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Rajput                                                                                                                                                                                Cyclical nutritional therapy clinical trial




                                                                                    Hair calibre in treatment group

                                                                                    Hair calibre in control group

              20                                                                    Non responders in control group


                    2 months       4 months      6 months       12 months
           Figure 8: Hair calibre in women

           for both men and women were similar, the improvement   placebo at 1 month, 34.5% at 2 months and 34.4%
           started as a noticeable change in 2 months for over   reduction in hair loss at 3 months [69] . Rizer et al. [70]
           70% patients and progressed to good in all the patients   who studied the benefit of marine protein supplement
           by the end of 6 months, becoming very good by end of   reported 20% reduced hair shedding within 4 months,
           1 year.                                            while the placebo group had increased shedding by
                                                              50%. Hair loss in control group continued the same
           Self-assessment scores                             in 41% and increased in 37% patients at the end of
           Self-assessment in treatment groups TM and TW had   4 months. Some relief from hair shedding seen in
           scores of 4 seen in 70% men and 62% women noticing   the control group may be due to the benefit of 2%
           good hair growth within 4 months of commencing the   minoxidil. A certain basic amount of steady hair fall
           therapy. Whereas 49% men and 74% women had a       did continue even in treatment group which can be
           score of 5, reporting that their hair stylist, their family   expected to happen as per the natural hair cycle.
           and friends noticed the changes in their hair growth,
           thickness and quality at the end of one year.      The improvement in density and calibre in both the
                                                              male and female treatment groups were similar to
           Self-assessment in the control groups CM and CW for   improvement recorded by Beer et al. [69]  as per their
           all patients were poor, below 3. At the end of 1 year   criteria for evaluation of hair quality. Beer et al.  studied
           had 64% men and 71% women said that they looked    the benefits from a supplement of keratin with minerals
           the same, had continued hair loss and could not    and vitamins which showed an improvement of 17.6% at
           appreciate any improvement. There were 23% men     1 month, 35.3% at 2 months, and 47.1% at the end of 3
           and 14% women who noticed improvement in some      months . Another study by Nicholas et al.  comparing
           areas and a few patients, 13% men and 15% women    a supplement of green tea extract, omega 3 and 6 fatty
           rated that they were worse than before.            acids, melatonin, cholecalciferol, betasitosterol, and
                                                              soy isoflavones, over a period of 24 weeks (6 months),
           DISCUSSION                                         showed 4.9% improvement in terminal hair counts.
                                                              Rizer et al. [70]  studied the benefit of marine protein
           Similar benefit as 68% reduction of hair fall in 1 month   supplement to find an overall 8% improvement in
           and 85% in 4 months were seen in the present study   diameter for villus hair after 6 months. Rizer et al. [70]
           was reported by Beer et al. [69]  who studied the benefits   did not compare terminal hair counts and hair calibre
           from a keratin supplement with minerals and vitamins,   but suggested that further improvement could be
           which showed 12.5% reduction in hair loss over     possible if the supplements were continued for 1 year,
                           Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ September 30, 2017                 169
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