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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                                     Developing treatment guidance for myasthenia gravis

           INTRODUCTION                                       which was established and refined by RAND and the
                                                              University of California,  Los  Angeles (UCLA) in the
           Myasthenia gravis  (MG)  is a neuromuscular        1980s.
           transmission  disorder.  The incidence  of MG ranges
           between 0.3-2.8  per 100,000, affecting more than   The  first  meeting  was  held  in  February  2013  in
           700,000 people worldwide.  The prognosis for patients   Durham, North Carolina, to make decisions on cardinal
           with MG has been  improved  tremendously  in recent   definitions  that  were  going  to  be  instrumental  for
           years due to the increasing use of immunomodulating   subsequent guidance treatment statements: goals of
           treatments. However, there is no optimal treatment   treatment, minimal  manifestations,  remission,  ocular
           approach for all patients due to disease heterogeneity,   MG, impending and manifest myasthenic  crises and
           thus an internationally recognized standard of care for   refractory  MG.  Definitions  without  consensus  were
           MG is still missing.                               modified upon the panelists’ suggestions and shared
                                                              with the panel for subsequent voting rounds.
           The MG symptoms and the “morning light evening
           heavy”  characters  were  first  described  as  early  as   The first draft of the MG guidance treatment statements
           1672 by British clinician Thomas Willis,  whereas the   was prepared  by the two executive chairmen and
           cause of  the disease remained a mystery  until the   the Harvard University service providers, based
           1960s. At that time, MG was described as the result   on  recent publications  and  guidelines  from the US,
           of antibodies binding  to the neuromuscular  junction,   Denmark,  Norway, Germany, Japan,  Netherlands,
           most commonly against the acetylcholine  receptor.    United Kingdom  and Europe. [6-11]  The following  three
           However, up to date management of MG still remains   assumptions were agreed a priori: (1) treatment costs
           a great challenge. [4]                             and availability would  not be considered;  (2) clinical
                                                              examination is performed by experienced physicians
           There are many reasons behind the need to develop   for the evaluation of neuromuscular disease; (3) the
           an international  consensus  guideline  for MG     MGFA Clinical Classification refers to the state of the
           management.  Firstly, early  expert treatments can   patient at the time of evaluation. Guidance statements
           significantly improve the prognosis of a MG patient, as   were developed for  the following  seven topics: MG
           some physicians have not seen enough MG patients   symptomatic and immunosuppressive (IS) treatment,
           to be familiar with all its cardinal features. This is due   IV immunoglobulin  (IVIg) and plasma  exchange
           to MG low incidence  and heterogeneity. Secondly,   (PLEX),  impending and manifest myasthenic crisis,
           uncontrolled  clinical  trials may be potentially  biased,   thymectomy,  juvenile  MG  (JMG),  muscle-specific
           while the few successful randomized  controlled    tyrosine kinases (MuSK) antibody-positive  MG  and
           trials (RCTs) cannot be generalized  to assess the   MG in pregnancy.
           effectiveness and safety  of  multi-regimens, and to
           select the best treatment for each patient. Thus, it is   The  consensus  guidance  statements  were  refined
           critically important that experts share their knowledge   using  a quantitative  evaluation  system of the RAM
           and competence to improve the management of MG.    program. Initial and revised statements were voted
           Such expert-developed  guidelines not only will help   and commented on anonymously  at least three
           the clinician, but will also represent a unique resource   times during the process. The facilitator (Dr. Pushpa
           for third-party payers  such as insurance  companies,   Narayanaswami)  was the only person who made
           governmental health organizations and institutional   announcements  about the statements and collected
           review boards.                                     votes and feedbacks. Dr.  Narayanaswami  was
                                                              not allowed  to vote or participate in discussions
           METHODS                                            and feedbacks to ensure  the maximum objectivity
                                                              of the process.  The chairmen  gathered  the votes
           In  October 2013,  a  Task  Force  of  the  Myasthenia   anonymously and revised the statements, seeking for
           Gravis Foundation of America (MGFA) assembled a    ultimate consensus.  A second face-to-face meeting
           panel  of 15 internationally  recognized  MG experts,   and panel discussion was held in March 2014 after the
           chaired by Donald Sanders of the Duke University and   first round of vote. The second and third round of votes
           Gil Wolfe of State University of New York at Buffalo,   were  solicited  after  statements  revision  to  reflect  all
           and moderated by Pushpa Narayanaswami of Harvard   panelists’ comments and experiences. After all three
           University. The main goal of this panel was to develop   rounds, consensus was reached on all definitions and
           treatment guidance statements  based on formalized   guidance statements. So far, this represents the first
           consensus.  The guideline  development  employed   official  international  MG  treatment  guidance  and  as
           the RAND/UCLA  Appropriateness Method (RAM),   [5]   such it was published in its final form on June 29, 2016
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