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Turner et al.                                                                                                                                                                           LPS preconditioning neuroprotective

           because it undergoes robust biochemical changes    GFAP expression in the cortex differed significantly
           following  impact-acceleration TBI. [19]  The  software   between  experimental  groups  (F 3,32   =  57.92;  P  <
           selected  random  75-µm  counting frames with      0.001) [Figure 3]. LPS preconditioning significantly
           a depth of 6 µm, and the object of interest was    reduced GFAP levels  after  TBI according to  one-
           marked by an investigator blinded to treatment. The   way ANOVA  and  post-hoc  Tukey’s  test  (q  =  8.70,
           region of interest volume was previously identified,   P  <  0.001).  No  difference  was  observed  between
           and the number of cells marked by the observer was   sham-injured and LPS-treated animals (q = 2.89, P
           quantified.                                        > 0.05), indicating that peripheral administration of
                                                              LPS did not activate astrocytes.
           Statistical analysis
           Data were analyzed using GraphPad Prism version    LPS preconditioning reduces M1 microglia
           4.0. One-way  ANOVA with  post-hoc Tukey’s  test   activation after TBI
           was used to compare histological findings across   To investigate the effect of LPS preconditioning on
           control and various experimental groups. Repeated   classically activated microglia, CD68 expression
           measures  two-way  ANOVA  was  used  to  analyze   was quantified by stereology.  Figure 4 shows a
           the total activity data.  An overlap coefficient of   significant difference in CD68 expression between
           0.6  or greater indicated strong co-localization, a   experimental groups (F 3,32  = 28.22;  P < 0.001).
           coefficient  between  0.4  and  0.6  indicated  medium   The  presence  of  M1  microglia  (CD68  expression)
           co-localization, and a coefficient < 0.4 indicated   was significantly reduced after  TBI following LPS
           weak  co-localization. A  P  value  of  <  0.05  was   preconditioning compared with no LPS pretreatment
           considered statistically significant for all studies.  according to one-way ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey’s
                                                              test (q = 9.77, P < 0.001). Importantly, no significant
           RESULTS                                            differences  in  CD68  expression  were  observed
                                                              between injured animals with LPS preconditioning
           LPS induces transient acute sickness               and sham-injured animals (q = 2.121,  P > 0.05).
           behavior                                           These findings were consistent with IBA-1 staining
           LPS injection induces systemic sickness in rodents   for undifferentiated microglia, which showed a
           as evidenced by an acute reduction in activity. [10,20]    qualitative reduction in LPS pre-conditioned animals
           Figure 1 shows a significant reduction in total activity   [Figure 5].
           after LPS administration compared with saline-
           treated animals  based  on  time  (F 3,66   = 8.14,  P  <   LPS  preconditioning  reduces   OSMR
           0.001), treatment (F 1,66  = 18.67, P < 0.001), and the   expression in astrocytes after TBI
           time treatment interaction (F 3,66  = 22.92, P < 0.001)   One of the primary mechanisms  for regulating
           using  two-way  repeated measures  ANOVA.  Total   astrocyte activation is neuropoietic cytokine signaling
           activity was reduced  by approximately 71%  and    through the gp130 receptor-signaling complex.  TBI
           59% at 2 and 4 h post-injection, respectively. This   associated with significant vascular injury upregulates
           was resolved within 24 h, indicating that sickness   members of the neuropoietic cytokine family, including
           behavior was acute.

           LPS preconditioning reduces neuronal
           degeneration and glial activation following
           Previous    studies   have     demonstrated    a
           neuroprotective  effect  of  LPS  preconditioning
           following controlled cortical impact injury with
           large vascular insult.  Figure 2 shows a significant
           difference in cortical FJB expression between
           experimental groups (F 3,32  = 59.79; P < 0.001). LPS
           preconditioning  significantly  reduced  FJB  levels
           following  TBI according to one-way  ANOVA with
           Tukey’s  post-hoc test (q = 8.50,  P < 0.001). No
           difference was observed between sham-injured and
           LPS-treated animals (q = 0.13, P > 0.05), indicating   Figure 1: Total locomotor activity after LPS injection by number of
                                                              beam breaks at 2, 4, 24, and 48 h after injection. Acute sickness
           that peripheral administration of LPS did not induce   was present at 2 and 4 h but resolved by 24 h. ***P < 0.001. LPS:
           neurodegeneration.                                 lipopolysaccharide
                          Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ January 20, 2017              9
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