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but  also  morphological  analysis  of  the  piece,  including  all   with no PCR techniques between 80% and 90%. Other authors
           cell layers where the virus may be latently.  As a method of   with more recent publications detected more frequently
           screening for epidemiological studies, Lawton et al.  reported   HPV2 and 4. [109]
           that mouthwash is the technique of choice, although higher
           performance by combining different sampling techniques is   Focal  epithelial  hyperplasia  (Heck's  disease):  they  usually
           obtained.                                           occur in children and young adults. There is usually genetic
                                                               predisposition. [112]  HPV13 (20%) and HPV32 (60%) are related
           Virus relationship with other oral lesions          to those lesions. [113-115]
           Since the early 1980s some authors have reported the presence
           of HPV not only in cancerous lesions of the oral cavity, but   Prognosis and treatment
           also in premalignant lesions. [15,97,98]  Recently, the presence of   There is much controversy about the role that infection by
           HPV has been identified as an independent prognostic factor   the  HPV  plays  in  the  prognosis  and  treatment  of  patients
           for survival in patients with OPSCC.  Miller and Johnstone    with OSCC. Most of the published studies are retrospective.
           indicate that HPV (low and high risk serotypes) are 2-3 times   But they do generally conclude that the presence of HPV
           more detected in precancerous mucosa and almost 5 times   divides these tumours in two different entities with different
           more detected in carcinoma than in non-neoplastic mucosa:   prognostic and therapeutic implications. The most commonly
           (1) 22.2% in benign leukoplakia; (2) 26.2% in intraepithelial   accepted is that patients with OPSCC HPV+ have a better
           neoplasias; and (3) 46.5% in OSCC, with a detection probability   prognosis due to increased survival, showing better treatment
           of high-risk ones 2.8 times higher than low risk.   response rates. [36,38,63,116-118]

           Jayaprakash et al.  published in 2011 a meta-analysis about   The most cited paper in the literature is the one published
           458 oropharyngeal dysplasias, estimating that the prevalence   by Fakhry  et al.  in 2008. They conducted a prospective
           of HPV16/18 is 24.5%. They reported that HPV16/18 were   phase 2 study of 96 patients with oral, oropharyngeal and
           3 times more common in dysplastic lesions (OR, 3.29; 95%   laryngeal SCC. All patients received two cycles of induction
           CI, 1.95-5.53%) and invasive cancers (OR, 3.43; 95% CI, 2.07-  chemotherapy with paclitaxel and carboplatin followed by
           5.69%), when compared to normal biopsies. In addition,   concurrent weekly paclitaxel and radiotherapy. They detected
           they found these two genotypes are at least 2.5 times more   HPV (types 16, 33 and 35) with PCR and ISH in 40% of all
           common  in  men  than  in  women.  Within  oral  leukoplakia,   patients. They compared their response to treatment with
           proliferative  verrucous  leukoplakia is believed to have a   HPV-: OSCC HPV+ have better respond to chemotherapy (82%
           stronger relationship with HPV  mainly 16, with a range of   vs. 55%, difference = 27%, 95% CI, 9.3-44.7%; P = 0.01) and
           onset between 10% and 85%, [99,100]  and higher rate of malignant   chemo-radiotherapy (84% vs. 57%, difference = 27%, 95% CI,
           transformation. [101]  Some authors have also reported a   9.7- 44.3%; P = 0.007).
           relationship between lichen planus and HPV, ranging from 0
           to 100%, [102]  which indicates the existing controversy about   Patients with OSCC HPV + have a better overall survival rate
           this association.                                   at two years [95% (95% CI, 87-100%) vs. 62% (95% CI, 49-74%),
                                                               (difference = 33%, 95% CI, 18.6- 47.4%; P = 0.005, log-rank
           Many publications are studying virus connection with benign   test)] and a lower risk of disease progression than HPV-
           lesions or even in normal mucosa, varying its prevalence   [Hazard Ratio (HR), 0.27; 95% CI, 0.10-0.75%].
           depending on the technique used, many times no PCR
           techniques are used, which may underestimate measurements.   In 2007, Ragin and Taioli  performed a meta-analysis of 37
           As a summary:                                       studies, which conclude that patients with OSCC HPV+ had
                                                               a lower risk of death (HR = 0.85 target; 95% CI, 0.7-1.0) and
           Appearance in normal mucosa: varies between 0 and 81%. [78,103]    lower risk of recurrence (HR = 0.62% target; 95% CI, 0.5-0.8)
           It may appear subclinical or latent, [104]  being detected by the   than in HPV-. Regarding OPSCC they conclude that HPV+ had
           extreme sensitivity of the PCR and may be or not related to   a reduced risk of death of 28% (Target HR 0.72; 95% CI, 0.5-
           the emergence of a future lesion.                   1.0) compared with HPV- with a similar result for disease-free
                                                               survival (Meta HR, 0.51; 95% CI, 0.4-0.7).
           Squamous papilloma: clinically often indistinguishable from
           common warts. HPV genotypes 6 and 11 are most frequently   In the same year, Rosenquist et al.  conducted a prospective
           associated, detected by ISH. [105]                  study of cases and controls over 128 Swedish patients with
                                                               OPSCC to evaluate the influence of different risk factors for
           Condyloma accuminatum: it is a sexually transmitted infection   recurrence or appearance of new second primaries in the
           and it is usually related to HPV 6 and 11 infection, varying   first 3 years after the diagnosis. They found, unlike other
           its positivity between 75% and 85% in oral lesions. [106,107]    published studies that high-risk HPV+ cases had a higher risk
           Furthermore it is also related to the HPV 16. [108,109]  It is usually   of recurrence/second primary tumour, but lower risk of death
           present in HIV+ patients. [110]                     in intercurrent disease, compared with HPV- ones.
           Common wart (verruca vulgaris): oral lesions usually result   In 2008, Worden  et al. [119]  conducted a study about the
           from  autoinoculation  from  the  fingers.  It  usually  occurs   response to treatment of 66 patients with OPSCC. They found
           in children. The HPV 2 is described as the most frequently   that  the  presence  of  HPV  was  significantly  associated  with
           related, followed by HPV 57, [106,111]  detected most of the time   response to chemotherapy (P = 0.001), chemo-radiotherapy (P
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