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Williams et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                 Neurology fellowship

           Neural  Repair and Rehabilitation (2010)   [Table 1].   Accredited United States  and international  programs
           There are also a number of subspecialties (Movement   must  verify  their statistics  and update them  yearly.
           Disorders, Neurohospitalist) which are not accredited   UCNS specialties and subspecialties  data were
           by either the ACGME or UCNS. [2,3]                 obtained  from their website.  We analyzed  these
                                                              yearly reports focusing on the changes taking place
           Over 2,200  graduating  medical  students matched   not only in the number of programs and residents, but
           in Neurology Residencies  in 2014. If  current trends   also individual breakdowns by gender, specialty, and
           persist, the majority will seek additional subspecialty   program.
           training  and  certification. [4-6]   The establishment  and
           existence  of these numerous subspecialties  may   RESULTS
           not only be reflective of, but may also help drive the
           subspecialization  of neurologists.   There is interest   In alignment with the increasing number of physicians
           in providing  earlier subspecialty  exposure  to grow   pursuing careers in neurology, the number of programs
           the  number  of  trainees  pursuing  training  in  specific   for  neurology  subspecialty fellowship  training has
           subspecialties.   There are also ongoing  efforts  to   shown a steady increase over the course of the past
           augment residents abilities  and interest in pursuing   thirteen years. The increase in the number of specific
           careers in academic medicine,  many of which include   subspecialty  fellowship  programs is mirrored  by an
           subspecialty  training  in neurology  fellowships.  All of   increase in fellows enrolling  in training programs in
           this is occurring within the context of changes in the
           healthcare environment and their subsequent effect on   those subspecialties. The number of overall fellows per
           neurology resident education. [9]                  program has remained fairly steady. This is indicative
                                                              of subspecialty  training  programs  remaining  a
           Our study attempts to provide  a comprehensive     relatively stable size. The largest increases each year
           descriptive  overview of the current state as well  as   in total number of training programs is found in Child
           a clear and easily understandable  picture of the   Neurology,  Neuromuscular Medicine, and Vascular
           trends in Neurology  graduate  education  training. An   Neurology.  Child Neurology has shown a 175%
           understanding of the current and future workforce in   increase during the 13-year period of the study with an
           Neurology will be essential for the estimation of future   average increase of 13.46% each year. Neuromuscular
           geographic  and  specialty  skill  surpluses  and  deficits   Medicine, having only been accredited for  9  years,
           in the workforce. This understanding will be of value   has also shown rapid  growth, increasing  600% over
           in the decision making regarding how to best address   the 9 years of its accreditation,  averaging  a 66.67%
           those deficits.                                    increase each year. Vascular Neurology, having been
                                                              accredited for 11 years, has grown 860%, averaging
           METHODS                                            78.18% more fellows each year.  Interestingly,  while
                                                              all  3 subspecialties  have  shown  dramatic  increases
           Data was collected  from the 2001-2002  to 2013-   in fellows, the changes in their respective number of
           2014 editions of the ACGME Data Resource Book.     programs have differing trends. Child Neurology has
           Table 1: Accredited neurology fellowships
           Subspecialty                                        Year approved             Accrediting body
           Child Neurology                                         1934                       ABPN
           Clinical Neurophysiology                                1989                       ABPN
           Pain Medicine                                           1998                       ABPN
           Neurodevelopmental Disabilities                         1999                       ABPN
           Vascular Neurology                                      2003                       ABPN
           Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychiatry                2004                       UCNS
           Neuromuscular Medicine                                  2005                       ABPN
           Sleep Medicine                                          2005                       ABPN
           Clinical Neuromuscular Pathology                        2005                       UCNS
           Headache Medicine                                       2005                       UCNS
           Neuro-Oncology                                          2005                       UCNS
           Neuroimaging                                            2005                       UCNS
           Neurocritical Care                                      2005                       UCNS
           Hospice and Palliative Care                             2006                       ABPN
           Autonomic Disorders                                     2007                       UCNS
           Geriatric Neurology                                     2007                       UCNS
           Neural Repair and Rehabilitation                        2010                       UCNS
           Epilepsy                                                2011                       ABPN
           Brain Injury Medicine                                   2011                       ABPN
           ABPN: American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology; UCNS: United Council of Neurologic Subspecialties
            66                                                                       Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ April 18, 2017
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