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Etemadifar et al.                                                                                                                                                           Imaging of demyelinated corpus callosum

           Table 1: Summary of changes in corpus callosum in different demyelinating diseases and their role in
           determination of prognosis
                             MS              ADEM                NMO                Susac           MBD
            MRI       All parts of CC   Mostly in splenium   Multiple           Snowball lesions in   Acutely involves
                      (mostly body)     of CC (widespread   heterogeneouslesions/  central CC/linear   genu and then
                      plaques and then   lesions in brain,   less common involvement   defects called   splenium of CC/
                      possible atrophy/  mostly sparing   of CC/mostly no lesions in   “smoke” in central   large, often
                      small, at the lower   periventricular area)  chronic stage  CC during post-  symmetrical, in
                      border of CC                                              encephalic phase  the midline of the
                      crossing the midline                                                      splenium, does
                      asymmetrically                                                            not reach the
                                                                                                edge of the CC
            fMRI      Significant increase   Increased ADC (AD   Mostly unchanged   Decreased FA in   Mostly no
                      in ADC (MD)/      and RD) in sub-acute   parameters in CC. If seen:   genu of CC  significant
                      decreased FA      phase but decreased   increased ADC/decreased           changes
                                        ADC in acute phase/  FA in CC and optic
                                        decreased FA      radiation
            Prognosis  Increased MD/    Increased ADC =   Increased ADC and     FA change and   No certain
                      decreased FA = more   more disability  decreased FA are helpful   genu involvement   evidences are
                      disability                          in acute phase        = more disability  available
           MS: multiple sclerosis; ADEM: acute disseminated encephalomyelitis; MBD: marchiafava bignami; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; CC:
           corpus callosum; FA: fractional anisotropy; ADC: apparent diffusion coefficient; MD: mean diffusion; NMO: neuromyelitis optica; AD: axial
           diffusivity; RD: radial diffusivity
           presented splenium  involvement.  Streptococcus    application of CC differences in diagnosis of various
           meningitis  caused by group B streptococcus results   CNS demyelinating disorders.
           in brain infarction as it’s main mechanism of action. It
           disrupts blood supply to thalamus, periventricular white   Authors’ contributions
           matter and basal ganglia. Although, there have been   Analysis and interpretation of data: A. Neshatfar
           case  reports  demonstrating  involvement  of callosal   Study conception and design: M. Etemadifar
           splenium in this disorder but to our knowledge no solid   Revision and data collection consultant: A.A. Zamani
           study investigated changes of inter-hemispheric fibers   Data collection: M. Salari
           in detail. Borrelia burgdorferi is the pathogen causing
           Lyme disease, which  is commonly mistaken for MS.   Financial support and sponsorship
           General patterns of CC lesions  are seen in Lyme   None.
           disease. Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery and  T2
           weighted MRI are the most efficient ones to explore   Conflicts of interest
           such lesions. [75]                                 There are no conflicts of interest.

           CC can be demyelinated in many other disorders which   Patient consent
           are not  primarily demyelinating.  Neurodegenerative   There is no patient data involved.
           diseases are one of the most important instances to   Ethics approval
           cause CC demyelination as a long term complication,
           However because CC damage is not the distinguishing   Not applicable.
           feature of such disorders, it is out of the scope of this
           study to evaluate this group of CNS disorders.     REFERENCES
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