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Rajput                                                                                                                                                                                Cyclical nutritional therapy clinical trial

                                          156% over 1 year. Conclusion: Hair loss occurs when weak, sensitive, follicles are affected
            trichoscopy,                  by multiple causes. Hair regrowth can be achieved consistently and safely by strengthening
            hair growth,                  the hair roots and promoting hair growth without necessarily depending on the use of anti
            hair loss,                    androgens.
            side effects,
            cyclical therapy

           INTRODUCTION                                       altered immunity [11,19-22] .
           Today, with the understanding of teloptosis and    Research workers have attributed the thinning
           kenogen by Guarrera et al.  [1-3] , patients develop   and miniaturization of the hair as the hallmark of
           baldness, not due to hair loss but due to the empty   androgenic alopecia (AGA). Now numerous other
           follicle stage. Patients gradually develop empty bald   types of thinning and hair loss have been identified
           areas as a result of the falling telogen hair no longer   as  mimicing AGA [22-25] .  Therefore  we found the
           being replaced with new anagen hair. The physiological   need to develop a new category of description and
           balance of the hair growth cycle is disrupted [3-6]  leading   classification defined as diffuse unpatterned hair
           to loss of density, gradually manifesting into baldness.   loss (DUPA) [8,26] . We now clinically face hair loss
           However, patients assume they are balding due to   that displays all the characteristics of AGA but does
           the visual hair loss and pursue multiple remedies   not confirm to genetic predisposition and has no
           for control.  The loss of 100-150 hair follicles a day   family history [27] . AGA can skip siblings and skip
           is normal [7,8]  in Caucasians. Caucasians have over   generations. Though siblings carry the genes, there
           a 100,000 hair follicles on the head and losing 150   are more collaborators than just the presence of DHT
           follicles a day, or 4,500 in a month, is a loss of less   to manifest miniaturization and present the clinical
           than 5%. We would draw attention to the fact that, even   characteristics of AGA. Works of Headington, Philpott,
           after considering individual variation in the total number   Farjo N, Farjo B and Bahta have indicated that the
           of follicles lost, there would remain 85% to 95% of   multiple pathways of hair loss are in fact, interlinked,
           follicles which are not in the active fall phase - these   overlapping and in over 33% of the cases there may
           follicles are available and willing to grow. How can we   not be any identifiable cause [6,28] .
           make these follicles grow better and healthier? Let us
           look at the available knowledge in a new perspective to   DHT has been considered to be a cause for hair loss
           promote hair growth and achieve better density instead   but it is uncommon to find raised DHT levels in patients
           of fighting hair fall.                             and there is no correlation between DHT levels and
                                                              the grade of hair loss manifested in the patients [18] .
           Various factors affecting hair loss, weaken the hair   Under the influence of other known and unknown
           roots and make them sensitive to normal levels of   factors, even normal androgen levels can lead to hair
           androgens in the body [9-12] . Pattern hair loss can occur   loss. DHT’s presence is what causes the genes to
           with normal androgen levels [12,13] , pattern hair loss   express the balding gene and the blood levels alone
           can occur before puberty [13-15] , it has been reported   do not relate directly to the extent of hair loss. Thus
           in hypogonadism [16]  and also in a case of complete   we say, not a raised DHT but a higher sensitivity of the
           androgen insensitivity syndrome [17] . Instead of insisting   hair roots is responsible for hair loss [11,29-31] . Studies by
           on anti-androgens in management of hair loss patients,   Sawaya and Price [32] , on the 5-alpha reductase type
           we should focus on strengthening the hair follicle   1, type 2, aromatase and androgen receptors, along
           and promoting better hair growth to ensure more    with the cutaneous androgen metabolism studies
           hair on the head. Eminent research workers Trueb ,   by Chen et al. [33]  and Hoffman and Happle [34]  current
           Klingman , Rook and Dawber  in their studies of the   understanding of androgenic alopecia, all support
           dynamics of hair growth, have highlighted the fact that   the conclusion that sensitivity of the follicles is of
           hair loss is a result of dysregulation of the hair growth   greater concern than raised levels of androgens. We
           cycles or imbalance between factors regulating, hair   have discovered a limited correction of one of the
           loss and hair growth or to say the factors known to   mechanisms for hair loss by blocking conversion of
           be, favourable and unfavourable for hair growth.   testosterone to DHT but are attempting to treat all the
           The same is also emphasised by the studies of      various types of hair loss with the same approach.
           Headington , Paus and Cotsarelis , Liyanage and    Minoxidil and finasteride, which to date are the only two
           Sinclair . The role of dihydrotestosterone (DHT)   FDA approved and commonly accepted treatments for
           levels in hair loss is being questioned [18] . Research   hair loss, were both discovered by serendipity and not
           and understanding today suggest that hair loss can be   by studying the hair loss cycles. Patients treated with
           genetic, hormonal, nutritional, inflammatory or due to   minoxidil do not always show a predictable standard
            162                                                                                    Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ September 30, 2017
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