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Figure 3: Intraoperative image. After performing tracheotomy, double functional bilateral neck dissection, excision of the lesion with macroscopic
         margins above the centimeter and subsequent reconstruction with radial forearm flap was performed. Histological results reveals a pT3N0M0 human
         papillomavirus 16+ squamous cell carcinoma, with close resection margins, 6 mm thickness, with no vascular or perineural infiltration. After surgery, the
         patient received adjuvant radiotherapy. She is currently without signs of loco-regional recurrence
         Regarding  to  etnogeographical  differences,  some  authors   for detecting papillomavirus DNA is the palatine tonsil and
         suggest that Japanese studies tend to have the highest rate   the base of the tongue, with a strong causal association, [14,82]
         of HPV, [70,71]  while Africans tend to have the lowest rate.    independently of the influence of smoking or alcohol.
         Kreimer et al.  established that HPV+ prevalence was higher   Oropharyngeal  HPV+  tumours  appears  in  up  to  six  times
         among studies from North America compared with those   more often than in other tumours of the head and neck.
         from Europe and Asia. In 2016, Mehanna et al.  conducted a   Snijders  et al.  were the first to suggest the amygdala is
         prospective study of 801 patients with head and neck cancers.   linked with the HPV, in 1992.
         They  established  the  geographic  variability  (differences
         between continents) as an independent risk factor for HPV+   Detection, diagnosis and typing techniques
         prevalence of OPSCC. It is most prevalent in Western Europe,   Molecular assays are the gold standard for HPV identification,
         when compared to Eastern Europe (37%, 155 of 422 vs. 6%, 8   mainly polymerase chain reaction (PCR),  specifically the
         of 144; P < 0.0001) and Asia (37% vs. 2%, 4 of 217; P < 0.0001).  reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) to measure viral mRNA E6
                                                             and E7 in fresh tissue.  It has a high sensitivity. [80,85-88]  It is
         Regarding the genotype, the most prevalent is HPV16 (68.2-  even able to detect latent infections. Other tests that have
         90%) [14,33,66]   [Figures  1-3]  followed  by  HPV18  (34.1%). [14,73]    been used for detection of HPV are “Southern Blot” (less
         But this varies depending on the series analysed and the   sensitivity  than  PCR)   and  in situ  hybridization  (ISH)  (less
         techniques  used,  and  that  proportion  may  be  reversed,   sensitive and less expensive than PCR). Some authors have
         being higher HPV18. [28,59]  Although the association between   proposed the combination of PCR with ISH, combining the
         HPV and OSCC is described, [32,62,68,74-77]  it is important to   advantages of the two tests: the high sensitivity of PCR and
         note that high-risk genotypes HPV16 have been detected in   the ability of ISH to identify and localize genomic sequences
         normal oropharyngeal mucosa, [78,79,62]  questioning this causal   linked to HPV in this kind of tumours. [90,91]
         relationship. In 2001, Mork  et  al.  defined HPV infection
         as a risk factor for OSCC, whose exposure may precede the   P16 is a protein used by some authors as a biomarker for
         occurrence of OPSCC in 10 years and older.          HPV infection, which can be expressed when viral DNA is
                                                             integrated into the host cell. It reflects the functional effects
         In the oropharynx there is no hard evidence linking HPV with   derived from the inactivation of pRb, induced by E7. It is
         alcohol or tobacco use, and the absence of synergism is the   detected by immunohistochemistry staining and it can be
         most  accepted  hypothesis,   suggesting  two  ways  for the   used as a predictor of HPV infection in OPSCC, even being
         development of OPSCC, one derived from smoking with or   proposed by some authors the detection of p16INK4A as an
         without alcohol and another derived from the HPV inducted   initial test, followed by the detection of HPV in which are
         genomic instability. [31]                           positive for this. [92-94]

         Most frequent location                              Regarding  to  the  sample  being  sent  for  testing,  the  most
         HPV has a predilection for the oropharynx and the Waldeyer   commonly accepted it is taking biopsies or tumour specimen
         ring. [14,24,59]  It is estimated that the most frequent location   analysis [Figure  1]. This allows not  only molecular analysis
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