do not contain
           and  module treatment  response.   The first  type  of HPV   information on the main search object.
           isolated in OSCC was HPV16 in the palatine tonsil, made
           by Niedobitek  et al.  in 1990. However, this is not the   RESULTS
           only subtype identified, varying according to the analysed
           population sample.  Recently this type of HPV-positive   We preliminarily found 252 articles, of which only 39 were
           tumours in the oral cavity was described as an entity with   included and reviewed. Among these, 9 publications were
           different  molecular,  clinical, etiological,  pathological and   highlighted: 4 meta-analysis, [14,33-35]  3 prospective studies [32,36,37]
           prognostic characteristics. [6,20-23,29-32]         and  2  retrospective  studies. [38,39]   Main  results  from  these
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