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Chu et al.                                                                                                                                                      Meningeal carcinomatosis: a retrospective analysis

           DISCUSSION                                         above can cause increase in the intracranial pressure.
                                                              This  is  confirmed  by  lumbar  puncture  measurement.
           MC is a special type of metastatic carcinoma  of the   Regular and biochemical tests were used in 62 cases.
           central nervous system with a incidence of 5-10% in   The protein level and white blood cell count in CSF
           all solid tumors. [5,6]  As a gradual increase of incidence   were found elevated in 47 (47/62, 73.4%) cases and
           and a high  mortality have been  observed  over time,   36 (36/62, 57.1%) cases, respectively. The obstruction
           early  diagnosis is crucial.  Due  to its diverse  clinical   of  CSF  circulation  path,  the  disruption  of  the  blood-
           manifestations,  it  is  difficult  to  make  a  diagnosis   brain barrier and the increase of vascular endothelial
           only with imaging examinations and CSF cytology is   permeability may cause the protein extravasation and
           necessary to find abnormal cells.                  diapedesis.  Interestingly,  30  (30/62,  48.4%)  cases
                                                              showed  a  lower  CSF  glucose  content  than  normal,
           At onset, the age  is similar  between  MC and  other   which  could  be  the  result  of  glucose  consumption
           tumors. In fact, MC can be found at any age, but it   caused by the proliferation and strong metabolism
           is more common in the elderly. Most patients present   of  tumor  cells.  In  addition,  as  it  is  difficult  for  blood
           with acute or subacute onset, while a small number of   glucose  to  pass  through  the  blood  brain  barrier,  the
           patients with primary tumors may be in chronic onset.   CSF glucose lacks the timely supply from blood, which
           Since cancer cells can move into the CSF and infiltrate   is another reason for the drop in glucose content.
           the dura and the brain parenchyma, clinical evidence   In  26  (41.9%) cases lower CSF chloride value was
           of the disease could appear as symptoms of meninges   observed. A lot of glycolysis produced a great amount
           and brain parenchyma damage,  cranial nerve palsy   of acid metabolites, facilitating the CSF chloride decline
           and spinal nerve root symptoms.  The most frequent   (as the chloride reduces easily in acid conditions). At
           initial symptom  is  intracranial hypertension such as   the  same time,  loss of  large amount  of gastric  acid
           headache,  nausea and vomit.  The main reason for   after frequent vomiting is another reason for chloride
           headache  is the increasing  intracranial  pressure   reduction. So the overall abnormal rate of protein,
           caused by cancerous obstruction of CSF circulation   glucose, chloride and white cells in CSF was high.
           pathway. Besides, the meninges  irritation  is partly
           responsible for headache.                          Seventy-three  cases underwent  CSF cytology
                                                              examination. Tumor  cells  in the CSF were  found  by
           In this study, we found 11 (14.3%) cases of convulsions,   one lumbar puncture and two lumbar punctures in 60
           5 (6.5%) of mental  disorders  such as illusion  and   cases (82.2%) and 6 cases (8.2%), respectively. Only
           personality change, 3 (3.9%) of conscious disorder and   in one case tumor cells were not found until the third
           other CNS damaged symptoms.  The  common signs     time lumbar puncture. Enough samples combined with
           include  41 (53.2%) cases of meningeal  stimulation   accurate assessment from clinical  physicians  would
           and  20  (26%)  cases  of positive  pyramidal  tract,  etc.   improve the diagnostic rate.  Only in 3 cases, CSF
           The most common damaged nerves include abducens    tumor markers were abnormal. It is difficult to diagnose
           nerve, oculomotor nerve and facial nerve, and each   the source of tumor cells on the basis of cytology
           type of damaged nerve accounts for 10 cases (13%) in   morphology. We can combine cytology examination
           our study. The other cranial nerves such as optic nerve,   with CSF tumor markers to diagnose  the properties
           auditory  nerve, hypoglossal  nerve, glossopharyngeal   and origin of tumor cells. [12]
           nerve also can be involved,  which  was similar  with
           what already described in the literature.  In this study,   It  is  difficult  to  diagnose  MC  through  standard  MRI
           there were 12 (15.6%) patients with bilateral limbs   scan.  But  we  can  find  some  indirect  signs  such  as
           weakness  or paresthesia,  11 (14.3%)  patients  with   ventricular expansion, hydrocephalus, etc. There are
           tendon reflexes diminished or disappeared, 5 (6.5%)   a lot of dural blood capillaries in normal humans, but
           patients with the neck shoulder pain which is the effect   there is no blood brain barrier because lack of close
           of the infiltration of tumor cells and the irritation of the   connection between endothelial  cells.  Although the
           spinal nerve root. In addition, there was one case with   capillaries  of  leptomeninges  are fewer than dura,
           rectal bladder  dysfunction  and  saddle  area  sensory   the blood brain barrier exists because there are lots
           deficiency. The Kernig sign and the Lasegue sign may   of close connection between endothelial cells.  The
           be positive in the physical examination.           normal dura may be strengthened during head MRI
                                                              enhanced scanning, but it does not show nodular or
           The cerebral vascular endothelial permeability increases   hybrid reinforcement. MC also destroys blood brain
           when the meninges are stimulated by tumor cells and   barrier,  in fact the majority of patients shows dural
           produce various chemicals, at the same time the CSF   abnormal reinforcement such as nodositas, line type
           circulation path may be blocked by tumor cells. All of   and mixed type. A small number of patients have no
             4                                                                    Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ January 20, 2017
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