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Lai et al.                                                                                                                                              Imbalance of NK and B cell subsets in GMG exacerbation

           for MG activity and for monitoring  effectiveness of   MG symptoms were upper respiratory tract infection
           immunotherapy.                                     (14 cases), inappropriate drug use (4 cases), surgery
                                                              (1), exhaustion (1), and stress (1) [Table 2].
                                                              Flow cytometric analysis
           Patients                                           The peripheral blood samples from all the
           In this study, 54 patients with MG who met the     participants  were obtained by venipuncture and
           standard clinical criteria [37]  and 10 healthy controls   stored in tubes containing ethylene diamine tetraacetic
           (HC), 4 men and 6 women, aged 38.50 ± 16.37. All the   acid (5.4 mg/tube). Each sample was divided into 2
           participants signed the informed consent prior to the   tubes, each one containing 100 µL fresh whole blood
           enrollment. The study was performed in accordance   which was further incubated with 5 µL of mAbs (Becton
           with the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki (including   Dickinson)  for  20  min  in  dark  at  room  temperature.
           amendments) and has been approved by the Ethics    Breg  cells  were  stained  with  FITC  conjugated  anti-
           Committee of Huazhong University of Science and    human CD19, PE conjugated anti-human CD1d,
           Technology.  Exclusion  criteria  were  severe  heart   APC conjugated anti-human CD5, and NK cells were
           diseases, severe kidney diseases, severe mental    analyzed after staining with PE conjugated anti-human
           illness, acute or chronic hepatitis, tuberculosis or HIV   CD16, PerCP conjugated anti-human CD3,  APC
           infection. The mean ± standard deviation of the ages   conjugated anti-human CD56, respectively. Isotype-
           of the patients was 40.30 ± 14.81 years. The sex ratio   matched immunoglobulin served as control for analysis
           (male:female) was 28:15.  The clinical features of         +   +     +                 -    +     +
           the participants were summarized in Table 1. Eleven   of CD1d CD5 CD19   B  cells  and  CD3 CD16 CD56
           patients presented with ocular MG (OMG) (age: 35.36   NK  cells.  After  incubation,  erythrocytes  were  lysed
           ± 4.57; sex ratio: 5:6), and 43 with generalized MG   with  FACS  lysing  solution  (Becton  Dickinson).  The
           (GMG). The GMG patients were further divided into   remaining  cells  were  resuspended  in  PBS  then  at
           two groups according to the clinical status. Group   least 30,000 lymphocyte events were acquired from
           I included 25 patients who were in exacerbation    each tube to determine their proportions using the
           stage (PE), presenting symptomatic exacerbation    FACS Caliber flow cytometer (Becton Dickinson).
           or myasthenic crisis (age: 44.52 ± 2.58; sex ratio:
           8:17). Group II consisted of 18 patients who were   Statistical analysis
           in remission (PR), manifesting slight limb weakness   All statistical analyses were performed using the
           or ocular symptoms for at least three months (age:   SPSS software application. The data were expressed
           35.44 ± 3.66; sex ratio: 7:11). Overall, 43 patients   as the mean ± standard error. For a comparison of
           were on prednisone and trans-sternal extended      the  different  subgroups  of  the  MG  patients  and  the
           thymectomy was performed on 30 patients, including   healthy controls, the data were analyzed using two-
           8 with thymic hyperplasia and 22 with thymoma. The   tailed Student’s t-test. P-values lower than 0.05 were
           identified factors which provoked the deterioration of   considered to be statistically significant.

           Table 1: Clinical characteristics of the MG patients
                                        Patients in exacerbation   Patients in remission      Ocular MG
                                              (number)                  (number)               (number)
              Female                             17                       11                      6
              Male                               8                         7                      5
           Age (year, mean ± SD)             44.52 ± 2.58              35.44 ± 3.66           35.36 ± 4.57
           Osserman’s classification
              Class I                                                                             11
              Class IIa                          1                         6
              Class IIb                          21                       12
              Class III                          1
              Class IV                           2
           Thymoma                               9                        11                      2
              With thymectomy                    6                         8                      1
           Thymic hyperplasia                    1                         5                      2
              With thymectomy                                              3                      1
           Use of prednisone                     24                       17                      2
              Tacrolimus                         1
           MG: myasthenia gravis; SD: standard deviation
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