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Rajput                                                                                                                                                                                Cyclical nutritional therapy clinical trial

           unusual organ that grows when cells in the body are   Exclusion criteria: (1) patients who had previously tried
           allowed to die. Hair is created when the piling up of   any kind of hair loss treatment within the last 6 months,
           dead keratinized cells are serially pushed upwards   were excluded; (2) patients who were on any kind of
           while new dead cells are generated from below. Keratin   supplements, protein shakes, medical treatment for
           deposition in the cells gradually increases as the cells   any condition were excluded; (3) patients with regular
           are pushed towards the outer layers of the skin, finally   alcohol intake and smokers were excluded; (4) male
           the cells become non-viable, dead cells pile up over   patients with Norwood Hamilton grade I and grade II
           one another and are pushed out of the body in the form   hair loss and female patients with Ludwig grade I hair
           of hair and nails. Saturation of the body with vitamins,   loss were excluded.
           especially vitamin A [61,62] , vitamin E [63-65] , Omega
           three fatty acids [66]  become pro oxidant, interfere with   Control group for men (CM) and control group for
           keratinisation leading to non-creation of hair keratinized   women (CW): CM consisted of 100 volunteer male
           cells ultimately manifesting as hair loss instead of hair   patients who were between 25 to 50 years of age
           growth.                                            and had hair loss between Norwood Hamilton grade
                                                              III to grade V. The male control group received 1 mg
           It should be highlighted that the recommended daily   finasteride every day and application of 2% minoxidil
           allowance (RDA) of various nutrients was decided by a   lotion 2 times a day, 1 mL in the morning after bath
           discussion and consensus between random selected   and 1 mL in the evening before sleep every day.
           committees to meet requirement of the rations
           supplied to soldiers and industrial workers rather than   Control group for women consisted of 100 volunteer
           by following experimental analysis of the metabolic   female patients who were between 25 to 50 years
           requirements within the human body [67] . Nutrients and   of age and had hair loss Ludwig grade II and III. The
           vitamins have two kinds of doses. A therapeutic dose   female control group did not receive finasteride, but
           given to patients suffering disease due to deficiency   were prescribed the application of 2% minoxidil lotion
           of the selected nutrient - which does is very high.   1 mL, 2 times a day, morning after bath and evening
           A prophylactic or preventive dose to promote good   before sleep.
           health that can be as low as possible [68] . Part of the   Treatment group for men (TM) and treatment group
           nutrients could come through diet while part via a low   for women (TW): Treatment groups for both men and
           dose supplement.
                                                              women followed the same protocol. Patients in both
           Aims and objectives                                the groups did not receive finasteride. Both men and
                                                              women treatment group applied 2% minoxidil lotion
           To  test  the  hypothesis  that  stimulation  of  hair   1 mL, 2 times a day, morning after their shower/bath
           growth and supporting cell division with nutritional   and again in the evening prior to sleep. In addition,
           supplements can result in hair growth, without the   they received nutritional supplements which included
           need to use antiandrogens or enzyme blockers in both   antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, omega 3, amino acids
           men and women.                                     and biotin. In order to avoid inter nutrient interactions,
                                                              improve absorption and have better efficiency we
           METHODS                                            planned to have these supplements in synergistic
                                                              combinations over a 3 day cycle [Table 3].
           Patient selection
           Male and female patients between the ages of 25 to 50   Method of hair care and use of nutritional supplements
           years, requiring treatment for hair loss, were explained
           the nature of the study. Patients made their choice to   Table 1: Age distribution of the patients in the study, (%)
           have treatment with finasteride and minoxidil or follow   Age (years)   Male           Female
           minoxidil with the low dose once in 3 days supplement   25-30            32              36
           program. A total 400 patients (200 men and 200     30-40                 47              40
           women) agreed to choose the standard therapy or    40-50                 21              24
           accept the nutritional therapy for a commitment of 1
           year, were selected to form the control group and the   Table 2: Grade of hair loss in male patients, (%)
           treatment group with a total of 100 patients per group.          Control group     Treatment group
           The age distribution of male and female patients in the   Grade III   30                 32
           study is displayed in Table 1. We have attempted to   Grade IV        50                 48
           have patients with comparable age and comparable   Grade V            20                 20
           grades of hair loss in the control groups and treatment   Ludwig II   48                 46
           groups as displayed in Tables 1-3.                 Ludwig III         52                 54
            164                                                                                    Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ September 30, 2017
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