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Turner et al.                                                                                                                                                                           LPS preconditioning neuroprotective

           INTRODUCTION                                       METHODS

           Endotoxin preconditioning with lipopolysaccharide   Animals
           (LPS) was previously shown to be neuroprotective in   All procedures involving live animals were approved
           models of ischemic stroke and traumatic brain injury   by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
           (TBI).   The neuroprotective mechanisms of LPS     of West Virginia University and were performed
           remain unclear, particularly with regards to vascular-  according to the principles of the Guide for the
           mediated  effects.  Prior  studies  have  studies  this   Care and Use of Laboratory  Animals, published
           using contusion-based models of neurotrauma. The   by  the  Institute  of  Laboratory  Resources,  National
           contusion model  irreversibly injures a focal brain   Research Council (National Institutes of Health
           region, creating a gross structural void associated   publication 85-23-2985).  Thirty-two male Sprague
           with significant vascular injury.  The  mechanisms   Dawley rats (Hilltop) at 3-4 months of age were
           of LPS preconditioning are poorly understood       used in this study. Animals were given standard rat
           and  have  not  been  studied  in  a  model  of  diffuse   chow and water ad libitum.
           axonal injury. There is emerging evidence that pro-
           inflammatory regulation is neuroprotective in models   LPS preconditioning
           of neural injury,  particularly the regulation of pro-  Rats  were  pretreated  with  a  single  intraperitoneal
           inflammatory cytokines and microglial phenotype    injection of either 0.2 mg/kg LPS (Sigma-Aldrich) or
           changes.  Microglia  is  pleiotropic  and  transition   0.9% saline (equal volume) 7 days prior to TBI.
           between continuum states. These states are termed
           M1 or M2 depending on the inciting events.         Locomotor behavior
           Microglia may have protective and destructive roles,   After  LPS  injection,  the  development  of  sickness
           depending on the transition state.   The ratio of   behavior was monitored using activity chambers
           microglial states can predict the subacute outcome   as described by Godbout  et al. [10]  Locomotor
           following injury. M1 microglia are pro-inflammatory   activity was assessed using an automated activity
           and can cause long-term deficits.  Although  LPS   monitoring system (San Diego Instruments, San
           has been shown to influence astrocyte phenotypes,   Diego, CA) that recorded beam breaks in the x, y,
           it is not clear whether LPS preconditioning        and z planes. Animals were acclimated to the room
           modulates  microglial  phenotypes  following  diffuse   for 1 h prior to testing. Testing chambers consisted of
           axonal injury. [7]                                 square Plexiglass housing and 16 × 16 photobeam
                                                              arrays to detect lateral movements. An 8 × 8 array,
           In this study, we investigated the neuroprotective   located above the 16 × 16 array, detected rearing-
           effect of LPS preconditioning in a closed-head     associated movements. Activity was quantified over
           model of diffuse axonal injury for the first time. This   30 min and the sum of fine, ambulatory, and rearing
           model of TBI has increased clinical relevance due to   beam breaks was calculated to give the total number
           axonal shearing seen with diffuse neurotrauma.  We   of beam breaks. These recordings were completed
           hypothesized that LPS preconditioning would reduce   at 2, 4, 24, and 48 h post-injection.
           inflammation  and  neurodegeneration  following
           diffuse axonal injury. In addition, we predicted that   TBI induction
           LPS preconditioning would regulate the oncostatin   Animals were divided into four groups: sham surgery
           M receptor (OSMR) in astrocytes and activate the   (n = 8), sham surgery with LPS pretreatment (n
           M1 microglia phenotype after  TBI.  TBI promotes   = 8),  impact-acceleration  injury following  saline
           pro-inflammatory  cascades  and  increases  the    injection (n = 8), and impact-acceleration injury with
           expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP); [2,9]    LPS pretreatment (n = 8). Anesthesia was induced
           however, a link between astrocyte regulation and   and maintained using isoflurane (4% induction, 2%
           the  microglia  phenotype  after  TBI  has  not  been   maintenance). Body temperature was controlled
           investigated. In this study, we explored the effect   with  a  homeothermic  heating  blanket  equipped
           of LPS preconditioning on astrocytes and microglia   with a rectal probe. Rats received an impact-
           and addressed the relationship between cytokine    acceleration  injury  as  described  previously. [11-13]
           receptor expression, astrocyte reactivity, and     Briefly, a 10-mm diameter and 3-mm thick stainless
           microglial phenotype. Improving our understanding   steel disk was affixed to the skull with cyanoacrylate
           of the protective effects of LPS preconditioning may   between bregma and lambda.  The animal was
           accelerate  the  identification  of  novel  therapeutic   placed in a prone position on a foam bed with a
           targets that reduce damage after TBI in individuals   metal disk directly beneath a 2-m tall Plexiglass tube.
           at risk of concussion.                             A  450-g weight was dropped from the top of the
                          Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ January 20, 2017              7
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