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Moshrefi et al.                                                                                                                                                                              Propeller flaps for trunk wounds

           to find that the highest rate of complication was with   addition to multi-detector row computed tomography,
           venous congestion but that no permanent flap loss   the authors find these modalities time consuming
           was noted in any case. All cases of venous congestion   and costly in a climate of American healthcare costs
           identified were transient, whether they were managed   that continue to rise. However, there is significant
           expectantly or with some intervention (i.e. leeches,   value in these modalities in the authors’ opinions
           derotation of flap, etc.). The other complications were   with respective to complex reconstruction or those of
           with much less frequency and reviewing the patient’s   reoperative reconstructive fields. Some colleagues
           risk factors, they did not seem to adversely affect the   at our institution utilize these modalities routinely and
           outcomes. Unfortunately, many series did not identify   so there remains no consensus nor compelling data
           preoperative risk factors in patients and so drawing   in the literature to support use of these methods over
           conclusions from this are limited in this review. In   handheld Doppler ultrasound or even dissection with
           addition, of those that did specify the risks factors, the   direct visualization. Indeed, a palpable pulse of the
           patient-specific data was often combined with flaps of   perforator in question is always a reassuring finding
           other areas of the body and/or there was not enough   and indicator of flap viability. In keeping dissection
           detailed information provided to determine if the   principles in mind, we try to adhere in line with the
           complications occurred in those with risks factors (i.e.   findings of Wong et al. [26]  in that a 3-cm pedicle length
           transient venous congestion occurrence in relation to   dissection is attempted to be obtained when safe.
           patients that smoked).                             This is particularly prudent when utilizing degrees of
                                                              rotation beyond 90 degrees in propeller fashion, but is
           Interestingly, none of the etiologies for the defects   only done when skeletonization is deemed appropriate
           mentioned in any of the studies were traumatic. This   and safe.
           may be that trunk wounds are generally not as likely
           to be traumatic compared to lower extremity wounds.   As  discussed  in  the  Tokyo  criteria  of  2011,  the
           Anecdotally, traumatic wounds do raise some concern   perforator-based propeller flap can be rotated a
           in the reconstruction of a wound using a propeller   maximum of 180 degrees for wound reconstruction [27] .
           flap as the perforator may be captured in the zone of   This has to do with torsion and kinking of the pedicle,
           injury.                                            ultimately which can lead to flap compromise and
                                                              loss.  If  flap  compromise  in  the  form  of  venous
           One of limitations of this study is that the search terms   congestion develops, return to the operating room
           and search database is limited. One of the challenges   and releasing the flap from its inset position is of the
           of broadening this search would be to search for each   first consideration. Following this, if the compromise
           propeller flap by a described name or technique (i.e.   is not addressed then the flap should be rotated back
           LICAP flap) as it relates to the trunk, which would   to the donor site and observed for improvement. Still if
           be much more extensive of a search. However, this   minimal or no improvement is noted, dissection of the
           provides an opportunity for further delving into the   flap to its pedicle should occur to ensure the vascular
           literature and providing a larger review that may be   leash is not the complicating factor.
           more inclusive than the broader search terms listed
           as part of our study. Another notable limitation is   With respect to management of the donor site, the
           that publication bias of positive findings with relation   authors agree with the conclusion of D’Arpa et al.  in
           to propeller flap outcomes of the studies currently   the decision tree of when a perforator-based propeller
           available.                                         flap is utilized for reconstruction. Specifically, if the
                                                              donor site cannot be closed primarily, then a free flap
           Variability in design of propeller flaps of course   reconstructive option is sought first that would lead to
           depends upon the shape, size, depth, and location   less to donor site morbidity and improved cosmesis.
           of the defect. In general, axes of the flaps designed   In other words, a perforator-based propeller flap may
           should be based perpendicular or oblique on the trunk   be designed as large as the defect dictates so long
           and in parallel in extremities [7,24] .            as the donor site may be closed primarily. As with all
                                                              reconstructions in plastic surgery, each defect poses
           When identifying perforators for dissection, it is the   its own challenges and nuance that the plastic and
           authors’ preferred method to do so via handheld    reconstructive surgeon must take into consideration
           Doppler ultrasound as well as visual inspection upon   prior to surgical intervention.
           dissection. Ono et al. [25]  provided a recent publication
           in 2017 with an excellent overview with preoperative   In  conclusion,  propeller  f laps  are  a  viable
           modalities to identify perforators. While CTA, MRA,   reconstructive option for trunk wounds and should be
           and CDU have grown tremendously as modalities in   in the armamentarium of plastic and reconstructive

                           Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ November 30, 2017                  207
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