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Etemadifar et al.                                                                                                                                                           Imaging of demyelinated corpus callosum

           lower average MDs in medulla oblongata, internal   involvement of genu of the CC can be useful to predict
           capsule and thalamus. [64]                         the outcome of the disorder. The more decrease in FA,
                                                              the more complication is expected in the course of the
           CC IN SUSAC SYNDROME                               disease.  There  were also some evidences showing
                                                              that serial DTI parameters can play a role in prediction
           MRI                                                of outcome and prognosis of the disease but, there are
           Susac’s syndrome (SS) is a clinical  triad of      many aspects to be studied and explored yet in this
           encephalopathy,  branch retinal artery  occlusion   field of research. [60,63,70-72]
           and sensorineural  hearing  loss. It is sometimes
           misdiagnosed because of similarities with ADEM and   OTHER DEMYELINATING DISORDERS
           MS.  Typical triad is not commonly seen.  Brain is
           the main target organ for SS, which makes MRI the   Marchiafava bignami
           best diagnostic test. Susac syndrome mostly causes   MBD disease is a rare form of toxic demyelination of CC
           micro-infarction in both gray and white matter.  This   associated with chronic alcohol consumption. Several
           can cause  hyperintense  lesions  at any area  of the   MRI findings have shown lesions not only in the CC but
           brain, including  CC. Micro-infarctions in SS  have   also in the hemispheric white matter. General pattern of
           two  specific  patterns  on  MRI:  “snowball  lesions”,  in   CC pathology in MBD is hyperintensity on flair imaging
           central parts  of  CC,  and “string of  pearls”, which is   and  sometimes  hemispheric  white  matter,  reflecting
           commonly seen in internal capsule. [22,66]  Raets et al.    damage to myelin and vasogenic edema of the CC and
           showed that the combination of typical central callosal   extracallosal projections.   Because of  pathological
           lesions with string of pearls is pathognomonic for SS.   variety of this disorder  there is no certain sequence
           Encephalopathic  SS  always involves CC.  Snow ball   and pattern of pathology of CC in MBD. Some studies
           lesions evolve to central callosal holes in the course   showed that involvement of the CC in MBD was initially
           of the disease.  A pathognomonic  change  in post-  in  the  genu,  without  significant  association  with  DTI
           encephalopathic phase of SS disease is linear defects   changes  of CC and  NAWM.  Afterward, there would
           in central part of CC called “smokes”.  As reported,    be some changes in the splenium of CC.  The most
           CC involvement plays a critical role in early diagnosis   probable reason why DTI changes were not associated
           of SS  and demands aggressive therapy.  In severely   with initial changes in the genu of CC is that the changes
           affected patients, atrophy of cerebellum is usually seen   were mostly  due to  vasogenic edema and that  the
           during sub-acute and chronic phase. Correspondent to   lesion  then converted into cytotoxic edema process.
           what stated previously, Mateen et al.  demonstrated   Serial MRI  and DTI  method of  evaluation in MBD
           a series of cases of SS with 79% involvement rate of   cases have been found to be significantly helpful and
           CC.  CC  can  be  of  significant  help  to  distinguish  SS   that’s why there will be a great need for further studies
           from  other demyelination  disorders of  CNS.  They   on this method of evaluation for such demyelinating
           showed CC involvement in SS is typically in the central   disorders.   It  suffices  to  briefly  review  MBD  data
           part of the CC.                                    because there is still significant potential for further new
                                                              neuroimaging methods for such a rare disease and our
           Functional MRI                                     main goal in this review is demyelinating diseases with
           Kleffner  et al.   showed  the  most  specific  finding  of   autoimmune nature rather than the disorders caused
           DTI in SS patients, was 25% reduction of FA in genu   by environmental factors.
           of Corpus callosum.Reduced fractional anisotropy  in
           the prefrontal areas of the brain was also observed;   Infectious demyelinating disorders
           while in MS patients, it was mainly seen in the body,   Many CNS disorders can cause secondary
           rostrum and splenium of  CC. DTI  is considered  a   demyelination  as an early or late complication.  One
           useful method to detect microstructural damage based   major category of CNS diseases, are infective ones.
           on FA.  FA reflects the spatial directionality of water   To show  the importance  of CC in CNS involvement
           diffusion, which is decreased in white matter damage;   of such disease, a brief review is presented. Infective
           contrary to normal diffusion in conventional MRI of CC   demyelinating diseases, such as subacute sclerosing
           and prefrontal area. This puts more emphasis on how   panencephalitis  (SSPE), streptococcus  meningitis,
           essential are new methods of Imaging in neuroimaging   Lyme disease,  etc.  can involve CC with various
           exploration of CC disorders.                       patterns. For instance, in SSPE lesions are mostly
                                                              asymmetric, bilateral and T2-hyperintense and involve
           CC as a prognosis indicator                        the  temporal and parietal lobes in  the  acute  stage.
           In spite of lack of knowledge on this specific subject,   No  specific  pattern  of  involvement  regarding  the
           some studies pointed out that  FA  reduction and   CC is reported  to date, although  some case reports
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