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Lai et al.                                                                                                                                              Imbalance of NK and B cell subsets in GMG exacerbation

           will lead to of muscle weakness in MG patients. Among   14.03 ± 2.36, Table 5, Figure 3), suggesting that the
           the predisposing factors,  infections were the most   NK cells may be consumed by infections or by a similar
           frequently  identified  for  symptomatic  exacerbation   mechanism during deterioration of muscle weakness.
           in our study [Table 5]. So, we have further analyzed   Furthermore,  the  difference  in  NK  cells  percentages
           peripheral  blood lymphocyte subsets in the patients   between  the patients in exacerbation  with infections
           with infections at the exacerbation  stage. Our    and the cases in remission was significant (P = 0.028),
           data showed  that the patients  with  infections  had   but the difference between the patients in exacerbation
           significantly  lower  percentage  of  NK  cells  those   without infections  and the cases in remission  was
           without infections during exacerbation (10.97 ± 1.74;   not  statistically  significant  [Table  5;  Figure  3].  The
           Table 5: Frequencies of NK and Breg cells in PE with infection and without infection (%)
                                               Breg cells                              NK cells
                                  Frequencies  P value a  P value c  P value d  Frequencies  P value a  P value c  P value d
           PE with infection (14)  6.84 ± 1.59  0.891   0.007   0.931    10.97 ± 1.74  0.028   0.871   0.295
           PE without infection (11)  7.05 ± 1.85  0.825  0.016         14.03 ± 2.36  0.177    0.307
           Patients in remission (18)  6.56 ± 1.32      0.002           20.69 ± 3.45           0.017
           Healthy controls (10)  15.97 ± 2.88                          11.33 ± 0.95
           The results represent the mean ± standard error; P value  as compared between the patients in exacerbation and the ones in remission; P
           value  as compared with the healthy controls. P value  as compared between PE patients with infection and without infection. NK: natural
           killer; PE: patients in exacerbation

           Figure 1: (A) Breg cells flow cytometry scatter plot in the PE, PR, OMG patients and the HC; (B) the percentage of Breg cells in GMG
           significantly lower than those in the OMG patients and in the controls, the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05), but there was
           no obvious difference between the two subgroups of GMG patients. PE: patients in exacerbation; PR: patients in remission; OMG: ocular
           myasthenia gravis; HC: healthy controls; GMG: generalized myasthenia gravis

           Figure 2: (A) NK cells flow cytometry scatter plot in the PE, PR, OMG patients and the HC; (B) the percentage of NK cells in the patients
           remission significantly higher than that in the patients in exacerbation and the healthy controls (P < 0.05). NK: natural killer; PE: patients in
           exacerbation; PR: patients in remission; OMG: ocular myasthenia gravis; HC: healthy controls
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