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Chu et al.                                                                                                                                                      Meningeal carcinomatosis: a retrospective analysis

           cases showed abnormal  cells; while in 8.2% (6/73)   the increased CA125 was 32% (8/25). 32% (8/25) of
           cases abnormal cells were found through a second   the patients had increased  CA199. In 28% (7/25) of
           time lumbar  puncture;  only  in one  case tumor   the patients NSE increase  was observed.  The rate
           cells were found in the third lumbar puncture. Cell   of the increased CA153 was 24% (6/25). There were
           morphology analysis revelaed that 14 cases showed   16% (4/25) of the patients who had increased CA724.
           adenocarcinoma  cells.  The remaining  cases were   Four percent (1/25) of the patients’ alpha-fetoprotein
           characterized  by an increase in  cell  size, irregular   increased. The rate of elevated  blood  sedimentation
           shape, cell body stain and darker cytoplasm. Cell   was 66.7% (10/15).
           membranes were incomplete and with protrusions.
           Nuclear cytoplasm ratio increased, and nucleus were   Imaging findings in MC patients
           centered or showed deviation, occasionally they were   Twenty-four  cases had  head computed  tomography
           double-nucleated. In some cells, cytoplasmic vacuoles   examinations. Among these, one of them showed that
           were  observed near  the membrane.  Some mitotic   meninges  thickened  significantly.  One  case  showed
           cells could also be observed. The cytology results for   the expansion of  the ventricles and hydrocephalus,
           different cancers are shown in Figure 2. Only 3 cases   the  others  had  no  significant  abnormalities.  Fifty-
           of the CSF tumor markers were checked, and all the   three cases had head MRI scan examinations and 17
           results were abnormal. Patients with elevated IgG   (32.1%) of them were abnormal. A total of 12 (35.3%)
           accounted for 72.7% (16/22).                       cases had meningeal reinforcement in the 34 cases of

           CSF  routine biochemical  examination was found    enhanced scan.
           abnormal in 95.3% (61/64) patients. High protein   Primary tumors
           accounted for 74% (46/62) (normal range 0.15-0.45 g/L),
           reduced glucose was 45% (27/60) (normal range 2.3-  The most frequent primary tumor in our study was
           4.1 mmol/L), reduced  chlorine  accounted  for 38%   lung cancer (35/77, 58.3%), followed by gastric cancer
           (23/60) (normal range 119-129 mmol/L), elevated white   (10/77, 16.7%), breast cancer (6/77, 10%), melanoma
           blood cell count was 59.7% (37/62) (normal range 0-8   (3/77, 5%) and non-hodgkin’s lymphoma (2/77, 3.3%).
           × 10 /L), which was given priority to mononuclear cells.  In addition, one patient presented with primary lesion
                                                              in ovarian and one presented with colon cancer.  In
           Tumor marker changes in MC patients                one  case the primary  tumor was nasopharyngeal
           The rate of abnormal serum tumor markers was       carcinoma,  and in another it was acute lymphocytic
           84%. Sixty-eight percent (17/25) of the patients had   leukemia. Seventeen (22.1%) had no primary tumor.
           increased carcinoembryonic  antigen. In  44% (11/25)   The interval  from diagnosis  of primary  tumor to the
           of the patients CYFRA21-1 increased.  The rate of   onset of central nervous system (CNS) symptoms was
                                                              also  analyzed: 45 cases (58.4%) initially  presented
                                                              with CNS symptoms without history of tumor; 26%
                                                              (20/77) patients developed CNS symptoms when the
                                                              primary tumor had been diagnosed for no more than
                                                              one year; 6.5% (5/77) patients experienced  CNS
                                                              symptoms at one to two years after the diagnosis of
                                                              primary tumor; 9.1% (7/77) patients did not experience
                                                              the CNS symptoms until the primary tumor has been
                                                              diagnosed for more than two years.

                                                              Treatment and survival
           Figure 1: The distribution of the intracranial pressure  Thirteen patients received  intrathecal chemotherapy
                                                              (with methotrexate or cytarabine or dexamethasone)
                                                              and radiotherapy treatment and other 13 patients
                                                              received only symptomatic and supportive treatment.
                                                              The remaining patients were lost during the follow-up.
                                                              The mean survival period in the radiotherapy  and
                                                              chemotherapy treatment group was 24.77 ± 22.80 weeks,
           Figure 2: Cytology results for three types of cancer patient. (A)
           One case of lung cancer meningeal carcinomatosis cerebrospinal   whereas in the symptomatic and supportive treatment
           fluid cytology test result; (B) one case of breast cancer meningeal   group it was 12.46 ± 18.00 weeks (P = 0.14). There
           carcinomatosis cerebrospinal fluid cytology test result; (C) one case
           of gastric meningeal carcinomatosis cerebrospinal fluid cytology   was no statistically significant difference between the
           test result                                        survivals of these two groups.
                          Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ January 20, 2017              3
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