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Seu et al.                                                                                                                                                          Femoral head reconstruction in pediatric patient

                                                              CASE REPORT

                                                              An otherwise healthy 8-year-old girl initially presented
                                                              with left hip pain and was treated for presumed
                                                              osteomyelitis; however, upon open biopsy of the left
                                                              femoral neck, she was found to have ES extending
                                                              from the femoral neck into the proximal diaphysis. The
                                                              patient began a neoadjuvant chemotherapy regimen
                                                              as specified by her local hospital protocol. Past
                                                              medical history and family history are unremarkable.

                                                              Eight months after initial onset of symptoms, the
                                                              patient and her family met with her treatment team at
                                                              Johns Hopkins, which included pediatric orthopedic
                                                              oncology and plastic and reconstructive surgery
                                                              [Figure 1]. She and her family decided to pursue
                                                              single staged resection of the primary tumor and
                                                              reconstruction of the left proximal femur using an
           Figure 1: Magnetic resonance imaging of primary Ewing sarcoma
           tumor in patient’s left hip                        ipsilateral vascularized fibula autograft and cadaveric
                                                              femoral allograft shell with articular restoration through
                                                              preservation of the native femoral head.
           prostheses  and non-vascularized  allografts are
           insufficient for pediatric patients due to the need   The patient was taken to the operating room and
           to both restore joint function and preserve growth   placed on her right side. The left proximal femur was
           potential . Vascularized fibular head autografts have   accessed via a lateral approach, starting proximal
           been previously used successfully in mandibular    to the joint and extending distally approximately
           and radial reconstructions . The proximal femur    halfway down the thigh. The muscular attachments
           and acetabulofemoral joint has a unique structure   were dissected off the femur and the tumor was
           that allows wide range of motion and weight-bearing   excised en bloc, revealing negative margins. An
           properties. Reconstruction using a vascularized fibular   anterior capsulectomy was performed. The femur was
           autograft alone is insufficient to restore the native   dislocated from the acetabulum and a circumferential
           anatomy of the proximal femur. However, its structure   capsulotomy was performed in order to save the
           can be augmented using an acellular cadaveric      femoral head cap and preserve the native articular
           femoral allograft, which acts as a scaffold on which the   anatomy. After tumor excision, the defect extended
           autograft can grow . Utilizing this method preserves   from immediately below the femoral head cap to the
           the epiphyseal plate in a child, restoring both function   proximal portion of the diaphysis.
           and growth potential. Previous studies have combined
           acellular allografts with vascularized fibular autografts   The fibular harvest was initiated with a lateral incision
           to reconstruct intercalary bony defects post-tumor   on the ipsilateral leg. The musculature was elevated
           resection [7-10] . However, there is a paucity of research   off the fibula and the anterior crural septum was
           on the reconstruction involving epiphyseal portions of   transected. A distal osteotomy was performed 6 cm
           long bones and articulations with this method .    below the lateral malleolus using an oscillating saw.
                                                              The deep peroneal artery and vein were ligated
           We present a case of an 8-year-old female with ES of   distally to be used as the vascular pedicle. The fibula
           the left proximal femur who underwent wide resection   and vascular pedicle were elevated completely out of
           of the primary tumor followed by reconstruction of the   the leg.
           acetabulofemoral joint using a vascularized fibular
           head free flap with a cadaveric femoral head allograft   Within the left hip, the descending branch of the lateral
           shell. The patient had no complications at 6-month   femoral circumflex artery and vein were dissected out
           follow-up. This case report demonstrates the novel   to their origin, prepared by microscope, and clamped.
           use of an acellular cadaveric femoral allograft with a   Meanwhile, the cadaveric femoral allograft shell was
           free fibula autograft including the articular head of the   prepared ex-vivo by cutting the allograft length-wise
           fibula for complex proximal femoral reconstruction of   and reaming out the core to create a trough for the
           the femur and hip joint.                           fibular autograft. The fibular autograft was fractured to

            210                                                                                    Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ November 30, 2017
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