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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                                     Developing treatment guidance for myasthenia gravis

           Statement 1 mentioned that PLEX and IVIg are used   especially to those who have limited experiences
           as short-term treatment in MG patients with life-  or  practice  in  countries  or  regions  that  have  limited
           threatening  signs. Our clinical experiences  suggest   resources to develop local treatment guidelines. More
           that PLEX and IVIg alone are not sufficient in manifest   importantly, it is an extraordinary example of how the
           MG crisis cases. [17,18]   There are many complications   RAND/UCLA appropriate methods can help to develop
           during MG crisis (such as pneumonia, pneumothorax,   a consensus guidance for treatment of rare diseases,
           heart failure and renal failure  etc.)  when PLEX and   bringing together the best of existing scientific results
           IVIg  are not appropriate.  Instead, a comprehensive   with the experience of specialists around the world.
           treatment plan should be designed for each individual
           MG patient undergoing crisis.                      Authors’ contributions
                                                              Conceived the manuscript: W.B. Liu, W. Fang
           Statement 2 mentioned that the choice between      Wrote the first draft in Chinese: W.B. Liu
           PLEX and IVIg depends on conditions of individual   Translated the first draft into English: H. Ran
           patient such as sepsis and renal failure. In addition,   Developed  the conceptual  structure and revised  the
           our clinical experiences suggest that IVIg is safer than   manuscript: W. Fang
           PLEX to patients with cardiovascular disorders. [17]  Participated in the clinical work and approved the final
                                                              draft: C.Y. Ou, L. Qiu, Z.D. Huang, Z.Q. Lin, Y.K. Li,
           Thymectomy                                         X.X. Liu, H. Huang
           We totally agree with the statements about pre-
           pubertal patients with generalized  AchR antibody-  Financial support and sponsorship
           positive MG and all patients with MG with thymoma.   This  paper  is supported  by grants from the China
           Our research has shown that thymectomy on          National  Natural Sciences Foundation  (30870850,
           juvenal generalized MG patients did not affect their   81071002, 81371386, 81620108010) and the Clinical
           growth. [19,20]                                    study of 5010 plan of Sun Yat-sen University (2010003).

           Statement 5 mentioned that less invasive thymectomy   Conflicts of interest
           approaches  such as endoscopic  and robotic        There are no conflicts of interest.
           approaches appear to  yield  similar results to  more
           aggressive approaches and show a good track record   Patient consent
           for safety in experienced center. However, based on   There is no patient data involved.
           our experiences, endoscopic and robotic approaches
           to thymectomy are much less desirable for thymoma   Ethics approval
           than extended thymectomy. [21-23]                  There is no ethics issue in this paper.

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