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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                                     Developing treatment guidance for myasthenia gravis

           solicit the expert panel’s opinion and quantify the level   to maintain an adequate response.”
           of approval. However, if this does not meet the stated
           objectives, the recommendations of the consolidated   Round  1 votes: median  9, appropriate.  Range  6-9.
           expert group will be revised and the above steps will   Agreement: yes.
           be repeated so that the views will be recognized to the
           maximum benefit.                                   Consensus had been achieved; however,  based on
                                                              panel  input  and  discussion, the statements were
           The advantages of group decisions  are obvious.  A   modified and re-voted.
           group is less likely than an individual to draw a wrong
           conclusion. If panelists are properly chosen, they can   Round 2  statement:  “A  non-steroid IS  agent should
           represent a wide range of knowledge and experience.   be used alone when steroids are contraindicated  or
           Their interaction stimulates debate and consideration   refused. A  non-steroid IS  should be used initially in
           of many opinions that may challenge previously well-  conjunction with steroids when the risk of steroid side
           accepted ideas and stimulate new ones.             effects  is high based on medical co-morbidities.  A
                                                              non-steroid IS should be added to steroids when: (a)
           However, formal consensus has its own pitfalls: (1) only   steroid side effects, deemed significant by the patient
           one person can speak at a time, limiting the number of   or the treating physician, develop; (b) response to an
           ideas expressed and discussed; (2) a social pressure   adequate trial of steroids is inadequate; (c) symptoms
           might induce to agree with the majority or a “powerful”   relapse upon steroid taper.”
           voice in public; (3) the desire to reach agreement may
           override concerns about the accuracy of the result and   Round  2 votes: median  9, appropriate.  Range  8-9.
           may result in premature closure without consideration   Agreement: yes.
           of all possible alternatives.
                                                              Final statement  on the publication: “A  non-steroid
           When uncertainty  and differences of  opinions exist,   IS agent should be used alone when corticosteroids
           the RAM process of summarizing judgements  helps   are contraindicated or refused.  A nonsteroidal  IS
           to identify areas of agreement and establish  areas   agent should  be used initially  in conjunction  with
           of disagreement.  The combination  of face-to-face   corticosteroids when the risk of steroid side effects is
           discussion at  early stage and the solicitation of   high  based  on medical  comorbidities. A nonsteroidal
           anonymous votes and comments handled by a non-     IS agent should be added to corticosteroids when: (a)
           voting facilitator are effective in maximizing the input of   steroid side effects, deemed significant by the patient
           all experts’ knowledge and experience.             or the treating physician,  develop;  (b) response  to
                                                              an adequate trial of corticosteroids is inadequate; or
           The case of developing MG international            (c) the corticosteroid dose cannot be reduced due to
           consensus guidance using RAM                       symptom relapse.”
           More than two years passed between  the initial
           appointment  of the MGFA  Task Force to develop    Example 2 – difficult consensus
           treatment guidance for MG in October 2013 and the   Considerable  effort was needed  to reach consensus
           final acceptance of the publication of the international   on statements about thymectomy in childhood MG.
           consensus guidance in July 2016. At the beginning, all
           definitions obtained consensus easily and all guidance   Round 1 statement: “In children and adolescents aged
           statements were eventually  agreed upon as being   5-10 years, thymectomy should be considered only after
           appropriate  by  the panel by the time of  publication.   failure of symptomatic therapy and immunotherapy.”
           However, not all topics took the same effort to reach
           consensus. Here are some examples of extreme cases   Round 1 votes:  median 6,  range 1-9, uncertain/
           during the RAM process.                            equivocal.

           Example 1 – easy consensus                         Round 2 statements (modified based on discussion):
           The panelists easily reached consensus on statements   “(A) in patients under  15 years of age, thymectomy
           about immunotherapy.                               should  be considered  in generalized  MG after
                                                              unsatisfactory response to AChEs and immunotherapy;
           Round 1 statement: “If high steroid doses are needed   (B)  there is  wide consensus that  thymectomy  is
           chronically  to achieve or maintain an adequate    indicated  in peri-pubertal  and post-pubertal  children
           response, a steroid-sparing  agent should  be added,   with moderate to severe AChR-ab+ MG; (C) published
           typically along with the steroid, to permit subsequent   reports also suggest that early thymectomy (within the
           reduction of the steroid dose to the lowest necessary   first 12 months of onset of symptoms) is more effective
                          Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ March 30, 2017                57
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