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Chen et al.                                                                                                    Anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor autoimmune encephalitis with sensory attack

           INTRODUCTION                                       Repeated  lumbar  puncture  showed  no  significant
                                                              change in cell count, glucose, or protein level.
           Limbic encephalitis is believed to be a disorder   Herpes  simplex  virus  (HSV)  and  cytomegalovirus
           affecting  the  medial  temporal  lobe  of  the  brain. The   (CMV) polymerase chain reactions were negative
           underlying cause can be either of autoimmune origin   in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The immunoglobulin G
           or viral infection.  N-methyl-d-aspartate-receptor   (IgG) index was 0.5. CSF oligoclonal banding was also
           (NMDAR)     antibodies,  voltage-gated  potassium  negative. Repeated 3T MRI also failed to show any
           channel antibodies, and glutamic acid decarboxylase   positive findings [Figure 1A]. An fluorodeoxyglucose
           receptor antibodies are the most common causes of   (FDG)-positron  emission  tomography  (PET)  scan
           autoimmune limbic encephalitis. Although considered   indicated hypo-metabolism in the right temporal and
           as  limbic  encephalitis,  however,  these  diseases  are   bilateral occipital lobes [Figure 1B]. NMDAR antibody
           not restricted to the limbic system. Here, we present a   testing  was  performed using a  standardized
           case of anti-NMDAR encephalitis with teratoma. This   laboratory  assay.   The  result  revealed  positive
           patient showed not only “limbic symptoms” but also   anti-NMDAR  antibodies  both  in  serum  and  CSF
           sensory disturbances and extrapyramidal symptoms,   [Figure  1G]. Abdominal  computed  tomography,  with
           which suggested that more extensive lesions,       5 mm slice thickness, and pelvic MRI were performed
           including cortical and subcortical regions, might have   and  revealed a  5.1  cm × 7 cm fat intensity cystic
           been involved.                                     lesion in the rectouterine pouch, which indicated the

                                                              possibility of a teratoma [Figure 1C and D]. Teratoma-
           CASE REPORT                                        associated anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis was then
                                                              suspected,  and  intravenous  immunoglobulin  (IVIG)
           A 15-year-old Chinese female presented with a 1 month   (0.4 g/kg per day) was administrated for 5 days.
           worsening of mania and memory problems. She also   Valproic acid was used to control seizure attacks.
           reported mild fever, generalized fatigue, anorexia,   The patient’s symptoms improved 7 days after IVIG
           right hand abnormal involuntary movement, and      infusion, which was characterized by memory and
           paresthenia on the right side of her body. She denied   consciousness improvement.  Twenty days after
           any infectious history before symptoms started. She   admission to our hospital, the patient underwent a
           also denied any headache, vertigo, nausea, or blurry   laparoscopic  operation for complete teratoma
           vision. Neurological examination showed an irritable   resection  [Figure  1E  and  F]. Immunochemistry
           patient with impaired short-term memory, echolalia,
           echoapraxia, stereotype movement in her right hand,   staining revealed a 4.8 cm × 6.9 cm cystic tumor
           and oral-facial dyskinesias.                       with fat, hair, teeth, and brain tissue components. The
                                                              pathological diagnosis was mature cystic teratoma
           On admission, lumbar puncture found 8 white blood   containing brain tissue. Using immunochemistry
           cells  (per  mm ), glucose  40  mg/dL,  and  protein   staining,  we  found  that  the  brain  tissue  contained
           40  mg/dL.  Serum  human  immunodeficiency  virus   NMDA  NR1/NR2  subunit  receptor  positive  neurons
           antibody, syphilis  rapid  plasma  reagin,  antinuclear   [Figure  1H].  Patient  CSF  samples  were  screened
           antibody, antibodies to extractable nuclear antigens,   for  NMDAR  IgG  antibodies  by  immunofluorescence
           antineutrophil  cytoplasmic  antibody,  anti-double   using human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells
           stranded DNA, thyroid peroxidase antibody, and     transfected with the NR1 subunit of the NMDAR
           the  venereal  disease research laboratory test  were   complex (Euroimmun, Germany)  [Figure  1G]. Non-
           negative. Electroencephalography (EEG) showed      transfected HEK 293 cells served as a negative
           slowing of the normal background frequency. Cranial   control for nonspecific fluorescence [Figure 1I and J].
           magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed no
           obvious abnormal signal changes, including in the   The patient was discharged 1 month after admission.
           limbic system. Viral encephalitis was first suspected,   At  that  time,  her  symptoms  significantly  improved.
           therefore intravenous high doses of steroids, acyclovir,   EEG monitoring  was  performed  2 months after
           and  glycerol  were  administered.  After  treatment   discharge, which revealed a normal pattern. Valproic
           initiation, the patient’s symptoms deteriorated, with   acid was gradually tapered down. Six months after
           worsening consciousness, intermittent and alternating   discharge,  this patient  was  free of all  medications.
           mania attacks, abulia, echolalia, echoapraxia, 2   Her cognitive function was fully recovered and her
           episodes of generalized seizures, and persistent right   psychiatric symptom, involuntary movement, sensory
           side paresthenia. Serum anti-neuromyelitis optica   disturbance, and oral-facial dyskinesias disappeared.
           (NMO)/aquaporin-4 (AQP4) antibody was negative.    Cranial MRI was repeated 1 year after discharge, and
           Blood  gas  failed  to  show  any  hypoventilation.   no brain atrophy was observed.
                          Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ May 10, 2017                  79
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