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Etemadifar et al.                                                                                                                                                           Imaging of demyelinated corpus callosum

           of demyelinating lesions of callosal  tract,  however   It  comprises  four  parts:  (1)  the  reflected  anterior
           there are microstructural  pathologic  alterations  in   portion, or the rostrum; (2) the genu, or the anterior
           the CC that cannot be assessed with conventional   bulbar end; (3) the splenium, or the posterior rounded
           MRI.  Furthermore,  in some demyelinating  diseases   end; (4)  the body,  which lies  between the genu and
           including MS, normal appearing white matter (NAWM)   the splenium. The anterior half of human CC (genu,
           has been  reported  to have noticeable  histological   rostrum, body) contains fibers interconnecting frontal
           abnormality.   Advanced  MRI techniques  such as   association  cortical areas and the isthmus mostly
           diffusion tensor imaging  (DTI) and MR spectroscopy   contains primary motor, somatosensory and auditory
           have been employed to evaluate changes in NAWM     fibers.  In  the  splenium,  primary  visual,  association
           and histological changes in active lesional areas. [2,3]    temporooccipital  and  parietal  commissural  fibers  are
           The DTI is an advanced MR imaging technique that   mixed, forming a single segment with the hippocampal
           provides quantitative information regarding structural   commissure  through  which  parahippocampal  fibers
           features of central  nervous  system  (CNS).  It  allows   cross. Large diameter fibers are densest in the isthmus
           the  calculation  of  many parameters, including:   and the posterior splenium, whereas small fibers are
           mean diffusivity,  which is a directionally  averaged   more numerous in the  genu and anterior splenuim.
           measurement  of  the  apparent  diffusion  coefficient   The MR imaging  characteristics of CC are similar
           (ADC)  and  fractional  anisotropy  (FA),  which   to those of white matter: high  signal  intensity on T1
           summarizes  the  orientation-based  dependence     weighted  images and low signal intensity relative to
           of  diffusivity.   Many  authors have investigated   gray matter on both T2 weighted and proton density-
           pathologic  features of CC in different demyelinating   weighted  images. Measurement in the mid-sagital
           diseases through various imaging methods, especially   plane has been subject to  extensive investigations.
           MR imaging. They mostly focused on functional MRI,   Normal MR imaging features of CC were reported by
           DTI, MR spectroscopy in recent years of research.   Okamoto et al.  They showed focal thinning is seen
           This study aimed to provide a short review of      superiorly at the junction of body and splenium in 25%
           different pathologic features of  CC in neuroimaging   of healthy individuals and considered to be a normal
           of demyelinating disorders of CNS, which are mostly   variation. On  axial sections parallel to  canthomeatal
           auto-inflammatory  types.  It  also  shows  the  role  of   line at  the high ventricular level, the body of  CC is
           these  features in  prognosis of these  disorders  to   sectioned  longitudinally, displaying  a broad  band  of
           help  further discrimination  and comparison  between   white matter bordered by the upper outer corners of
           such diseases. [5,6]   Cognitive dysfunction is one of   lateral ventricles.
           the major factors affecting the social functioning and
           quality of life of patients suffering from demyelinating   Function
           disorders especially MS patients and It is one of the   The function of the CC has been investigated  for
           most important factors which  can be closely  related   centuries, suggesting it’s correlation with intelligence.
           to neuroimaging features of MS. This can play a key-  The earliest studies during the 16th century believed
           role to help determine the outcome of the disease and   it to be the “seat of the soul”.  It took until  the 18th
           also  their response  to possible routine  therapies. [7-11]    century for Franz Joseph Gall and Johann Spurzheim,
           In this article, we review different aspects of imaging   dissecting alcohol fixed brains, to describe bundles of
           and  involvement  patterns of CC  in various  CNS   axons passing through the callosal white matter and
           demyelinating  disorders  to determine  more helpful   connecting  the 2 hemisphere.  It’s known functions
           ways of discrimination  of such diseases  and also,   include: (1) inter-hemispheric exchange of information;
           to  demonstrate the role of white matter lesions   (2) facilitation of some cortical activities; (3) inhibition
           (particularly in CC) in evaluation of prognosis of these   of some cortical functions  and integration  of inputs
           demyelinating disorders. [12-16]  To our knowledge there   reaching one or both hemispheres.
           was no article previously, discussing  and  comparing
           CC features in different CNS demyelinating disorders   One of the latest contributions  in assessment  of
           similar to ours.                                   physiology and function of the CC in different
                                                              analytical studies is functional MRI. [18-20]
           NORMAL CC
                                                              CC IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS
           The CC is a prominent band of compact white matter   MRI
           composed  of  transversely  oriented  nerve  fibers  by   MS is the most common autoimmune  disease  of
           which every part of one hemisphere  is connected   the  CNS  and  it’s  characterized  by  inflammation,
           with corresponding part of  the other hemisphere.   demyelination  and degenerative changes.  The CC
             70                                                                      Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ April 27, 2017
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