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Etemadifar et al.                                                                                                                                                           Imaging of demyelinated corpus callosum

           and  also  to illustrate  possible  prognostic  criteria  in   much more heterogeneous than in MS. [36]
           imaging aspect of such diseases. In some studies, it
           has been suggested  that diffusion weighted  imaging   Functional MRI
           (DWI)  of  CC may not be helpful in determination  of   As we previously pointed out, functional MRI and DTI
           prognosis  in patients of  ADEM, on the other hand,   method of imaging are more helpful in exploration of
           Donmez et al.  suggested that brainstem involvement   microstructural and functional changes, especially in
           in  ADEM  disease  may  have  an  influence  on  the   NAWM in demyelinating disorders from the aspects of
           prognosis of the disorder, correspondent to the studies   discrimination and diagnosis. According to the study
           showing beneficial use of ADC parameters in prediction   by Kimura  et al. [58]  in patients with NMO, damage
           of motor disabilities.  Combined use of clinical  and   to extensive regions of NAWM has been observed.
           radiologic findings are needed to predict the chance of   To investigate this possibility that microstructural
           relapse in patients suffering from ADEM. Patients with   alterations are present in these WM tracts, DTI should
           large demyelinating lesions may have more degree   be applied. According to this study findings FA was
           of  disabilities evaluated by EDSS but they have an   decreased in splenium of CC and left optic radiate.
           excellent response to therapy. It was showed that size   In another study focused on DTI features of NAWM in
           of the lesions is not a direct indicator of poor prognosis.   NMO patients which was performed by Jeantroux et al.,
           According to  what we found in different studies on   it was showed that ADC was increased and FA was
           “ADEM prognosis” there is no certainty on how useful   decreased in NMO patients in posterior limb of internal
           are MRI features to predict outcome of ADEM and there   capsule and optic radiation and spinal cord NAWM.
           are yet more studies to explore this area of research.  FA  had  the  best  correlation  with  EDSS.  FA  was
                                                              lower in spinal cord lesions. In contrast there was no
           CC IN DEVIC’S NEUROMYELITIS OPTICA                 difference between two groups, neither in the anterior
                                                              limb of internal capsule nor in the CC. These results
           MRI                                                suggest that NAWM outside the tracts mentioned
           Neuromyelitis optica is a CNS demyelinating disease   above  remained  normal,  showing  that  infralesional
           causing  acute transverse  myelitis  with bilateral  optic   abnormality is not usually seen in NMO in contrast to
           neuropathy. Paraplegia  and blindness  are possible   the MS disease. [59]  These findings are consistent with
           complications. There is no definite imaging criteria to   the findings by Sun et al., [60]  in which they found the
           distinguish NMO  from  other demyelinating  disorders   similar results suggesting that DTI parameters (mean
           such as MS and ADEM.  [54,55]  Irrelative of what is found   diffusivity and lambda1) were unchanged in CC
           in CC that will be discussed further in this article general   region. This field of study needs further investigations
           distinguishing  findings  of  MRI  in  such  diseases  are:   yet  to  determine  the  distinguishing  patterns  and
           midbrain lesions in the ventral part with poorly defined   parameters in NAWM, especially callosal region in
           margins for ADEM vs. Medulla lesions in the dorsal part   NMO patients. [61,62]
           with poorly defined shape for NMO, and pons lesions
           with well-defined shape for MS (as the most common   CC as a prognosis indicator
           sites of involvement). CC involvement is more common   A combination of biomarkers, neuroimaging data
           in MS in comparison to NMO but there are also some   and clinical symptoms are needed to predict
           involvement pattern differences to be pointed out. CC   prognosis  of  NMO.  It  is  difficult  to  consider
           lesions in NMO are mostly evident in acute phase   callosal tract features of neuroimaging as the only
           of  disease and they  have generally some similar   indicator of disease outcome. In many studies DTI
           characteristics. They are usually multiple, edematous   parameters, especially FA, showed to have the
           and heterogeneous in intensity, while in chronic stage,   closest correlation with EDSS. As a result, it can be
           lesions shrink and disappear. In MS, lesions are small,   helpful in measuring disease outcome and disability.
           non-edematous,  and the intensity is homogenous  in   He  et  al. [63]   showed  decreased  FA  and  increased
           the acute phase and they are more commonly located   ADC of CC, especially during the acute phase of the
           at lower margin of CC. [56-59]  As Chen et al.  showed in   disease, plays an important role in the anticipation
           their study, subcallosal dash dot sign was helpful as it   of cognitive dysfunction and clinical outcome.  The
           was more common in patient with MS than in the NMO.   researchers have compared regional measures of
           In another study by Makino et al.,  it was showed that   patients with stable and acute NMO with healthy
           involvement of splenium of CC in NMO patients was   patients. Both acute and stable NMO patients had
           more common than the involvement of the same area   a higher average FA in regions of interest of the
           in patients with MS (57% vs. 27%). The lesions in NMO   thalamus and putamen.  Acute NMO patients had
           also tended to spread from the lower to upper parts   significantly higher average MDs than controls in the
           of CC. They also found out that lesions in NMO were   genu of the CC and optic radiation, and significantly
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