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Williams et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                 Neurology fellowship

           increased its programs by only 10.6% in 13 years, with   number of clinical  neurologists in the USA. [13,14]  The
           Clinical Neurophysiology increasing at 443% in 9 years,   changes occurring in neurology residents and fellows
           and Vascular Neurology. This most likely represents a   over the past decade have been gradual and unique to
           maturation of the subspecialty and the slowed growth   each subspecialty.  In addition to the well-established
           rate one would expect with this.                   subspecialties  there are  residents  seeking  additional
                                                              training in less codified, but still important fields such
           The existence of gender differences amongst        as therapeutic development. [15]
           Neurology  subspecialty  trainees can be noted.
           Neurodevelopmental  Disabilities  (89%) and to a   Viewed  broadly, there is an evident  steady increase
           lesser degree Child Neurology (65%) demonstrate    in the number of Neurology  susbspecialty  training
           a disproportionate number  of female  trainees  while   programs  and fellows.  When looked  at on a
           Endovascular  Surgical  Neuroradiology  (0%) and   subspecialty by subspecialty basis the trends become
           Vascular  Neurology  (26%) have a disproportionate   more complicated. Some subspecialties  such as
           number of male trainees. While in some subspecialties   Endovascular Surgical Neuroradiology have a limited
           the  proportion  of  female trainees remains relatively   number of accredited programs and fellows that
           stable, Neurodevelopmental  Disabilities  (89%), Child   interpretation of trends is not feasible. The situation for
           Neurology (65%), and Clinical Neurophysiology (51%)   Endovascular  Surgical Neuroradiology  is particularly
           all have a growing  percentage  of female trainees. It   complicated as there are multiple training paths which
           is unclear what  exact effect  the initial growth in the   can be followed to reach this endpoint and there are
           proportion  of female  Neurology  residents peaking  in   a number of subspecialists, often situated in separate
           2009-2010 at ~47%, and the subsequent decline will   departments,  including  neurology, neurosurgery,
           have on subspecialty career choices [Figure 1].    and neuroradiology who care for  these patients
                                                              and have overlapping  skill sets.  The effects of the
           DISCUSSION                                         training  background  on patient outcomes have not
                                                              been thoroughly studied. Other recently accredited
           The number of  physicians in the United States     subspecialties  such as Neurovascular  and Clinical
           becomes larger and more diverse with each new      Neuromuscular  have  demonstrated  robust growth
           class  of  graduating  medical  students.  This  influx  of   rates since inception (650% per year and 344.4%
           new physicians benefits the medical community with   per year,  respectively). Other  subspecialties, such
           the supplementation  of new  physicians  to an aging   as Neurodevelopmental have shown little growth in
           society and growing  healthcare needs.  Additionally   the number of training programs (growth rate of 75%
           these trainees will replace physicians lost to attrition   per year) and a steady number of new fellows. These
           via retirement or death. With over 120 specializations   trends are most likely substantially affected by real or
           for new medical graduates to choose from,  medical   perceived work-force demand, as has been previously
           trainees have a broad range of  potential career   implied for some subspecialties. [16,17]  Other factors
           choices. With a predicted  growth in the shortage of   which  likely  influence  career  choice  in  neurologic
           clinical neurologists, understanding the current career   subspecialties include, but are not limited to, lifestyle
           training choices made by Neurology  trainees and   factors such as salary, work hours, and duration and
           the trends which  these choices  are following  will  be   rigor of training as well as the factors which can influence
           important for addressing the shortfalls predicted in the   success in an academic career.  Our study does not
                                                              address the underlying factors which influence these
                                                              trends, but merely describes  them.  This knowledge
                                                              helps facilitate strategic planning on how to best assist
                                                              supply meeting demand. While the details of how to
                                                              do so  are beyond the  scope of  this  study,  they  can
                                                              include various incentives to increased recruitment in
                                                              subspecialties facing deficits in clinicians.

                                                              Authors’ contributions
                                                              Developed  the concept of the study:  T.S. Hodgson,
                                                              R.V. Lukas
                                                              Analyzed the data: J.S.A. Williams, T.S. Hodgson, R.V.
           Figure 1: Trend in percentage of female neurology residents over   Composed  the manuscript: J.S.A.  Williams, R.V.
           time                                               Lukas, T.S. Hodgson
                          Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ April 18, 2017                67
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