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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                                     Developing treatment guidance for myasthenia gravis

           in the journal of Neurology. [1]                   without disagreement, instead, if the appropriate scores
                                                              have a median of 4-6, it could be either uncertain (if the
           RAM was developed  to  combine the best  available   actual scores are within 4-6) or disagreement (if some
           scientific  evidence,  even  when  the  randomized   scores are in 7-9 region and others are in 1-3 region),
           controlled trials (the golden standard in evidence-based   and the recommendation  must be revised for future
           medicine) are not available or cannot provide enough   consensus. Similarly, if the appropriate scores have a
           detailed  guidance for everyday clinical  practice.  The   median of 1-3, the recommendation is considered to
           RAM is based on the collective judgment of experts with   be inappropriate without disagreement.
           the common objective to release statements regarding
           the appropriateness of following  a procedure, using   It  is also possible to reach an agreement about a
           the multiple-rounds Delphi polling sessions to assess   recommendation  being appropriate, inappropriate  or
           the treatment rationality. [5]                     even uncertain. Facilitator manages  voting but does
                                                              not vote. Cost and availability considerations are NOT
           The procedure of RAM                               used at this stage and all options are assumed to be
           There were 2 major concepts during the RAM:        affordable and freely available.
           appropriateness  and agreement.  The median
           rating at  each round is the appropriateness  score   RESULTS
           and the  summary of  the  appropriateness  scores
           for each  recommendation  is its agreement  score.   The application of RAM
           Appropriateness ratings are collected from each panelist   RAM is useful for rare cases with low morbidity, lack
           to quantitatively assess the relative harm or benefit of a
           particular intervention. Each recommendation is rated   of RCT clinical research, pooling  available  research
           on a 9 point scale: 1-3 are extremely inappropriate to   evidence and expert experience to draw up a guideline,
           inappropriate  (i.e. risks  >  benefit);  4-6  are  uncertain
           (i.e. risks ≈ benefit); 7-9 are appropriate to extremely
           appropriate (i.e. benefit > risks) [Table 1].

           The  detailed  procedure  of  RAM  is  listed  in  the  flow
           chart of Figure 1.

           Disagreements and uncertainty ratings assist  in
           determining  “grey” areas for  future  research. Panel
           consensus  is NOT forced. Rather, the degree  of
           agreement  is  used  to  define  the  strength  of  the
           recommendations.  Agreement:  ≤ 3/13 panelists  or
           ≤ 4/14 panelists rate the recommendation  outside
           the 3 point region containing  the median score of
           appropriateness.  Disagreement:  ≥ 4/13 panelists  or
           ≥ 5/14 panelists rate the recommendation in the 1-3
           region  and  the same number in the 7-9 region  of

           Therefore, if  the appropriate  scores on a  particular   Figure 1: Flow chart of the RAND/UCLA rationality approach to
           recommendation  have  a median  of 7-9, the        develop a consensus (adopted from Dr. Sanders’ presentation with
           recommendation  is considered  to be appropriate   permission)

           Table 1: RAND/UCLA appropriateness method rationality and its meaning of the 9-point score (adopted from )
           Inappropriate         1   Extremely inappropriate (risk greatly exceed benefits)
                                 2   Moderately inappropriate
                                 3   Slightly inappropriate
           Uncertain             4   May be inappropriate
                                 5   Uncertain/equivocal (benefit and risk about equal)
                                 6   May be appropriate (expected health benefits to an average patient exceed the expected health
                                     risks by a sufficiently wide margin to make intervention worthwhile and the intervention is superior to
                                     alternatives, including no intervention)
           Appropriate           7   Slightly appropriate
                                 8   Moderately appropriate
                                 9   Extremely appropriate (benefit greatly exceed risks)
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