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Seu et al.                                                                                                                                                          Femoral head reconstruction in pediatric patient

                             A                               B

           Figure 2: (A) Vascularized fibular autograft within cadaveric femoral allograft; (B) radiograph of final construct inset within patient’s hip

           recreate the angle of the femoral neck, then secured   double leg spica cast for hip joint immobilization.
           within the trough of the cadaveric femoral allograft   Her postoperative stay was uneventful and she
           shell. The fibula extended out of the distal portion of   was transferred to her local hospital on POD 18 for
           the allograft shell to ensure intussusception, or bony   continued care and management. She has had no
           overlap within bone, into the native femoral diaphysis.   complications at 6 months follow-up. Surveillance
           The  femoral  allograft  was  reamed  out  to  allow   imaging has demonstrated good healing, maintenance
           1.5 cm of intussusception and the distal aspect of the   of the hip joint, and absence of local recurrence. She
           autograft-allograft construct was malleted into the   remains non-weight bearing and will begin physical
           native femoral shaft. The native femoral head was   therapy after the completion of her chemotherapy
           modified to form a well-aligned cap to the proximal   regimen. At 9 months follow-up, the patient presented
           portion of the autograft-allograft complex. Terminally   with no pain. X-rays demonstrated that the leg was
           threaded Steinmann pins were used to hold the native   healing well and that she could potentially advance her
           femoral head cap and autograft-allograft complex   weight bearing status [Figure 4].
           together [Figure 2]. C-arm fluoroscopy was utilized
           to ensure that the pins did not protrude outside the   DISCUSSION
           bone. The left hip was reduced into the acetabulum
           and a 7-hole Synthes plate was placed to secure the
           autograft-allograft complex with the native femoral   Advancements in skeletal reconstruction have
           shaft. C-arm fluoroscopy was used again to ensure   improved options for limb salvage, but reconstruction
           proper positioning of hardware in the construct.   remains challenging when tumors occur in the joints
                                                              or epiphysis of children due to the need to preserve
           The deep peroneal artery and vein were anastomosed   both growth and durability . Most bone sarcomas are
           in a retrograde fashion to the descending branch of   localized to the metaphysis of the bone. In adults, the
           the lateral femoral circumflex artery and vein [Figure 3].   entire proximal or distal portion of the bone is resected
           A 2.5-mm coupler was used for venous anastomosis   and reconstructed with prostheses . Diaphyseal bone
           and 9-0 nylon suture was used to anastomose the    defects can be reconstructed using megaprostheses
           arteries end-to-end. The patient was secured in a   and intercalary allografts, both of which have
           posterior splint and an epidural was placed in the   high rates of postoperative complications such as
           operating room for postoperative pain management.  nonunion, fracture, and infection [8-10] . However, the
                                                              Capanna technique can also be considered as a
           The patient tolerated the procedure well without peri-  method to reconstruct bony defects through the use
           operative surgical or anesthetic complications. She   of a vascularized autograft set within a decellularized
           resumed her chemotherapy regimen immediately       allograft, and has demonstrated positive outcomes in
           after surgery and returned to the operating room   variety of cases [11] . Though prostheses and allografts
           on postoperative day (POD) 7 for placement of a    can successfully reconstruct joints in adults, special

                           Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ November 30, 2017                  211
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