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Etemadifar et al.                                                                                                                                                           Imaging of demyelinated corpus callosum

           FA and increased MD compared to the matched control   deposition; (3) complement activation and some
           group, which can be interpreted as loss of complexity   other  mechanisms  yet  to  be  investigated  in  further
           in the  white matter  tracts  in the  initial pathological   studies. [48,49]  This changes lead to an alteration of the
           process. As a conclusion, the microstructural changes   blood brain barrier, which becomes visible by contrast
           of  CC can be  helpful in determination of  prognosis   enhancement in CT and MRI. Increasing T1 and T2
           in MS patients.  They also found that macroscopic   times are also observed and many studies agree on
           changes of CC had no direct association with cognitive   the fact that contrast enhancement are dominantly
           dysfunction in such patients.  There were also some   present in acute phase of the disease and fade out as
           studies like study by Natarajan et al.  in which they   the acute stage is passed. These studies also showed
           found that the most abnormal DTI indices were present   that the probable underlying causes for hyper intense
           in secondary  progressive  MS patients.  According   lesions of brain and spinal cord may be edema and
           to a longitudinal cohort study in 2012 CC atrophy of   demyelination. [48,50,51]   The most important common
           6  months  could  predict  clinically  definite  MS  within   features of white matter involvement is symmetric
           2 years. It showed that faster decrease in CC cross   periventricular and callosal hyper intense lesions on
           sectional area and higher T2 lesion volume indicated a   T2 weighted and flair images as a result of edema and
           poorer prognosis.  DTI directional diffusivity may offer   demyelination.  As  a  common  finding,  many  studies
           the potential to monitor therapeutic options and further   showed that most of the ADEM patients (78%) have
           understanding of the disease process and prognosis.   absolute or relative periventricular sparing which was
           In  a DTI  study looking at  longitudinal  changes in   found to be a typical characteristic of ADEM in MRI.
           brain tissues in a group of patients with MS receiving   Some studies suggested that MRI involvement of CC
           Natalizumab therapy,  the  authors found increased   in ADEM patients can be multiple or single, especially
           FA, decreased radial  diffusivity and no change  in   in the splenium of the CC. They also showed that all
           axial diffusivity in gadolinium enhancing lesions over   callosal lesions can be enhanced or not, in MRI (with
           the course of therapy. On the other hand, in normal   Gd). Generally, the greatest difference between MS
           appearing  brain  tissue, CC’s FA and axial  diffusivity   and ADEM is that, the likelihood of CC involvement
           demonstrated further decline over time, while no   in MS is far more common than  ADEM (~60%  vs.
           significant change in radial diffusivity was observed.    ~15%). [5,52]
           Hence, the decline  in axial diffusivity may suggest
           involvement of axonal loss and degeneration in normal   Functional MRI
           appearing  brain tissue at the early stage before   ADEM predominantly  affects white  matter. It was
           active lesions  develop,  possibly  attributing  to poorer   reported that functional  MRI parameters (axial
           prognosis and  progressive disability often  observed   and radial diffusivity) can estimate the extent of
           in MS patients despite treatment. Many recent studies   myelin  injury  in  the  CNS  white  matter. Although  first
           agree on the fact that longitudinal changes are most   studies on patients of ADEM showed elevated ADC
           rapid in CC area of the brain in MS disorder in different   and reduced FA,  Further exploration of  directional
           types of imaging. [16,19,35,43]                    diffusivity revealed unchanged axial diffusivity and
                                                              markedly increased radial diffusivity,  suggestive of
           CC IN ACUTE DISSEMINATED                           demyelination.  These  findings  were  consistent  with
           ENCEPHALOMYELITIS                                  findings  of  study  by  Petzold  et  al.,   which showed
                                                              patients of ADEM having elevated ADC in sub-acute
           MRI                                                phase and reduced ADC in acute phase. Many other
           Acute   disseminated   encephalomyelitis  is  an   studies agree on this DTI changes in patients with ADEM
           uncommon      immune     mediated   inflammatory   disorder. Tillema et al.  did a retrospective DTI study
           demyelinating  disease  of the CNS. It is usually a   looking at non-lesional  white  matter changes within
           monophasic illness, which may occur after vaccination,   central fibers of the CC’s genu and internal capsule in
           viral infection, in association with rheumatic fever,   pediatric MS and ADEM. They found lower FA values,
           or  with  unrecognized  antecedent  disorder.  The   increased  radial diffusivity and  no difference  in axial
           clinical picture is widespread CNS disturbance,    diffusivity in patients with ADEM while in patients with
           including:  drowsiness,  coma,  multifocal  neurological   MS results were significantly different (decreased FA
           signs and seizure due to involvement of the brain,   and increased radial diffusivity). [5]
           spinal  cord  and  optic  nerves.  Radiologic  findings  of
           ADEM are usually not pathognomonic.  As a result,   CC as a prognosis indicator
           the  differentiation  of  diagnosis  is  always  difficult.   Patients with ADEM are usually presented with variable
           Pathologic findings of ADEM are usually due to: (1)   neurologic signs especially after an infectious episode.
           vascular damage; (2) circulating immune complex    MRI is the technique of choice to show these lesions
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