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Jia et al.                                                                                                                                                                       GBS after cerebral hemorrhage or trauma

           based on hypothetical  mechanisms deduced  from    not evoked in both upper and lower limbs; and the
           molecular modeling of  prodromal infections, caused   motor nerve conduction velocity  (NCV) was close to
           by pathogens such as  C. jejuni,  which can activate   normal.  The patient was transferred to  the intensive
           the body’s immune system to produce antibodies,    care unit  (ICU)  right away,  due to  the  respiratory
           resulting in peripheral nerve demyelination or axonal   problems, and a ventilator was used to keep him alive.
           injury. In particular, serum anti-ganglioside antibodies   We collected a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sample, and
           in the acute phase are detectable in approxiately 60%   the analysis showed a protein concentration of 0.56 g/L,
           of GBS patients. [2]                               a  normal cell count (4  ×  10 /L)  and the  pressure of
                                                              CSF was 170 mmH O. The result of the serum anti-
           In recent years, weakness  of extremities  and     ganglioside antibody test was negative 17 days after
           weakened, or even loss of, tendon reflexes have been   the occurrence of muscle weakness. According to the
           reported in some patients with traumatic brain injury,   diagnostic criteria, he was diagnosed with acute motor
           cerebral hemorrhage, spinal cord injury, brachial plexus   axonal neuropathy (AMAN), a subtype of GBS.
           injury, or pelvic fracture fixation. [3-6]  In this article, we
           provide detailed clinical data of two patients who were   Intravenous  immunoglobulin  (IVIg) 0.4 g/kg per day
           diagnosed  with GBS  following  brain hemorrhage  or   was given  to him 5 days after the occurrence  of
           craniocerebral injury. The diagnosis of our 2 patients   quadriplegia  for  a  consecutive  5  days of  treatment.
           is based on the diagnostic criteria of GBS published   However,  no  significant  improvement  was  observed.
           in 2014, which was modified according to the criteria   After 7 days, the same dose of gamma globulin was
           published in 1990. [7]                             administered for  another 5  days and rehabilitation
                                                              treatment was continued. A month later, the ventilator
           CASE REPORT                                        was gradually discontinued and the patient regained
                                                              some muscle strength (right arm 3/5, left arm 2/5, and
           Case 1                                             both legs 1/5). Meanwhile the rehabilitation treatment
           A 33-year-old male suffered from right basal ganglia   continued. A 4-month follow-up revealed that he could
           hemorrhage  (moderate  volume)  and gradually      walk slowly with some support by arm.
           regained his muscle strength (left arm 3/5, left leg 2/5,
           right limbs 5/5) (the Medical Research Council grading   Case 2
           system) after receiving  conservative treatment.  The   A 41-year-old  male with a left frontal contusion,
           patient received conservative treatment  immediately   laceration, and subdural hematoma, due to a motorcycle
           after  brain hemorrhage including  neurotrophic    accident, was included into the case analysis. At first,
           treatment, mannitol, antihypertensive treatment and so   the patient’s conditions had improved obviously after
           on, without any treatment with gangliosides injections,   conservative treatment. However,  2 weeks later,  he
           during which there was no evidence of infection such   suffered from sudden quadriplegia (muscle strength 0/5
           as fever, cough, or elevation of white blood  cells.   for all limbs) along with areflexia, without any evidence
           However, fourteen days later, the muscle strength of   of  antecedent infections and without treatments  with
           both lower limbs decreased  sharply to  0/5,  the left   gangliosides  injections.  Another brain CT scan was
           arm 1/5, and  the right  arm 2/5, accompanied  with   performed immediately, but no obvious changes were
           hypomyotonia  and  the  absence  of  tendon  reflexes,   observed. Then the patient was transferred to the ICU
           without other pathological  signs of the nervous   because of  respiratory failure, and a ventilator was
           system. A reexamined cranial computed tomography   used.  NCS  showed  that: CMAP of the right  median
           (CT) scan showed there were no new lesions, but his   nerve and sural nerve were not elicited; CMAP of
           muscle weakness worsened rapidly. Besides, cranial   the common peroneal  nerve on both sides were
           magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed     significantly decreased; F waves were not evoked in
           on him, demonstrating moderate volume hemorrhage   either upper or lower limbs; NCV was close to normal.
           in the right basal ganglia region and no signs of new   Lumbar puncture showed that the CSF pressure was
           hemorrhage. MRI of the cervical vertebra showed mild   190 mmH O, protein concentration was 1.87 g/L, and
           disc (C2-C7) herniation. Unfortunately,  his muscle   total nucleated cells were 2.0 × 10 /L. Diagnosis of GBS
           strength  continued  to  decrease,  and  five  days  later,   was definite and he was treated with IVIg (0.4 g/kg per
           all extremities decreased to 0/5 and respiratory failure   day) for 5 days. During the treatment, his respiratory
           occurred. A nerve conduction study (NCS) indicated:   function  recovered slightly, but with no improvement
           compound muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitude   in muscle strength in any limb. Over another  5-day
           of the right median nerve and the common peroneal   course of IVIg, his muscle strength recovered to 2/5
           nerve  on both sides  were not elicited;  CMAP of the   in both arms but remained 0/5 in the lower limbs. Six
           right ulnar nerve significantly decreased; F wave was   months later, the patient could gradually stand up with
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