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Lai et al.                                                                                                                                              Imbalance of NK and B cell subsets in GMG exacerbation

           subclasses were similar among the control thymuses,   Concept, statistical analysis, and manuscript editing:
           hyperplasic thymuses and thymomas; suggesting      L.X. Li
           that circulating NK cells may have migrated to sites   Literature search, experimental  studies, manuscript
           of inflammation. In our study, we discovered that the   preparation, and manuscript editing: X.Y. Lai
           percentage of NK cells was increased significantly in   Clinical studies, and data acquisition: M.C. Gui, J. Lin,
           the patients in remission stage, but nearly unchanged   Y. Li, X. Luo, X.Y. Lai
           in exacerbation stage and in PE with infections.
           The data suggest that NK cells may protect against   Financial support and sponsorship
           autoimmune response, especially in patients with   This study was supported by  a grant from  Natural
           infections; yet, the mechanism for the increase in NK   Science Foundation of China to Dr. Bu (No. 81271320);
           cells is unknown. These findings are consistent with   the Outstanding Leaders Training Program of Pudong
           Suzuki et al.,  which suggested that NK cells in the   Health  Bureau  of  Shanghai  (No.  PWR12014-05);
           blood of patients at exacerbation stage may transfer   the  Key  Specialty  Construction  Project  of  Shanghai
           to the neuromuscular junction, where immune cells   Municipal  Health  Bureau  (No.  ZK2015B16);  the
           obviously accumulate. At the stage of remission, NK   100-Talents Program of the Shanghai Municipal Health
           cells might then transfer back to peripheral blood. It   Bureau (No. 2017BR051).
           will be very interesting to compare the NK cell density
           in the neuromuscular junction among the patients in   Conflicts of interest
           different stages. However, how the NK cells migrate   There are no conflicts of interest.
           at different stages and how NK cells are involved in
           the pathogenesis of MG remains to be fully elucidated.   Patient consent
           Based  on  our  initial  study,  we  also  suggest  that   All the participants signed the informed consent prior
           developing  approaches  that  restore  and  boost  the   to the enrollment.
           activity  of  NK  cells  may  improve  the  MG  symptoms
           and have therapeutic value.                        Ethics approval
                                                              The study has been approved by the Ethics Committee
           Studies on the immune mechanism of OMG are         of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
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           and  NK  cells  were  not  obviously  changed  in  the   REFERENCES
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