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Lai et al.                                                                                                                                              Imbalance of NK and B cell subsets in GMG exacerbation

           RESULTS                                            frequencies  of  Breg  cells  in  GMG  patients  were  not
                                                              significantly  different  between  stages  (6.93  ±  1.18;
           Frequencies of Breg cells decreased  in the        6.56 ± 1.32; P = 0.834) [Table 3; Figure 1].
           peripheral blood of GMG patients
           We have analyzed the frequencies of peripheral Breg   Frequencies of NK cells correlate with clinical
           cells in the MG patients. CD19 CD1d CD5 B cells are   stages of GMG patients
           routinely regarded as Bregs. To characterize the Breg   NK cells (CD3 CD19 CD56 ) are an important player
           cell subpopulation, we have determined their surface   in the regulation of acquired immunity and the levels
           expression of CD1d and CD5 with CD19 gating, the   in  the  peripheral  blood  of  MG  patients  have  been
           2 markers that are believed  to be co-expressed  by   analyzed.  The  percentage  of  CD3 CD19 CD56   NK
           “regulatory”  B  cells.   The data revealed  that the   cells  was  increased  to  different  degrees,  especially
           percentage of  CD1d CD5  cells among the CD19  +   in  GMG  patients  in  remission  stage  (20.69  ±  3.45)
           were significantly decreased in both the exacerbation   compared  to  healthy  controls  (11.33  ±  0.95;  P  =
           stage (6.93 ± 1.18) and remission stage (6.56 ± 1.32)   0.017). In the patients with OMG, who presented with
           of GMG patients compared to healthy controls (15.97   mild symptoms, NK cells tended to increase compared
           ±  2.88;  P  = 0.001 and  P  = 0.002, respectively) and   with those in the healthy controls (18.98 ± 3.81). Yet
           topatients with OMG (16.08 ± 2.88; P = 0.001 and P   the  increase  was  less  than  that  in  GMG  patients  in
           =  0.002,  respectively).  Bregs  in  the  peripheral  blood   remission stage and there was no statistical difference.
           of OMG patients did not show any decrease, instead   The  percentage  of  NK  cells  in  the  GMG  patients  at
           a  slight  increase.  But  no  significant  difference  was   exacerbation stage also tended to increase, but the
           found between those in the ocular MG patients and the   difference  was  not  significant  when  compared  with
           controls (P = 0.978). The imbalance of Bregs in GMG   that in the healthy controls (12.32 ± 1.42).  In order
           was more obvious. Usually the patients with GMG    to  determine  whether  NK  cell  frequencies  were
           display different levels of severity, and a lot of patients   associated with symptomatic  exacerbation, the
           may  experience  symptomatic  fluctuation  or  develop   percentages of NK cells were compared between the
           myasthenic crisis. In order to clarify whether Breg cells   two subgroups of GMG patients. The frequency of NK
           play a key role during symptomatic exacerbations,   cells  in  the  patients  in  remission  were  significantly
           we further compared the frequencies of these cells at   increased compared to patients in exacerbation
           different stages of GMG patients, and found that the   (20.69 ± 3.45 vs. 12.32 ± 1.42, P = 0.017, Table 4,
                                                              Figure 2). The data suggest that NK cells are involved
           Table 2: Factors leading to exacerbation           in the pathogenesis of MG and mayplay a protective
           Factor                    Number      Ratio (%)    role during development of the disease.
           Infection                    14          56
           Inappropriate drug use       4           16        Frequency of lymphocyte subsets in patients
           Unknown cause                4           16
           Surgery                      1            4        with exacerbation and infection
           Exhaustion                   1            4        It’s well known that various factors such as infections,
           Stress                       1            4        inappropriate drug use, or neuro-endocrine dysfunction

           Table 3: Frequencies of Breg cells in the peripheral blood of MG patients (%)
           Group                       Number       CD19 CD1d CD5  B cells     P value a  P value b  P value c
           Patients in exacerbation      25               6.93 ± 1.18           0.834       0.001      0.001
           Patients in remission         18               6.56 ± 1.32                       0.002     0.002
           Ocular MG                     11               16.08 ± 2.88                                 0.978
           Healthy controls              10               15.97 ± 2.88
           CD1d CD5 CD19  represent the Breg cells; the results represent the mean ± standard error; P value  as compared between the patients in
           exacerbation and patients in remission; P value  as compared with ocular MG; P value  as compared with healthy controls. MG: myasthenia
           Table 4: Frequencies of NK cells in the peripheral blood of MG patients (%)
           Group                       Number       CD3 CD19  CD56  NK cells   P value a  P value b  P value c
           Patients in exacerbation      25               12.32 ± 1.42          0.017       0.126     0.569
           Patients in remission         18               20.69 ± 3.45                      0.751      0.017
           Ocular MG                     11               18.98 ± 3.81                                 0.077
           Healthy controls              10               11.33 ± 0.95
           CD3 CD19  CD56  cells represent the NK cells. The results represent the mean ± standard error; P value  as compared between the
           patients in exacerbation and ones in remission; P value  as compared with ocular MG patients; P value  as compared with the healthy
           controls. NK: natural killer; MG: myasthenia gravis
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