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Lai et al.                                                                                                                                              Imbalance of NK and B cell subsets in GMG exacerbation

           percentage of Bregs did not differ between the patients   antibodies suggest altered immunity, but any single
           in exacerbation with infections (6.84 ± 1.59) and those   antibody  determination  is  hardly  reflective  of  the
           without infections (7.05 ± 1.85).                  progression or activity of the disease. The production
                                                              of the above-mentioned antibodies are likely the result
           DISCUSSION                                         of the dysfunctioned lymphocytes, thus measuring
                                                              the peripheral lymphocytes subsets in MG patients
           Disorders of neuromuscular junction can be of      may be a promising way to monitor the progression
           immunological, toxic, or genetic origin; and among   of the disease.
           these rare disorders, MG is the most common. The
           clinical hallmark of MG is a fluctuating weakness and   B  cell  abnormalities  contribute  to  the  development
           fatigability of the affected voluntary muscles. With the   and progress of  autoimmune  diseases.  Traditionally,
           advent of immunotherapy, the long-term outcome has   the  predominant  function  of  B  cells  was  thought  to
           been  improved  significantly, [39]  but the symptomatic   be limited to production of autoantibodies.  However,
           deterioration after symptomatic remission takes    B  cells  have  both  positive  and  negative  regulatory
           places in majority of MG patients including both the   roles during  immune  responses.  During  murine
           OMG and GMG cases.    [40-42]   Thus, reliable markers   development  the  absence  of  B  cells  results  in
           that  reflect  the  activity  of  the  disease  to  guide  the   significant  quantitative  and  qualitative  abnormalities
           clinical therapy are critical.                     within  the immune  system, including  a remarkable
                                                              decrease in thymocytes numbers,   defects  within
           MG  patients  present  with  heterogeneous  clinical   spleen dendritic cells and T cells compartments. [45,46]
           patterns in terms of onset-age, initial symptoms, mode   Through production  of immunomodulatory  cytokines,
           of development, thymic abnormalities, immunological   B  cells  can  also  negatively  regulate  cellular  immune
           profiles,  and  responsiveness  to  treatment.  MG  is   responses.  A  variety  of  regulatory  B  cell  subsets
           currently  considered  to  consist  of  a  heterogeneous   have  been  described.  Whether  Breg  cells  can  serve
           group of autoimmune diseases, which share common   as a marker for disease  activity in MG remains  to
           aspects, such as the impairment of neuromuscular   be determined. Our observation  showed  that the
           transmission induced by autoimmunity, manifested by   percentage of Breg cells was significantly decreased
           muscle weakness and fatigability and the response to   in the peripheral blood of GMG patients, indicating that
           both pyridostigmine and immunosuppressants. [43]   Breg cells are affected during the development of the
                                                              disease. But when we further focused on the changes
           In MG, the presence of multiple autoantibodies against   of Breg cells between the two subgroups of GMG, no
           numerous targeted molecules (e.g. AChR-ab). These
                                                              significant  difference  was  found  between  them.  This
                                                              interesting  finding  suggests  that  the  peripheral  Breg
                                                              cells dysfunction may contribute to the development
                                                              of  MG,  but  are likely not  a  main factor  in the  acute
                                                              exacerbation of disease. Thus, more detailed studies
                                                              on  the  subsets  of  Breg  cells  may  provide  valuable
                                                              insights into the role of Breg cells in MG.

                                                              NK  cells  are  large  granular  cells  that  constitute
                                                              5-10% of circulating lymphocytes in humans, and are
                                                              important  effectors  in  innate  immunity.   Increasing
                                                              studies report that NK cells can also act as regulators
                                                              in adaptive immunity by producing cytokines which
                                                              modulate  the  downstream  immune  factors. [47-49]   In
                                                              addition,  NK  cells  were  found  to  play  a  protective
                                                              role  in  several  autoimmune  disease  models. [50-52]   In
                                                              EAMG, Liu et al.  reported that NK cells proliferate
                                                              in  the  early  stages  of  the  disease;  the  percentage
                                                              of NK cells then decrease with disease progression.
                                                              Based on the observations, NK cells were suggested
           Figure 3: The percentage of NK cells in PE with infections was   to  activate  CD4   T lymphocytes.  A previous  report
           statistically lower than PR. The difference between PR and PE   showed that the activity of NK cells in the blood of MG
           without infections was not statistically significant. NK: natural killer;                [54]
           PE: patients in exacerbation; PR: patients in remission; HC: healthy   patients was lower than that of the controls.  Further,
           controls                                           Suzuki et al.  showed that the frequencies of NK cell
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